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View Full Version : I wish the BURNET fans........

09-18-2003, 08:57 AM
.....would follow the lead of the Longhorns and exercise a media boycott for a few weeks. Ban all computer usage (or at least posts concerning the Burnet football team) for a little while. People are starting to not like you guys. eek!

09-18-2003, 10:01 AM
Ozzy, really. What else is new?

09-18-2003, 02:22 PM
I will second that motion Ozzy.

09-18-2003, 03:36 PM
Personally Ozzy, I find your statement a little lacking in fact. Most of the Burnet posters on this board do so with good taste. Sure they boast on their team a bit, so would I, so have I in years past. The problem with your statement is that it reads to be about Burnet fans in general, when it probably applies to only one or two you have read. Maybe you should try to be more specific.

09-18-2003, 03:58 PM
I'm gonna try to get inside Ozzy's mind for a minute (now thats a scary though) but I "think" what he might be trying to say is that anytime something is mentioned such as "intimindating stadiums" or "state champs" all the way down to "best nachos" 75 Burnet fans all jump on every thread proclaiming the greatness of all that is Burnet. Not many 3a teams have the fanbase of Burnet and they tend to overwhelm you sometimes.

09-18-2003, 04:00 PM
In all honesty I have not read anything bad a Burnet fan has said about another team (correct me if i'm wrong). I'm not trying to take sides with anyone or make them mad, but you know as well as I do that if our team was as good as Burnet is (or is supposed to be) we would brag about them a lot too! If they do happen to lose a game or not win state then you can say I told you so or make fun of them. But c'mon, they have some of the best players in 3A all on one team! You can't help but brag about that! So cut 'em some slack and let them have their fun, I mean they are the fans! wink

Old Dog
09-18-2003, 04:16 PM
Ozzy, for crying out loud....chill out, and let us enjoy the ride. Some day it will all be a memory and the next hot team will be talked about the most. If this really bothers you, maybe you should go play cricket!

09-18-2003, 04:19 PM
I am sure that almost every poster on this board has at one time or another said something negative about another team. Heck, sometimes even something negative about their home team. And I am sure every poster is proud of their teams stadiums, concession stands, attendance rates etc. Doesn't the word fan actually come from fanatic?

There does appear to be times when the majority of posts are started and continued by one particular fan base. This is not necessarily a bad thing. I think it shows the excitement the community is feeling for their home team. If you go to rivals and log on any college board listed you will find trash talk about every other university program out there, especially against their rival school.

This board is suppose to be for people to express what they are excited about, hungry for, angry at etc. Maybe we can all read, "listen", and learn. Everytime I post, I learn something about everyone who posts a reply. Every time I read something posted, I learn a little more about each of you. That is, to me, what this board is all about. We have learned each others passions, faults, silliness, hurts, and angers. I love the spirit of this board! I love the banter!

We are very lucky to have this board and the people who adminster it as well. Even if we don't agree with each other all the time! There are times when I don't agree with Matthew and his top 25 but I appreciate the effort and his expertise.

I also appreciate the fact that "human issues" are discussed as well. Maybe some of what the "adults" on this board say is getting into the heads of the teens who read and post. Maybe 3A Downlow is helping shape the kids( okay that was a long shot but worth taking :-))

Sorry again for the soapbox. I just want to say that I, for one, love reading all the posts, no matter who posts them, no matter what they are about. Everyone keep up the good work.

09-18-2003, 04:30 PM
When you read a good book or see a good movie, its all you want to talk about for days. In the past three weeks we Burnet fans have seen the best high school football team we have ever seen play. We watch in Awe each week. It doesn't mean the team will win State or even that they won't get beat early in the playoffs. We don't know what else in out there. If our excitement offends you, I'm sorry.

<small>[ September 18, 2003, 04:36 PM: Message edited by: PAINTBALL ]</small>

09-18-2003, 04:57 PM
Burnet is ranked no. 1 in the state. They have handled themselves nicely. There is nothing wrong with their pride. Last year there seemed to be more cocky ones who were run off early in the season.

Chris Hart
09-18-2003, 06:26 PM
I know that there are alot of Burnet posters on this board, but there are only one or two that I know of that are what I would consider cocky. I believe the rest of us are proud, and aren't afraid to say so. But what you WON'T hear from me is how I think Burnet is 'Going to win State', or 'We're #1' or anything else arrogant for that matter. I KNOW, and I believe most other Burnet posters do too, that there are teams out there capable of beating Burnet, but I don't think we are proclaiming that we're going to be the champs just because we are excited about our team, community or fan base. These are just things we are VERY proud of. But we here in Burnet are still prepared for a loss at anytime, just like we have been in years past. We have been to the Championship twice and lost both times, we KNOW that nothing is a given in High School Football. If it was, then why even attend the games? We may lose several games this year and make an early exit from the playoffs(if we make em), but will that change our enthusiasm about our team, community etc.? No Way!

I'm truly sorry if the Burnet posters are offending anyone, I'm sure it's not their intent, but we will continue to support our team proudly win/lose/draw. Go Burnet Bulldogs! :)

Bandera YaYa
09-18-2003, 06:33 PM
Great posts....Good luck Burnet...live the dream!!!

09-19-2003, 01:13 AM
So............. how Good is Burnet. this year?

09-19-2003, 01:32 AM
BURNET RULES! Okay, least their fans do...

