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05-08-2009, 09:45 AM
Jim Neugent

A Coach In Childress , Texas

Writes To ABC Network

Jim Writes:

My name is Jim Neugent. I wrote to ABC (on-line) concerning a program called 'THE PRACTICE.' In last nights episode, one of the lawyer's mothers decided she is gay and wanted her son to go to court and help her get a marriage license so she could marry her 'partner.' I sent the following letter to ABC yesterday and really did not expect a reply, but I did get one.

My original message was:

ABC is obsessed with the subject of homosexuality. I will no longer watch any of your attempts to convince the world that homosexuality is OK. ' THE PRACTICE' can be a fairly good show, but last night's program was so typical of your agenda. You picked the 'dufus' of the office to be the one who was against the idea of his mother being gay, and made him look like a whiner because he had convictions. This type of mentality calls people like me a 'gay basher.'

Read the first chapter of Romans (that's in the Bible); and see what the apostle Paul had to say about it..... He, God and Jesus were all 'gay bashers'. What if she'd fallen in love with her cocker spaniel? Is that an alternative life style? (By the way, the Bible speaks against that, too.)

--Jim Neugent

Here is ABC's reply from the ABC on-line webmaster:

How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is ONLY a book of stories compiled by MANY different writers hundreds of years ago) and read the declaration of independence (what our nation is built on), where it says 'All Men are Created equal,' and try treating them that way for a change!

Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of stories as your lame crutch for your existence. You are in the minority in this country, and your boycott will not affect us at ABC or our freedom of statement..

Jim Neugent's second response to ABC:

Thanks for your reply. From your harsh reply, evidently I hit a nerve. I will share it with all with whom I come in contact.. Hopefully, the Arkansas Democrat Newspaper will include it in one of their columns and I will be praying for you.

- -Jim Neugent- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

05-08-2009, 09:54 AM
Originally posted by BwdLions
Jim Neugent

A Coach In Childress , Texas

Writes To ABC Network

Jim Writes:

My name is Jim Neugent. I wrote to ABC (on-line) concerning a program called 'THE PRACTICE.' In last nights episode, one of the lawyer's mothers decided she is gay and wanted her son to go to court and help her get a marriage license so she could marry her 'partner.' I sent the following letter to ABC yesterday and really did not expect a reply, but I did get one.

My original message was:

ABC is obsessed with the subject of homosexuality. I will no longer watch any of your attempts to convince the world that homosexuality is OK. ' THE PRACTICE' can be a fairly good show, but last night's program was so typical of your agenda. You picked the 'dufus' of the office to be the one who was against the idea of his mother being gay, and made him look like a whiner because he had convictions. This type of mentality calls people like me a 'gay basher.'

Read the first chapter of Romans (that's in the Bible); and see what the apostle Paul had to say about it..... He, God and Jesus were all 'gay bashers'. What if she'd fallen in love with her cocker spaniel? Is that an alternative life style? (By the way, the Bible speaks against that, too.)

--Jim Neugent

Here is ABC's reply from the ABC on-line webmaster:

How about getting your nose out of the Bible (which is ONLY a book of stories compiled by MANY different writers hundreds of years ago) and read the declaration of independence (what our nation is built on), where it says 'All Men are Created equal,' and try treating them that way for a change!

Or better yet, try thinking for yourself and stop using an archaic book of stories as your lame crutch for your existence. You are in the minority in this country, and your boycott will not affect us at ABC or our freedom of statement..

Jim Neugent's second response to ABC:

Thanks for your reply. From your harsh reply, evidently I hit a nerve. I will share it with all with whom I come in contact.. Hopefully, the Arkansas Democrat Newspaper will include it in one of their columns and I will be praying for you.

- -Jim Neugent- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

05-08-2009, 09:55 AM
Not to be a pessimist (sp), but I rarely believe these posts or emails I find on the intraweb. Suprisingly, when I snopes'd it, it came up true!!


Of course, ABC took immediate action on this.

05-08-2009, 09:59 AM
So this was 10 years ago. I'd say ABC did the right thing, but would they have terminated the employee today? It seems like the only religion under attack now is Christianity.

05-08-2009, 09:59 AM
I've gotten to where I don't watch anything on network TV. They are always force-feeding the public immoral garbage as if it's okay. I have children and don't want them exposed to the negative and immoral garbage they show. Is it any wonder why this country has gotten more and more violent and immoral with this kind of stuff being shown. When that show first came out, my wife and I enjoyed it, but it started showing immoral themes that turned us away. It's really sad that the media is trying to influence people to accept everything that is immoral as mainstream, when the majority of this country doesn't hold those same beliefs. The media is OUT OF TOUCH with reality in my opinion.:hand:

05-08-2009, 10:04 AM
waterboy, we don't allow TV during the week in our house. We have a DVR and we record programs the kids want to watch during the week to be watched on the weekend.
My kids have become avid readers in return.
We don't allow video games, for the most part, during the week too.

05-08-2009, 10:34 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
waterboy, we don't allow TV during the week in our house. We have a DVR and we record programs the kids want to watch during the week to be watched on the weekend.
My kids have become avid readers in return.
We don't allow video games, for the most part, during the week too.
That's good. My kids don't watch much TV at all anyway. I'll bet they don't watch more than 2-3 hours a week, and when they do it's usually a cartoon. My daughters are 11 & 8, and as a rule, we don't allow them to do anything after I get home until all their homework is done. They are in bed by 9:00 every night except on weekends, but they still usually only last until about ten before they crash. About every other weekend we'll watched a movie together, and it's always a family film of some sort, nothing worse than a PG rating.