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05-22-2009, 09:06 AM
Let's not forget that Memorial Day is far more than just the semi-official beginning of summer. It is far more than barbecues, parties, or swimming pools.

Memorial Day was originally established as a day of remembrance for Union soldiers killed during the Civil War. After WWI it became a day to remember all those who sacrificed everything for the freedoms we all enjoy. It began as a day to visit cemeteries, place flowers on graves, and honor those who had died in war. Often picnics were held at those cemeteries and it was a sad but meaningful day for all.

Now it has become somewhat of just a day off. Lest we forget the sacrifices that were made in order for us to have that day off, I give you the names of my friends and comrades-in-arms who died while being my squadron mates in Vietnam.

Alan Trent
Eric Huberth
Loel Rexroad
Robert "Bob" Smith
George Richard "Rick" Keller
Glenn Lee

Maybe it's a bit more personal when one is there, but everyone owes these young men a debt of gratitude. If you want to know who they were, just google the names as they are all permanently listed on the wall in Washington DC.

Phil C
05-22-2009, 04:13 PM
I agree with everything posted. We have several monuments at our County Courthouse for those who have died in war. I always make a special point to have a special visit to them on Memorial and Veterans' Day.

05-23-2009, 05:00 PM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
Let's not forget that Memorial Day is far more than just the semi-official beginning of summer. It is far more than barbecues, parties, or swimming pools.

Memorial Day was originally established as a day of remembrance for Union soldiers killed during the Civil War. After WWI it became a day to remember all those who sacrificed everything for the freedoms we all enjoy. It began as a day to visit cemeteries, place flowers on graves, and honor those who had died in war. Often picnics were held at those cemeteries and it was a sad but meaningful day for all.

Now it has become somewhat of just a day off. Lest we forget the sacrifices that were made in order for us to have that day off, I give you the names of my friends and comrades-in-arms who died while being my squadron mates in Vietnam.

Alan Trent
Eric Huberth
Loel Rexroad
Robert "Bob" Smith
George Richard "Rick" Keller
Glenn Lee

Maybe it's a bit more personal when one is there, but everyone owes these young men a debt of gratitude. If you want to know who they were, just google the names as they are all permanently listed on the wall in Washington DC.

Great quote

05-25-2009, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
Let's not forget that Memorial Day is far more than just the semi-official beginning of summer. It is far more than barbecues, parties, or swimming pools.

Memorial Day was originally established as a day of remembrance for Union soldiers killed during the Civil War. After WWI it became a day to remember all those who sacrificed everything for the freedoms we all enjoy. It began as a day to visit cemeteries, place flowers on graves, and honor those who had died in war. Often picnics were held at those cemeteries and it was a sad but meaningful day for all.

Now it has become somewhat of just a day off. Lest we forget the sacrifices that were made in order for us to have that day off, I give you the names of my friends and comrades-in-arms who died while being my squadron mates in Vietnam.

Alan Trent
Eric Huberth
Loel Rexroad
Robert "Bob" Smith
George Richard "Rick" Keller
Glenn Lee

Maybe it's a bit more personal when one is there, but everyone owes these young men a debt of gratitude. If you want to know who they were, just google the names as they are all permanently listed on the wall in Washington DC.
