View Full Version : Friday Night Lights Season Finale

04-10-2009, 09:13 PM
If you didn't watch the season finale STOP READING NOW!!!

Coach Taylor's contract was not renewed @ Dillon High due to the young QB's rich dad who got him voted out. But then is offered the East Dillon High coaching job. He's ticked of course. At the end of the episode the show Coach Taylor and his wife are standing in the middle of the run down and depleted football field of 'East Dillon'. I recognized the school and ESPECIALLY the field. It is the home of 1A Granger Lions. Because they picked this location. I got a feeling that this school will be protraited as an 'inner city school'. And if you've seen the episode the field is THAT BAD!!! Hard as a rock and missing grass spots and prickers in the so called grass!!! Why did they go that far out of Austin?? Why not Manor HS? It would've filled all their needs. Just a thought?

:D :D :D