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03-13-2009, 03:05 PM
So, I've actually thought for the last couple of days about what I should do for my 10,000th post...part of me thought I should make a big post thanking all of those who I've enjoyed chatting with, while another part of me thought that compared with some other numbers around here, 10,000 is actually pretty insignificant and I thought about not saying anything about it at all. I had another thought that I'd send someone a PM and ask them to post a topic saying something to the effect of "Hey crzy, did you realize you're only one post away from 10,000?" To which I'd respond "Really?" and have that be my 10,000th post.

Finally, I settled on throwing random musings about the world and sports that float through my mind so that those of you who are interested could get to know the way I work and think a little better--kind of like a stream of consciousness entry. So, without further adieu, here's some things that rattle around in my head. Granted, some of them are faulty and have obvious issues or answers, but it's still what runs through my head:

The Cowboys are going to miss T.O. next year more than he misses them. And I still believe that he wanted to remain a Cowboy.

The Rangers are getting close. Josh Hamilton is the kind of player that I want to share with my children as they grow up, both what he accomplishes on the field, and what he's overcome off of it.

If America is so fat and lazy, why doesn't the government start charging for TV use by the hour. Anybody remember the days when you had to do that for the internet? It kept a lot of people from spending all day online like they do now.

I believe that there is life beyond earth, but not intelligent life. I believe that God created the universe for His glory, and He's not wasteful. However, I personally believe that we are the only creatures created in His image, and the relationship that He has with us is unique.

I think that the NHL would be infinitely more popular if they promoted the right players. Sidney Crosby is a good hockey player, but he has too much finesse. Guys like Alex Ovechkin, Brenden Morrow, and Jarome Iginla are a far better representation of the type of attitude and dedication that makes the sport special

I think that Tony Romo will make the Pro Bowl next year.

Why doesn't the government just declare all debts incurred within the U.S. as null and void? Instead of creating more debt to get out of debt, give the entire country (including individuals) a one-time get-out-of-jail-free card. Your mortgage? No longer owed. Student loans? No longer owed. The money that the banks owe to each other? Keep it. What you have is yours. Whatever you have, you keep. (I know the obvious issue that the entire economic system would collapse, so please don't turn this into something political.)

I think that MLB Network is going to be great this year.

I really miss working for ESPN.

I hope that my daughter likes playing sports. At 9 1/2 months, she's already showing signs of athleticism.

I think that reality television has strayed so far from the word "reality" that we should start classifying it as a game show.

I think that American Idol is jumping the shark this year.

When someone says that they like to "hang out and have a good time", I have to ask myself, "Who doesn't enjoy having a good time?"

03-13-2009, 03:09 PM
haha very nice :) congrats on 10000

03-13-2009, 03:13 PM
nice :p Keep em coming Crzy ;)

03-14-2009, 11:35 AM
Crzy must have some terrific parents. I've always thought he is "wise" beyond his years.

03-14-2009, 11:46 AM
Originally posted by sinton66
Crzy must have some terrific parents. I've always thought he is "wise" beyond his years.
He just went to a really good High School. All of us are this way on the inside.

03-14-2009, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Emerson1
He just went to a really good High School. All of us are this way on the inside.

Uh huh.:rolleyes: