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View Full Version : Disrespectful Athletic Directors

01-29-2004, 01:06 PM
What would you do if your AD cused you out for a small mistake that you admitted to making? Is this professional in this line of work? Is it acceptable? Why is that some AD's think they can just run over thier assistants and then wonder why they can never keep a staff together. This same AD is the same way towards the athletes and wonders why they resent him so much.

This is not a personal situation of mine, by of a coach I know.

01-29-2004, 01:11 PM
That is inappropriate in any business or coaching situation. Cussing at players, coaches, refs, fans is always inappropriate...regardless of the offense

01-29-2004, 01:14 PM
That is the way I feel, but if you confront this individual or those close to him, their only defense of his ways are that he has been successful doing that every where he has been, and he is not changing.

oh well
01-29-2004, 01:21 PM
change jobs then

01-29-2004, 01:23 PM
oh well, I am not in the situtaion. It is a friend of mine. I just wanted to know from the rest of the coaching profession, what they think about this individual.

Z motion 10 out on 2
01-29-2004, 01:25 PM
Inappropriate -- period.

oh well
01-29-2004, 01:31 PM
I would not do it but I also have worked for HC that did and they will do that until you stand up to them or leave and find another place to work. It sounds like he or she is unhappy with their supervisor so I would make a change just my take

01-29-2004, 01:41 PM
They have been around this specific AD for 13 years. Some as a athlete and now as a coach. Many people in the community think that this AD is "God". What they do not realize is that a lot of the athletes and I know a lot of the coaching staff resent this man. He does not support other sports outside of football. He is upset right now because the basketball team at this school is winning, where as in football they did not produce the same results, and people in the community see right through him.

oh well
01-29-2004, 01:49 PM
worked for someone like that before just made it 5 years though.

01-29-2004, 02:03 PM
There is no reason what-so-ever for any type of cursing of players or coaches. Any school administrator or head coach or assistance who uses this type of language should be fired.
There is no excuse for this type of behavior.

01-29-2004, 06:14 PM
I agree,stand up to him and force him to make the move. You may not last long if he has the power that you say he has, but I would never cow-tow to him,especially if you are in the right. If this is occurring at school,then he sets an improper example to the students and he needs to be removed from his position. Had a boss like that once,everyone was afraid not to be a "yes" man around him. Stand your ground for what is right-if he cusses at you again,tell him that you don't appreciate it and not to do it again. When he can speak to you as an adult then discuss the matter,but not before. Get a neutral party to sit in if possible. Walk away if you have to.Don't lower yourself to his level. You may not keep your job,but who needs that kind anyway.

Old Tiger
01-29-2004, 06:52 PM
Sucks to be whoever is getting yelled at.

01-29-2004, 08:53 PM
Good Gawwweed,

What is the world coming to? Is our skin so thin that now we have to ask about somebody hurting our feelings on this site? Do we really need to voice an opinion about what two adults do in their line of work? I mean really..this would never be posted here if someone had not whined to someone else about getting "cursed". Man, if I got upset everytime I had to listen to someone lose their temper I wouldn't ever have time to be happy.

Unacceptable? Fire the Guy? I guess nobody else ever gets angry and lets the words out now and again huh?

I try my best to live my life as a good Christian, but sometimes I even cuss at my kids, and you can bet your bottom dollar I have cussed a subordinate for screwing up, even if he did admit he was wrong.

I think the underlying problem is that too many people these days, just can't stand to get their feelings hurt. They would rather look to their friends for sympathy, or whine about it here, instead of standing up for themselves.

OK, Flame away.

01-30-2004, 07:36 AM
I can't believe you cuss at your kids and admit to it on here. You know, that kind of behavior will repeat itself. Is that how you would want them to act?

01-30-2004, 08:49 AM
I can't believe you cuss at your kids and admit to it on here. You know, that kind of behavior will repeat itself. Is that how you would want them to act?ROFL...Now THAT is funny. I admit to being human, and the RAT wants to give me parental advice. I will slip and cuss at my kids now and then, but I won't blow smoke up a RATS ass and pretend that I am better than one.

01-30-2004, 09:49 AM
PPHSFan, I can accept and "occasional" slip of the tounge to students and maybe my counterparts in the heat of the moment, but not in the regular run of the day atmosphere. Let me give you another situation with this individual. Late in the football season, this AD gets upset at one of his starting offensive linemen and throws dirt in this young man's face. When confronted by the athlete, he told the young man that he would do whatever he wanted to and NO ONE was going to change his ways. Needless to say, the young man quit, and I do not blame him.

My feeling were not hurt. I was not involved. I was simply trying to get fellow coaches opinions on the situation, and let coaches know about things that happen in the coaching world that I deam as unacceptable.

01-30-2004, 11:06 AM
I'm far from perfect... and I have on occasion slipped a $%&# in front of my son. But I would never cuss AT him. There is a difference. One is accidental, the other is intentional.

Bandera YaYa
01-30-2004, 04:43 PM
Pleeeeeze don't pay any attention to old PPHSfan....he's just cranky and likes to hear himself spew.....you can definately talk about anything you want, on here. Here's my 2 cents:
The AD is a real jerk. Sounds like a real control freak and a real moron. I'm sure he likes to push his weight around and having such power just makes him worse to be around. Sounds like he has the admin either fooled or they are scared of him. How pathetic! But surely he knows that there is little respect for him. And Without the respect of those you coach with and those you coach, you are NOTHING!! So, he's just a big ole NOTHING!! Gimme his/her name and I'd be happy to reley the sentiments!! :D There is only ONE God, and believe me, he or she ain't it!! I too used to let these kind of coaches intimidate me, when my kids were in sports....but I have matured and am sorry I wasn't vocal for my kids back then, but I sure wouldn't take it from the likes of them, today.
No one has the right to treat another person like that. Cussing you out in front of others just proves what a low sense of worth he or she really has. He or she is just doing that so that he or she feels "bigger" about themselves... too, bad they don't have a clue!
If I was the person being cussed at, I'd turn and walk away......each and every time. People like that keep acting like that because they are ALLOWED to keep acting like that. What a baby.
Next time they open their mouths to yell, stick a bottle in it!! HAHAHA!!

<small>[ January 30, 2004, 03:44 PM: Message edited by: Bandera YaYa ]</small>

01-30-2004, 04:52 PM
Very well said Bandera I have been in those situations myself and even with my current boss. He now knows how to talk to me if he wants me to listen. First time I just turned around and walked away. no hard feelings. Ive done that several times with several people who think they can talk down on you wheather it be because your minority to them, cause they have a badge, are older than you, or higher working title. None of that intimidates me. They expect you to stay there and listen but its so easy to just turn around walk away and get them more pissed off.

01-30-2004, 09:20 PM

When I give my opinion I am "Spewing", but when a YAYA talks she is just giving her 2 cents. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

01-31-2004, 09:37 PM
Z motion 10 out on 2:
Inappropriate -- period.Maybe every once in awhile during the heat of battle i can see that happen. Being a former player it comes from the players and coaches alike. For it to happen on daily basis is not called for.

Bandera YaYa
01-31-2004, 10:24 PM

When I give my opinion I am "Spewing", but when a YAYA talks she is just giving her 2 cents. BWAAAAAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA...just like old times, PPHSfan!! LOL!!
:p :p :p

02-01-2004, 09:00 AM
If you can go thru life without encountering a superior such as this - it's unusual. There are folks like this out there and you're not always gonna like what you hear from others. Don't worry about - don't assume their problems. That person is not likely to change - so do what you need to do to make the situation one you can live with - but please, don't whine!