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03-16-2009, 05:40 PM
I'm battling a big sleeping problem and t aking Ambien CR to help but its not working very good

I fall asleep quick but then wake up in the middle of the night

I' ve tried ever kind of medicine imaginable and no help

Tried Sominex last night and no help

Was wondering if any of yall have sleeping problems

They say the older you get the less sleep you get.

Im having a Sleep Study done in mid April in Wharton but that's a month away

Hopefull that will help but I doubt it

I'd be happy to get 4-6 hours of sleep but don't even get that

Its something I will have to live with the rest of my life

03-17-2009, 11:12 AM
Ambien CR worked for me, but the quality of sleep wasn't good. The best thing I have found over the counter is Alteril.

03-19-2009, 04:49 PM
Did some reasearch on Ateril on a few website and remarks said it had some weird and bad side effects

Are you taking it and is it working and are you experiencing any side effects

I might try Lunesta next week my dr is giving me some samples at it

Im at my wit's end with this problem and hard to believe over 40 Milllion other Americans deal with sleep disorders as well

Guess Ill have to live with it rest of my life

Will have to wait and see what sleep studies say after I get it in April

03-19-2009, 05:10 PM
Originally posted by Antec
Did some reasearch on Ateril on a few website and remarks said it had some weird and bad side effects

Are you taking it and is it working and are you experiencing any side effects

I might try Lunesta next week my dr is giving me some samples at it

Im at my wit's end with this problem and hard to believe over 40 Milllion other Americans deal with sleep disorders as well

Guess Ill have to live with it rest of my life

Will have to wait and see what sleep studies say after I get it in April

I didn't have any side affects, but I don't experience a lot of side affects with the meds I've taken in the past. What ever you do, make sure that you have your doctors blessing. I have heard that more than one ambien can cause a permanet dirt nap, so be careful. I have never tried Lunesta, so i can't offer you any advice there. The best advice I got from my doc was to take up something that I used to enjoy doing. I went camping and took a hike up in the hills. Soon, I started sleeping because I wasn't so stressed. Hope everything works out for you.:D

03-19-2009, 07:56 PM

Im Bi Polar and have some depression with high anxiety problems and on medication for those problems

So sleep problem could be related to that

Its just gotten worse but med I take for Bi Polar doesnt intefere with my sleep since I take them in the morning

At least that's what my psycholgist told me

And she been great so far-Shes out of Sugar Land

As far as exercising my wife and I walk about 2 miles 4-6 times a week when we have a chance

What I need is a stationary bike to ride here at the house to spend more energy

Thanks for your thoughfullness

03-19-2009, 08:16 PM
I used to wake up in the middle of the night every night like clock work. I tried several medications with not much help. A friend of mine told me to stop thinking about medicine, and go visit a good bed store. I went out on a limb and spent four grand on a Tempur-Pedic bed and have slept like a baby ever since. I can't recommend it strongly enough.

03-19-2009, 08:32 PM
Originally posted by Antec
I'm battling a big sleeping problem and t aking Ambien CR to help but its not working very good

I fall asleep quick but then wake up in the middle of the night

I' ve tried ever kind of medicine imaginable and no help

Tried Sominex last night and no help

Was wondering if any of yall have sleeping problems

They say the older you get the less sleep you get.

Im having a Sleep Study done in mid April in Wharton but that's a month away

Hopefull that will help but I doubt it

I'd be happy to get 4-6 hours of sleep but don't even get that

Its something I will have to live with the rest of my life
1.Try rotating Unison or a generic sleep aid tablet containing Doxylamine Succinate(the others don't work as well for me) and 3mg of melatonin every night. I am a bad insomniac and have learned that if you take one and then the other, rotating like this, you can increase the effectiveness of each. So try the Doxylamine Succinate the first night and then the 3mg or greater of melatonin the next night in a rotating fashion.
2.Drink a glass of water when you take either one as this will help push the sleep aid through to your intestine where it works best.
My doctor recommended prescription sleep aids but I refused and asked him about this idea. He said "try it" and it has worked for me for the last six years or so.
(I have found that Natrol Melatonin from Wal-mart works best for me and is cheap too, the time delayed stuff never works for me but I have heard it works well for others)
Good luck and and if this doesn't work for you I have another idea that might help.

03-19-2009, 08:37 PM
Thanks for all the suggestions

I'm up to trying anything

Ill buy a new expensive bed as the last resort

I just wish I could get this sleep study done sooner than April 15

Then will wait two weeks before I find out the results

Ranger Mom
03-19-2009, 09:09 PM
I have one of those sleep rest (select comfort) bed.....I sleep like a baby too.....when my shoulder isn't acting up, but that's a whole other story!!!

I know for a fact that stress is one of the worse things to have if you are trying to get a good nights sleep.

Really.....a new bed is a good idea...I think with both of those type of beds, the companies let you "use it free" for 30days, or they used to anyway!

03-20-2009, 10:03 AM
I have the exact opposite. I am asleep within minutes of getting in bed and normally the alarm wakes me from a deep, deep sleep 6 or 7 hours later. On the weekends I can sleep for 8 or 9 hours without ever waking up. I use to think I would trade with someone who can only sleep 4 hours a night because it seems that productivity would go WAY up in my life if I didn't sleep so much. My sister-in-law only sleeps about 4 hours a night and I have since realized that it is not more productive but a huge physical and mental drag. So I sympathize with your problem. I would encourage you to tar

03-20-2009, 10:33 AM
At times in the past I've had a little trouble sleeping, but that was years ago. I think a lot of times those problems stemmed from stress, too. I've also invested in a new bedroom suite with a nice pillow-top mattress. I can't stress enough how much that helped me feel more rested......that, and getting a different job, which is SO much less stressful, and the pay is about the same if not a little better. That's all in the past, and now all I have to do now is have sex with my wife, roll over and fall fast asleep.:inlove:

03-20-2009, 01:58 PM
I feel for you man. My business partner had a sleep study done and he has a machine that pumps oxygen into his mouth and nose while he sleeps. He sleeps like a baby now. He cant recommend it enough.


03-20-2009, 02:18 PM
Same thing here. A business associate has been off for the last 10 days because he had his tonsils and adenoids removed, along with having his septum reamed out...:eek: That's good because he had sleep apnea really bad. I can't count how many times I walked by his office to find him nodding off... He also had one of those sleep test thingamajigs y'all are talking about, which brought his surgery along. He'll probably still doze off at work, but maybe he won't snore as loud!:D