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View Full Version : Surprise, Nacogodoches wins 24-19...

09-21-2003, 01:15 AM
Surprise results, Nacogodoches wins 24-19 over Beaumont Westbrook. After losing to 5a power Lufkin, and 3a Jasper, Nac knocks off 5a Westbrook.

09-21-2003, 09:24 AM
Surprise results, Nacogodoches wins 24-19 over Beaumont Westbrook. After losing to 5a power Lufkin, and 3a Jasper, Nac knocks off 5a Westbrook.This is 3A Downlow, I don't know what the URL is for 4A DownLow. :rolleyes:

09-21-2003, 10:43 AM
Surprise results, Nacogodoches wins 24-19 over Beaumont Westbrook. After losing to 5a power Lufkin, and 3a Jasper, Nac knocks off 5a Westbrook.What has happened to the Bruins? They were so good for years and have really fallen on hard times. Pudlugger...lighten up. People talk about many different levels of football on this board. You've been around long enough to know that. :)

09-21-2003, 10:45 AM
go NAC ... I kinda root for them since I spent 3 years there ..............

09-21-2003, 12:22 PM

Surprise results, Nacogodoches wins 24-19 over Beaumont Westbrook. After losing to 5a power Lufkin, and 3a Jasper, Nac knocks off 5a Westbrook.What has happened to the Bruins? They were so good for years and have really fallen on hard times. Pudlugger...lighten up. People talk about many different levels of football on this board. You've been around long enough to know that. :) Yeah I know, 'musta read that before my coffee this morning! :D

09-21-2003, 03:14 PM
Hey Pudlugger: Go easy on Nac. They're coming to Newton to play this week. Last time I heard we were still in 3A. School Pop. Nac 1819 Newton 354

09-21-2003, 06:29 PM
I think 4a Nac is an appropriate 3a topic since they play two 3a teams, Jasper and Newton. Newton posters had mentioned that Nac's games with these two teams would give a barometer on these two teams. There have already been discussions on this board previously about the strength of Nacogdoches this year. Evidently, they are a vastly improved team over last year. They gave 5a Lufkin a good half before Lufkin pulled away, and now have beaten a 5a team. So, if 3a teams can compete with Nac, I think that is noteworthy.

Good luck Newton against Nac! :)