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View Full Version : OK Ranger Mom, for your enjoyment... true story.

03-20-2009, 11:37 AM
I sit here typing sick to my stomach, overwhelmed by stink and can only hear out of one ear....
why you ask? Here goes.
A couple of days ago I went outside my parent's house at night to have a smoke and decided to pet one of my dad's cats. Well low and behold as I approached the garage where the cats hang around, I saw something that looked very very wrong. It was dark and I wasn't sure what I saw because his cat's don't have BIG fluffy tails and this thing did. Sure enough it was a skunk! Happily eating the cat food that was scattered about. I thought "get the gun" but dad didn't have any ammo and he has a big heart nowadays. So me being a respectful son decided that I was gonna trap me that skunk and take it to his ranch... big mistake.
Last night I set his varmit trap(one of those like a cage with a pressure plate on the far end) out with bait and after letting out a couple of pesky cats determined to take the bait, sure enuf around 11 pm last night I finally caught that darn varmit! I got about ten feet away and he threatened with the way skunks do, by getting bigger and raising his tail. So he was a pi$$ed off and aggressive skunk too. Wonderful, I thought. I'll leave him there and take care of it in the morning.
This morning comes along and as I approached the cage he raised his tail and looks pretty mean. I was gonna get a long wire and drag the cage to the corner of the property and just call animal control after seeing how aggressive he was. Well no, dad says just get a tarp and cover him so he can only spray the tarp. Great plan I thought. NOT!
I grabbed a tarp and raised it in front of me covering my whole body and approach that varmit. Sure enuf, as I get within 5 feet something touched my head and upper body. It was that stupid skunk! He had arched a spay over the tarp I was holding! I instantly smelled that familiar smell coming from my head and shoulders! I ran inside and thought "find some tomato! find some tomato soup!" I frantically looked all around and no friggin tomato soup or even V8! Arghhhhh! I was doomed!!!!!!!!
I kept looking and spotted a can of concentrated tomato bisque. I thought well since it has tomato in it it must work! So I went to the bathroom and proceeded to paste myself with the contents of that can. I had that there bisque everywhere from my hair to my face to my shoulders. I scrubbed and scrubbed with that stuff. I rinsed off and proceeded to then wash my hair several times and soap up soap up soap up. I washed off put on clean clothes and threw away the stinky clothes but I still smell like damnation! I washed again and the odor is still strong so I wash again, while this is going on, my parent's toy rat terriers are feverishly barking at my bathroom door thinking a wild animal is in there with me. :eek:
After resigning myself to the fact I did as best I could and would just have to "stink" today I proceeded to dress again and headed to the office. I'm a little bewildered by all this crap this morning and I walk in the office dad just starts laughing and laughing cuz he can still smell me. Thanks dad I said to his amusement...
I noticed at this point my hearing was a little weird. Turns out my hearing in the left ear is muted somewhat...
I didn't know Campbells Tomato Bisque had chunks of tomatoes in it... but I do now...:doh: :doh: :doh:
And now you know why "I sit here typing sick to my stomach, overwhelmed by stink and can only hear out of one ear....":D

Ranger Mom
03-20-2009, 11:42 AM
:clap: :clap: :clap:

YAY!! That was a great story!!

(Sounds like something that would happen to me...but, I am too smart to try and trap a skunk!!;) :kiss: )

03-20-2009, 11:45 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
:clap: :clap: :clap:

YAY!! That was a great story!!

(Sounds like something that would happen to me...but, I am too smart to try and trap a skunk!!;) :kiss: )
I was just trying to help and indulge my dad...:doh:

Ranger Mom
03-20-2009, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I was just trying to help and indulge my dad...:doh:

What a good and loyal son you are!!:)

03-20-2009, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
What a good and loyal son you are!!:)
:thinking: I'm starting to think "good" and "loyal" might be a tad over-rated.:D

03-20-2009, 11:58 AM
Dang, man! You should of just waited until you got some ammo, then trapped it! Then you could of shot it, then disposed of it properly.:(

Are you sure you ain't no Aggie?:D

03-20-2009, 12:01 PM
Thats funny stuff...Thanks for the share.:clap:

Hope you get to smelling/feeling better.:)

03-20-2009, 01:13 PM
I didn't know the tomato thing was a myth, since I found out the hard way.
I wasn't going to Corpus Christi to buy some skunk scent remover so I checked online.
It turns out a mix of 1 quart hydrogen peroxide(or vinegar), 1 teaspoon dish soap and 1/4 cup baking soda works pretty good!
Ya gotta mix it while in the tub because it foams up pretty fast. I used vinegar because I couldn't find peroxide.
I smell a little like a pickle but hey it's much much better than before. It worked!:clap:

03-20-2009, 01:15 PM
Did you use a Q-tip to get the tomato juice out of your ear?

