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View Full Version : Rules...all the time, or some of the time?

04-16-2009, 02:53 PM
Earlier this week I posted on a thread concerning what I thought had been a violation of a few rules. I was taken to task for my thoughts both publicly and privately. I’m not posting this to rehash that thread nor to indict anyone or to defend myself. My interest is in learning what most here think about rules and whether they should be followed or, in some cases, ignored.

As a person of slightly advanced age (50+), my thoughts on this have changed as I’ve gotten older. When I was younger, and competing and/or coaching it was my firm belief that there were some pretty stupid rules I was forced to follow. Rules about how much we could practice and when we could use equipment and that sort of thing was to me, pretty stupid. I thought if I/we wanted to work harder than the next guy that was his problems not mine. Now, I look at things a little differently once I came to the conclusion that there was more to life than just sports and winning.
After I left coaching I stayed involved with athletics by volunteering as a rules official for my state golf association, working as a basketball official, and umpiring baseball. One thing I learned was that I was almost always better off following the rules to the letter of the law, especially when it came to procedural rules. But, that doesn’t mean I’ve never swallowed my whistle a bit in a b-ball blowout or widened the strike zone a tad when a team was up by a lot of runs late in a game.

When is it OK to ignore rules? If a relay team is finishing one place out of the scoring do you ignore it if they pass the baton late? Doesn’t change the outcome, so why DQ? I actually think you DQ, because I don’t think you let the outcome dictate the rules.
When is it OK to ignore the rule, in an early season meet….when the team is far behind and clearly out matched…when the team is far ahead and clearly better…???

If one of your football rivals is practicing more hours than allowed, or in contact drills early and you know about it, what do you do? Ignore it and say it’s not my problem. Call up the coach and set him straight, report it and let the process work…what do you do?

If a rule is broken, but does not change the outcome of a contest, then does it really matter?

I pretty much in the camp that following the rules as much as possible as often as possible is the far better policy. When are exceptions OK?

04-16-2009, 03:06 PM
Cowboy_Up---Do you have a specific complaint about specific posters, or you making just a general statement about rule breakers in general?

If you have specifics to state, then any mod would be glad to entertain your complaint via PM, and furnish you with a reply.

In general--I'm in agreement with you---rules should be followed by everyone. However, just like on the highway, every speeder does not get ticketed. The mods of this board serve gratis and give a lot of their personal time to ensure that there are no major transgressions occurring which will have an adverse effect on the board. IMO, the mods do a much better job of enforcing the rules than most other boards I have visited, and do not practice favortism nor vendetta policies.

04-16-2009, 03:21 PM
No, no specific complaint and no I don't have a problem with anyone here breaking any rules. No problem with the mods whatsoever.

A general statement/question about how people here view the rules our high school athletes/coaches use to compete. I'm not trying to be Larry the lawyer who runs around trying to find rules violations, just curious about how the folks here see things.

04-16-2009, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by Cowboy_Up
just curious about how the folks here see things.

The way I see it, if you don't like it, don't read it. There's been things that I've thought were inappropriate but I don't report it to the mods. Some things that I think are inappropriate others might think is okay. The mods are busy enough without getting reported posts from me.

04-16-2009, 03:30 PM
Like someone informed me earlier this week, we don't live in a "black & white" world. There are many shades of grey, so I think you just have to go with your instincts on when you can bend the rules a little. Especially in the circumstances you've described.

04-16-2009, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Cowboy_Up
No, no specific complaint and no I don't have a problem with anyone here breaking any rules. No problem with the mods whatsoever.

A general statement/question about how people here view the rules our high school athletes/coaches use to compete. I'm not trying to be Larry the lawyer who runs around trying to find rules violations, just curious about how the folks here see things.

O.k--Maybe I misinterpreted your post. Sorry about that.

