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03-03-2009, 07:42 AM
What is everyone's opinion about select volleyball, seems to me this sport goes on just about year around. These select teams and coaches are making a killing off these kids parents, do not tell it helps pay for college if they get a scholarship. Most of these kids start playing select when they are about 10-12 yrs. old, let's see how much they spend on select volleyball that could have been put in college fund. Also it takes away from most all other sports for girls, I've seen kids leave a high school sport to go play select volleyball. Let's hear it.

03-03-2009, 08:38 AM
Two really good friends of mine, Karlyn Meyers from CS and Jordan Rice at Midway, both played select for several years and are now playing at Tech and Baylor respectively. It's for the love of the game. If you want to play that bad and are good enough to play select, more power to you. I don't have an issue with it one way or another. If parents are willing to shell out the bucks, fine. Not a concern for me how much they spend or how much time it consumes.

03-03-2009, 08:54 AM
Originally posted by cshscougar08
Two really good friends of mine, Karlyn Meyers from CS and Jordan Rice at Midway, both played select for several years and are now playing at Tech and Baylor respectively. It's for the love of the game. If you want to play that bad and are good enough to play select, more power to you. I don't have an issue with it one way or another. If parents are willing to shell out the bucks, fine. Not a concern for me how much they spend or how much time it consumes.

Yes, you will see some move on to the college level, I would like to know what the percentage of girls involved in select volleyball move on to college. My son plays select Baseball but we do not play year around, my gripe is about playing almost year around. When is to much, I know in bigger schools where you specialize this is not an issue. However in smaller schools this is a problem, it seems the girl coaches are more liberal and allow girls more freedom to play select even if it interfere's with high school sports. I beleive if you are on a Varisty team in high school you should focus 100% on that sport only.

03-03-2009, 09:25 AM
Originally posted by hookandladder
When is to much, I know in bigger schools where you specialize this is not an issue. However in smaller schools this is a problem, it seems the girl coaches are more liberal and allow girls more freedom to play select even if it interfere's with high school sports. I beleive if you are on a Varisty team in high school you should focus 100% on that sport only.

Well I think too much is determined by the players not anyone else. Maybe the parents. But as far as I know, select volleyball doesn't start until after the UIL season is over. There may be some practices going on during the season, but those are on the weekends and high schools don't practice on weekends. Plus, you're getting to play year round and stay in volleyball shape for whichever team you play for. In select, you're staying in shape for your school and in school, you're staying in shape for select. A win-win situation in my book.

03-03-2009, 09:41 AM
Originally posted by hookandladder
What is everyone's opinion about select volleyball, seems to me this sport goes on just about year around. These select teams and coaches are making a killing off these kids parents, do not tell it helps pay for college if they get a scholarship. Most of these kids start playing select when they are about 10-12 yrs. old, let's see how much they spend on select volleyball that could have been put in college fund. Also it takes away from most all other sports for girls, I've seen kids leave a high school sport to go play select volleyball. Let's hear it.

I think the 'select' aspect of kids sports can be good for them. But it can also take away from them. My son is 13 and has been playing select soccer for 3 years. Select soccer is basically a year round sport. He also plays football in the fall (and is now in off season training). He really does not have any time for other activities. Soccer takes up most of his weekends (a lot of times in other cities). No time for friends.

My son and I talk about this all the time. I do not want him to get burned out and regret not having the time with his friends. So far, he is very happy. I do not push him (as a lot of parents do). I have no visions of him getting a scholarship (although he is very good ;) ). If he came to me tomorrow and decided to go another route, I would be fine with that. I actually think he will decide to play football only once he gets to high school. We shall see.

Reds fan
03-03-2009, 09:46 AM
Select volleyball is fine with me also. I do believe however that should a select sport interfere with a high school event then the student/athlete should put the school first. Each school's AD should have rules pertaining to this.

Overall the kids are getting extra conditioning, practice etc. that should help them in their school sports. As long as focus is not lost in the classroom, they are making good grades, their folks can afford it and the kid really wants and has the abilities, I say go for it.

