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View Full Version : Another tragedy at China Spring

05-23-2009, 09:36 AM
Another China Spring student was killed in a car accident yesterday. Please keep the community and family in your prayers. This is the third CS student to die in a car accident this year. Two died in the fall and now this. A very sad way to close out the school year.


K-MAC Chuck
05-23-2009, 09:46 AM
God Bless you folks up there...three tragedies like that in one school year is a LOT to handle - here's praying this is the LAST one..

05-23-2009, 11:09 AM
several years ago we had this happen out at Abilene Wylie, two girls killed in one accident then a couple more in other accidents. Then followed by several others that seriously injured some of our students.

Yall are in our prayers, CS.....

05-23-2009, 11:01 PM
Prayers go out to the family and the community. :( I've said it before - these kinds of stories are a parents' worst nightmare. :( Parents- never pass up an opportunity to tell your kids that you love them. Kids - please remember, you're parents tell you to buckle up, pay attention and be careful because they love you :) (not saying the boy did anything wrong, just making the statement in general) God bless Alex's family.