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View Full Version : Bridgeport-Decatur

The One
10-15-2002, 09:43 PM
This is for all the marbles, the District Championship. Two teams with almost identical stats.

Decatur brings an offense averaging 41.5 pts a game, Bridgeport is averaging 42 pts a game.
Decaturs defense gives up 17.5 pts a game and Bridgeport gives up 21.3 pts a game.

Daughtery has thrown for 2102 yds on the season 20 tds and 5 ints, Dane has thrown for 1361 yds on the season 10 tds and 8 ints.

Decatur's leading rusher is avg. 7.27 yds a carry and Bridgeport's leading rusher is averaging 7.40 yds a carry.

If this game lives up to what it looks like on paper then we are all in for a treat, but Bridgeport brings playoff seasoned vetrans with a tradition of beating Decatur. Decatur brings a young eager team looking to finally win the big one.

I say experience beats the rookies. This game unfortunatley wont be close,
Bridgeport 62 Decatur 35. I am looking to hear what everyone else thinks!

<small>[ October 15, 2002, 09:58 PM: Message edited by: The One ]</small>

10-15-2002, 09:49 PM
Bridgeport 3 Decatur 0 lol

The One
10-15-2002, 09:51 PM
Leave up to you to bring humor to the subject!!LOL!!

slpybear the bullfan
10-15-2002, 10:12 PM
Bridgeport 48, Decatur 35.

If it rains, Bridgeport 48, Decatur 21.

If it snows, Bridgeport 48, Decatur 14.

If the Egrets let the mental game get to them, Bridgeport 48, Decatur 0.

If the Bulls Play A-Game, Bridgeport 55, Decatur 21.

If Flying Pigs take the field, Monkeys crawl out of my pants, the Rangers win the series, and Mack Brown scores 180 on an IQ test... Bridgeport 48, Decatur 42.

Did I leave anything out? wink

B O O M B !!!
W D A !!!

The One
10-15-2002, 10:17 PM
Bear look at the bright side, if were both wrong and Friday is a sleeper say Bport 3 Decatur 0 as PPHS suggests. We always have our pillows, we can just take a nap!!LOL!

10-15-2002, 10:28 PM
You left out, it the Varsity bus gets a flat and Slpy, Bullsfan, and The One, have to suit up and play the first quarter 3 on 11......Bridgeport 42 Decatur 24

10-15-2002, 10:33 PM
LOL, PPHS!! And I mean that seriously. I'm cracking up here!

The only time I ever played football was on a coed intra-mural squad, and the guys wouldn't even let us girls run real plays. We had to be linemen and stuff. It sucked! So don't count me in for much help. Slpy and One would have to carry the whole thing.

In which case, it'd be more like Bridgeport 28-Decatur 25.

(I do have a little defense in my genes. Slpy was pretty good back in the day. :) )

slpybear the bullfan
10-15-2002, 10:52 PM
Slpy and One would have to carry the whole thing.

In which case, it'd be more like Bridgeport 28-Decatur 25.

(I do have a little defense in my genes. Slpy was pretty good back in the day. :) )Ahem... (Please don't laugh until you move on...)

If the One and Slpy were out there it would be Bulls 112, Egrets -34.

*slpybear is now flexing in front of monitor, snorting and bellowing, pawing the air and chanting W-D-A!, W-D-A!, etc...*

Okay, Okay, I'm back here on earth now... yeah, it pains me to even think about playing again. That was a few years ago....

...But I wish I could have on one of these teams!!! wink

The One
10-15-2002, 10:59 PM
Bear some how I can picture you doing that, I think I may have woke the people up in the next room here at the hotel in Houston, you had me rolling in the floor!!LOL

10-15-2002, 10:59 PM
SLPY in the stands


SLPY in the game


10-15-2002, 11:02 PM
Whoa.. Decatur is totally argueing back.. but Ya'll are showing them! congradulations in winning this arguement

slpybear the bullfan
10-15-2002, 11:03 PM
The One:
Bear some how I can picture you doing that, I think I may have woke the people up in the next room here at the hotel in Houston, you had me rolling in the floor!!LOLYeah, and you ought to see the expression on my face when my wife walked in and caught me. wink

Yup, nothing like Bull football and Decatur Week!

Can you say W - D - A ?!


slpybear the bullfan
10-15-2002, 11:07 PM

SLPY in the game

http://www.gifs.net/animate/backbear.gifHmm... After waking up the young one, you might call that a picture of MAMA bear right now!

"yes dear, I know what time it is. Yes dear, I know I woke everyone up yelling at the computer and pretending I was a Bull. Yes dear, I know I can't play anymore. Yes dear, right away dear, in a few minutes dear..."

eek! eek! eek! eek!

Slpybear "the sleeping on the couch" Bullfan

10-16-2002, 06:59 AM
Keith, the thing is we're really worried about Decatur now. See, we know that you guys got together with them and showed them the secret to beating us. You can hear our knees knocking all the way to the Red River. No, really.

10-16-2002, 10:23 PM
SLPY BEAR it is almost winter - time for hybernation! Thats what the HEFERS will be doing Friday night! EAGLE DEFENSE WILL CAUSE HEFERS TO GO INTO HYBERNATION!

slpybear the bullfan
10-16-2002, 10:37 PM
SLPY BEAR it is almost winter - time for hybernation! Thats what the HEFERS will be doing Friday night! EAGLE DEFENSE WILL CAUSE HEFERS TO GO INTO HYBERNATION!sigh...

Ahem... H-I-B-E-R-N-A-T-I-O-N. Not H-Y-B...

Here is a link to learn about it...


Now, here is a quick lesson in Bears. They go to sleep in December. They wake up in March. They eat until September. They breed for two weeks. Then they pick fights until December. And eat some more.

(Personally, I kind of like it. 4 months of sleep. 6 months of eating. 2 weeks of wink, wink. 6 more weeks of eating and some fighting thrown in, then, Back to sleep. Where do I sign up?)

Anyway, don't figure us for hibernating right now. At the moment, we are hungry, grouchy, and ready to Get it On!

B O O M B!
W D A !

10-16-2002, 10:40 PM

I guess we should be glad he doesn't use chatspeak. neway, i c u l8ter!

Edited because I should be nicer. No, really.

<small>[ October 16, 2002, 10:42 PM: Message edited by: BullsFan ]</small>

The One
10-16-2002, 10:42 PM
Notice Egret boy how the bears fight until December, I believe until the week before Christmas to be exact. The Bulls will teach you a lesson about Bears in just 45 hrs!!