I still stand by my original statement that rules are meant to be followed, not broken. Are there "grayline" incidents in athletic competition?--you bet. Do officials and boards always get things right in contested rules situations?--not always, but their rulings are always ultimately final and that is the system that we all play under and accept when our teams compete.

IMO, the concerns you addressed in the thread for which you feel you received undeserved criticism---I think your concerns would have been better received had they been voiced to the appropriate parties in private, rather than in an open board forum.

04-16-2009, 03:48 PM
Originally posted by Cowboy_Up
Earlier this week I posted on a thread concerning what I thought had been a violation of a few rules. I was taken to task for my thoughts both publicly and privately. I’m not posting this to rehash that thread nor to indict anyone or to defend myself. My interest is in learning what most here think about rules and whether they should be followed or, in some cases, ignored.

As a person of slightly advanced age (50+), my thoughts on this have changed as I’ve gotten older. When I was younger, and competing and/or coaching it was my firm belief that there were some pretty stupid rules I was forced to follow. Rules about how much we could practice and when we could use equipment and that sort of thing was to me, pretty stupid. I thought if I/we wanted to work harder than the next guy that was his problems not mine. Now, I look at things a little differently once I came to the conclusion that there was more to life than just sports and winning.
After I left coaching I stayed involved with athletics by volunteering as a rules official for my state golf association, working as a basketball official, and umpiring baseball. One thing I learned was that I was almost always better off following the rules to the letter of the law, especially when it came to procedural rules. But, that doesn’t mean I’ve never swallowed my whistle a bit in a b-ball blowout or widened the strike zone a tad when a team was up by a lot of runs late in a game.

When is it OK to ignore rules? If a relay team is finishing one place out of the scoring do you ignore it if they pass the baton late? Doesn’t change the outcome, so why DQ? I actually think you DQ, because I don’t think you let the outcome dictate the rules.
When is it OK to ignore the rule, in an early season meet….when the team is far behind and clearly out matched…when the team is far ahead and clearly better…???

If one of your football rivals is practicing more hours than allowed, or in contact drills early and you know about it, what do you do? Ignore it and say it’s not my problem. Call up the coach and set him straight, report it and let the process work…what do you do?

If a rule is broken, but does not change the outcome of a contest, then does it really matter?

I pretty much in the camp that following the rules as much as possible as often as possible is the far better policy. When are exceptions OK?

I'm thinking the rules always apply except when the other team doesn't appeal at third.....................:)

04-16-2009, 03:50 PM
My post you refer to was harsh and I'm not going to say I didn't deserve some criticism because I could have used a better tone.
And, I did voice my concerns privately as well.

My biggest problem was the general idea that the rule ignored didn't change anything, thus it doesn't matter.
If we apply that reasoning to all of our athletic endeavors, then I think it does change things. I think when kids see us ignoring rules; it can be confusing to them.

It is my belief that we apply the rules first, and then add up the score, not the other way around.

Some don't see it that way, and although I'll agree that there are times where common sense does come into play, in our championship events, I think we should try and follow the rules the best we can.

04-17-2009, 07:45 AM
Originally posted by Cowboy_Up
just curious about how the folks here see things.

I'm always right, and anyone who opposes me is always wrong. Also, if anyone crosses me, I will beat them up. That's about it. Hope this helps.

04-17-2009, 08:21 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I'm always right, and anyone who opposes me is always wrong. Also, if anyone crosses me, I will beat them up. That's about it. Hope this helps.

:D :D I knew you wouldn't dissapoint :p check your PM's

04-17-2009, 08:33 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I'm always right, and anyone who opposes me is always wrong. Also, if anyone crosses me, I will beat them up. That's about it. Hope this helps.

:eek: :eek: :eek:

04-17-2009, 08:48 AM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
I'm always right, and anyone who opposes me is always wrong. Also, if anyone crosses me, I will beat them up. That's about it. Hope this helps.

and this is why Gary is king of his stuffed animal kingdom. neither Teddy or the purple hippo are brave enough to rebel. :D