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11-26-2003, 03:49 AM
If you want legal advice HOTTOGO, set up an appointment and I will give it to you at my standard hourly rate. :D :D :D

As far as what is said on this board, actions speak a lot louder then words. I have seen the people come together in our community for those in need time and time again. I know what type of community we live in and so do you. Don't worry about these people who are just looking for reasons to make fun of us at every turn. If you try to make a good comment about something , someone makes fun. If you make fun someone gets mad. If you support your town, someone bashes you. It's just a dicussion board for goodness sake, not the Chamber of Commerce. Now be nice. If you want to carry on this conversation with me, you can P.M., tell me who you are(Although I think I already know) and I will be glad to discuss football with you, as well as a coaches obligations. :p :p .
Paintball, you've got some nerve! You for the most part kept this thing going! Now you try to smooth it out among your townspeople??????
Wow! eek!
I see one person who is worried about what others are seeing around you. It is you.
I made fun of your 'dog' last night.
BTW, folks...
This paintball 'turned' me in to Angelfire last night because I had the best of him. I took his little piZZing dog and used it on him(on this board defending Ranger MOM and others) and he claimed to my site's administrators that what I did was abuse! I'm still fighting it! :mad: It seems that some here who were defending their town (Sinton) justly, can't get an apology from someone like your hometown laywer PAINTBALL! Of course, in his local, 'my world is the only important world', I am GOD to Burnet self-proclaimed title he goes away with a clean bill of health????????????
It's important to me! Many of us have made friendships! Why in the HECK would any of us want to meet?!?!?!?!?!?!
It's not important what is said here...of course.
Really. A wink and it all goes away...
He will still not apologize for accusations against our town and community(CC does the seating, NOT SINTON!)!!!!!!!!!!!!
The game IS fun, but this is almost personal...
You would not have acted the way you did PAINTBALL if all this was JUST a discussion board...
I call your bluff. It's too bad you're trying to call one on your own town... eek!
Hottogo, spaniard, Chris, CTF, olddog and so many others...
I am so sorry. Many of us have a nice friendship and have tried to set this guy straight. I begin to wonder if he says who he is...
Sorry to bring this up folks, but any one of you would do the same if your town's reputation was on the line. {:>)

<small>[ November 26, 2003, 02:50 AM: Message edited by: SintonFan ]</small>

11-26-2003, 09:02 AM
Sinton fan, some people make friends where ever they go, for others its not that easy. They live in the box that they create around themselves. Im not going to push this any further, I really already know the answer to the question that I put to Paintball. Lets just try to put this behind us and go watch a good football game. It seems that some people forget that this is really about the kids. Im just a mom, but yes, if I were the Sinton coach, facing an opponent that it might be difficult to beat, I would try for any advantage possible, and I imagine Coach Shipley would too. I just want to wish all the people traveling to this game a safe trip, regardless of where your comming from. And I pray for the health and well being of all of our young people attending and playing in the game.

11-26-2003, 09:10 AM
No! Shipley could have last year and he didn't. Sinton didn't extend the same courtesy this year. Distort it how you want to. I for one, stand behind Paintball. He said nothing that wasn't true. It was totally classless and the score will reflect it. End of subject for me. http://www.geocities.com/espn_1@sbcglobal.net/bdawgs.gif

<small>[ November 26, 2003, 08:13 AM: Message edited by: espn1 ]</small>

11-26-2003, 09:15 AM
Sinton did noting wrong - you're just mad 'cause you gotta make the long drive IMO.

11-26-2003, 09:28 AM
No! Shipley could have last year and he didn't. Sinton didn't extend the same courtesy this year. Distort it how you want to. I for one, stand behind Paintball. He said nothing that wasn't true. It was totally classless and the score will reflect it. End of subject for me. http://www.geocities.com/espn_1@sbcglobal.net/bdawgs.gifShipley wasnt the underdog last year, we were pretty evenly matched, you missed the point that I was trying to make entirely.

11-26-2003, 09:28 AM
Sinton did noting wrong - you're just mad 'cause you gotta make the long drive IMO.You don't know a thing about what you're talking about. As for travel? I will be on a Chartered bus traveling. Some people have a real problem understanding the concept of returning favors. When I mow half of my neighbors yard because I want to, they are not obligated to mow it the next time. But they usually do anyway because they have class and want to renew friendship. Get the concept?

11-26-2003, 09:32 AM
its my opionion, as i said. be safe traveling & good luck.

11-26-2003, 09:35 AM

Sinton did noting wrong - you're just mad 'cause you gotta make the long drive IMO.You don't know a thing about what you're talking about. As for travel? I will be on a Chartered bus traveling. Some people have a real problem understanding the concept of returning favors. When I mow half of my neighbors yard because I want to, they are not obligated to mow it the next time. But they usually do anyway because they have class and want to renew friendship. Get the concept?Your coach should of decided on a cental location and they wouldn't of had to flip for it. He had his chance to makem an evenly matched road trip.

11-26-2003, 09:37 AM
its my opionion, as i said. be safe traveling & good luck.You be safe too, I might be in the seat behind you on the trip down eek! wink . Just kidding, have a great trip and lets be there for our green dogs!