09-19-2003, 08:11 AM
So............. how Good is Burnet. this year?What, is that a serious question, sarcasm, or are you trying to get Ozzy mad at everyone? LOL! :D

09-19-2003, 08:47 AM
Hey Burnet, I heard that Midland Christian called this morning and cancelled the game for tonight. They were afraid that since the new message center was installed on the scoreboard that a 3A Down Low poster would be running the thing and would just post messages about Burnet's domination. C'mon people, GET A LIFE!

Help me Sharon! These people are freakin' insane!!!!! :o

09-19-2003, 09:00 AM
Hey Burnet, I heard that Midland Christian called this morning and cancelled the game for tonight. They were afraid that since the new message center was installed on the scoreboard that a 3A Down Low poster would be running the thing and would just post messages about Burnet's domination. C'mon people, GET A LIFE!

Help me Sharon! These people are freakin' insane!!!!! :o They called on Mon. or Tues. and tried to cancel. I think we told them that we would play our second unit most of the game. Luckily they didn't back out. Homecoming is never any fun with one team. What that has to do with getting a life I'm not sure.

09-19-2003, 09:15 AM
Ozzy, why do you have a problem with Burnet Fans being proud of their team? Fans are the same the world over. Everyone is proud of their team, that is why they follow them. That is why they support them. Burnet players know that when they go play a game, no matter how big or how small the opponent is, thousands of green claid fans will be there, supporting them and cheering for them.

It's not just Burnet fans that are proud of their team. Jasper has followers, Gatesville, Bridge City, Belville, and a host of other teams will be on here posting about their teams.

Burnet is in the middle of a good run right now, and their fan base is huge. Who cares if their fans want to get on the internet and bang away at a keyboard to express their excitement about their team winning some football games. I am sure when your team wins, you will be on here boasting about how well your team played.

Burnet is a target right now, and people are aiming for Burnet on all fields. If they can't beat you on the field, they will try to find a way to beat you off the field. That's the way society has fallen. No more integrity, No more, "Great game guys, you are a good football team and the better team won tonight." Instead it's like, "Hey, you beat us tonight, but your posters on the internet are buttheads. Ours are much more civilized than your out of control, screaming freaks. You wouldn't have beat us without the help of the officials anyway." Society has lost all sense of accountability. Poeple continue to find ways to blame someone else for their own failures. And as long as that happens, people will continue to drag those down who succeed.

09-19-2003, 09:19 AM
Hey Burnet, I heard that Midland Christian called this morning and cancelled the game for tonight. They were afraid that since the new message center was installed on the scoreboard that a 3A Down Low poster would be running the thing and would just post messages about Burnet's domination. C'mon people, GET A LIFE!

Help me Sharon! These people are freakin' insane!!!!! :o Actually I think Ozzy was trying to use some wit and didn't relize that Midland Christian really did try to cancel. As my friend Doctor Evil would say.

09-19-2003, 09:22 AM
A Burnet assistant coach confirmed to me that Midland Christian did in fact call and inquire about the possibility of cancelling the game. They had 5 or 6 of their key players transfer to Midland High this summer and they got beat up against La Vernia. The second team will get some serious playing time.

09-19-2003, 09:38 AM
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry...

I think all of that "Soul Glow" is going to your head. I also heard that the field was seriously vandalized last night. Was this a ploy by the Burnet coaching staff to fire up the players? Kind of like last year when the coaches burned the bonfire. "SPRIRT - PRIDE - HONOR"

Shaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! !!

09-19-2003, 09:50 AM
Jerry, Jerry, Jerry...

I think all of that "Soul Glow" is going to your head. I also heard that the field was seriously vandalized last night. Was this a ploy by the Burnet coaching staff to fire up the players? Kind of like last year when the coaches burned the bonfire. "SPRIRT - PRIDE - HONOR"

Shaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrooooooooooonnnnnnnnnnnnn!!!! !!BWA HAHAHA BWA HAHAHA BWA HAHAHA BWA HAHAHA!

09-19-2003, 09:52 AM
yeah right, like the Coaches would slice up their brand new goal post pads and every sign in the stadium including the State Semi Finalist sign.

Bandera YaYa
09-19-2003, 10:07 AM
Did the stadium really get vandelized???

09-19-2003, 10:14 AM
As you all know, I am a diehard Sinton fan. Even though my Pirates are 0-3 thus far, even though the offense is turning the ball over a lot and causing our defense to get worn out in the second half, I'm still a fan. I still go to the games when I can. If we were in the running again this year, I would be just as proud of my team as Burnet fans are of theirs. I say leave them alone and let them enjoy their success.

This kind of success doesn't come along very often. As long as their posters are not obnoxious, then leave them alone. As long as they don't try to rub it in everyone's faces, then leave them alone. Remember, these are Burnet FANS, not players on their team. Bottom line, I'm envious as all get out THIS year, and wish we could be there to challenge them. That's not likely to happen, but I won't deny them their joy.

09-19-2003, 10:23 AM
66- I've said it before and I'll say it again... you are one fine person! Thanks for your honesty, and your support! :)

Bandera YaYa
09-19-2003, 10:24 AM
You're a class act, Sinton66!! :)
Ditto for me!

09-19-2003, 10:42 AM
I'm envious too. I still like to give'em a little ribbin' now and then. I became a Burnet fan after last year with all of the support they gave to Corey. Takes a special kind of people to open their hearts(and wallets) to someone they don't know. Although it will get old by week 7.hehehe :D :D :D