03-20-2009, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
Did you use a Q-tip to get the tomato juice out of your ear?
The chunk of tomato fell out when I washed with the vinegar solution.:nerd:

03-20-2009, 02:27 PM
ammo will kill the skunk but they tend to release their load after they're shot too! Found that out after cornering one in a garage and shooting it with a 22. I came out smelling like a rose but the garage sure didn't! The family wasn't too proud of me for a long time. Everytime we smell one now it's - remember when dad.................. and that was 15 years ago!

03-20-2009, 02:40 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan
I sit here typing sick to my stomach, overwhelmed by stink and can only hear out of one ear....
why you ask? Here goes.
A couple of days ago I went outside my parent's house at night to have a smoke and decided to pet one of my dad's cats. Well low and behold as I approached the garage where the cats hang around, I saw something that looked very very wrong. It was dark and I wasn't sure what I saw because his cat's don't have BIG fluffy tails and this thing did. Sure enough it was a skunk! Happily eating the cat food that was scattered about. I thought "get the gun" but dad didn't have any ammo and he has a big heart nowadays. So me being a respectful son decided that I was gonna trap me that skunk and take it to his ranch... big mistake.
Last night I set his varmit trap(one of those like a cage with a pressure plate on the far end) out with bait and after letting out a couple of pesky cats determined to take the bait, sure enuf around 11 pm last night I finally caught that darn varmit! I got about ten feet away and he threatened with the way skunks do, by getting bigger and raising his tail. So he was a pi$$ed off and aggressive skunk too. Wonderful, I thought. I'll leave him there and take care of it in the morning.
This morning comes along and as I approached the cage he raised his tail and looks pretty mean. I was gonna get a long wire and drag the cage to the corner of the property and just call animal control after seeing how aggressive he was. Well no, dad says just get a tarp and cover him so he can only spray the tarp. Great plan I thought. NOT!
I grabbed a tarp and raised it in front of me covering my whole body and approach that varmit. Sure enuf, as I get within 5 feet something touched my head and upper body. It was that stupid skunk! He had arched a spay over the tarp I was holding! I instantly smelled that familiar smell coming from my head and shoulders! I ran inside and thought "find some tomato! find some tomato soup!" I frantically looked all around and no friggin tomato soup or even V8! Arghhhhh! I was doomed!!!!!!!!
I kept looking and spotted a can of concentrated tomato bisque. I thought well since it has tomato in it it must work! So I went to the bathroom and proceeded to paste myself with the contents of that can. I had that there bisque everywhere from my hair to my face to my shoulders. I scrubbed and scrubbed with that stuff. I rinsed off and proceeded to then wash my hair several times and soap up soap up soap up. I washed off put on clean clothes and threw away the stinky clothes but I still smell like damnation! I washed again and the odor is still strong so I wash again, while this is going on, my parent's toy rat terriers are feverishly barking at my bathroom door thinking a wild animal is in there with me. :eek:
After resigning myself to the fact I did as best I could and would just have to "stink" today I proceeded to dress again and headed to the office. I'm a little bewildered by all this crap this morning and I walk in the office dad just starts laughing and laughing cuz he can still smell me. Thanks dad I said to his amusement...
I noticed at this point my hearing was a little weird. Turns out my hearing in the left ear is muted somewhat...
I didn't know Campbells Tomato Bisque had chunks of tomatoes in it... but I do now...:doh: :doh: :doh:
And now you know why "I sit here typing sick to my stomach, overwhelmed by stink and can only hear out of one ear....":D

Animal Services uses a special Skunk trap that prevents the skunk from lifting his tail. Apparently if they can't lift the tail then they can't spray. I also heard that if you shoot them in the head they won't spray. Anywhere else on the body and they will spray even after being dead. don't know if it's true or not.