03-03-2009, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by cshscougar08
Well I think too much is determined by the players not anyone else. Maybe the parents. But as far as I know, select volleyball doesn't start until after the UIL season is over. There may be some practices going on during the season, but those are on the weekends and high schools don't practice on weekends. Plus, you're getting to play year round and stay in volleyball shape for whichever team you play for. In select, you're staying in shape for your school and in school, you're staying in shape for select. A win-win situation in my book.

So you think it is OK to be playing Varsity softball, Varsity Track and select volleyball which like this last weekend had to go to Dallas to play in a select volleyball tournament immediately after playing in a Varsity softball tournament. Seems a little much to me but to each his own.

03-03-2009, 11:12 AM
Its called club volleyball, not select.

Rocket Dad
03-03-2009, 11:51 AM
Studies have shown that girls who participate in indoor (club volleyball) and outdoor (softball) sports at the same time are more likely to get knee injuries. Constantly changing playing surface is hard on the body.

Reds fan
03-03-2009, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by hookandladder
Yes, you will see some move on to the college level, I would like to know what the percentage of girls involved in select volleyball move on to college.

I think a more relevant question would be, how many college volleyball players did not play select volleyball?

03-03-2009, 12:55 PM
Originally posted by Reds fan
Select volleyball is fine with me also. I do believe however that should a select sport interfere with a high school event then the student/athlete should put the school first. Each school's AD should have rules pertaining to this.

Overall the kids are getting extra conditioning, practice etc. that should help them in their school sports. As long as focus is not lost in the classroom, they are making good grades, their folks can afford it and the kid really wants and has the abilities, I say go for it.

Actually, If you were paying approximately $5000.00 per club season including travel and some of your players missed a tournament because they chose to also play softball you would be pissed.

As a parent that has paid close to 20K in the past four years I really don't want any girls on the team that have any other interest. A great club team might put 4-5 girls in college. It is something that is worthwile if your daughter loves it, has the genetics and is committed.

My daughter was the District Offensive Player of the Year as a Sophomore. She is 6'1" and really only excels in VB. It would be a waste of her talent and limited opportunity to improve in VB were she to play Basketball, Softball and even run track. Club is not for everyone but for some it is the real deal. In California most of the best Vball players only play club and do not play for their HS as it is considered recreational.

03-03-2009, 01:40 PM
Saying a good club team costs $5000 a year might be pushing it just a bit.

03-03-2009, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Reds fan
I think a more relevant question would be, how many college volleyball players did not play select volleyball?

I would agree with this. There are very few. I know all the OU players were on a club team at some point.

And hookandladder, what I think you're forgetting is that there are not many, in fact probably very few, girls that play club volleyball along with track and softball. The reason that they play club is because they love to play and they are good at it. Club teams aren't just if you have money. You have to actually make it. So those are the elite of a certain area.

03-03-2009, 02:05 PM
My two girls play club volleyball in the 12 and under group. It cost about $80 each for uniform and then $50 each for entry fees for 4 tournaments for a grand total of $260 for two girls. thats about it if you dont count travel to each tournament. They played in a tournament for the first time as a team ever and finished 2nd out of 24 teams. Very suprising for a group of girls who never ever played organized volleyball before.

03-03-2009, 02:25 PM
Coach B. has 3 or 4 teams that play select V-ball in Bellville.

03-03-2009, 03:01 PM
And that is why they struggle in other sports, such as basketball.

Reds fan
03-03-2009, 03:30 PM
Originally posted by gatordaze

My daughter was the District Offensive Player of the Year as a Sophomore. She is 6'1" and really only excels in VB. It would be a waste of her talent and limited opportunity to improve in VB were she to play Basketball, Softball and even run track. Club is not for everyone but for some it is the real deal. In California most of the best Vball players only play club and do not play for their HS as it is considered recreational.

I know of a lot coaches both high school and select that would disagree with that logic about a waste of talent. Especially softball and volleyball, the two sports are mutually beneficial as hand eye coordination, footwork, conditioning, focus and team concept are similar. A lot of softball coaches love having vball players come out and vice versa.

03-03-2009, 04:47 PM
Originally posted by cshscougar08
I would agree with this. There are very few. I know all the OU players were on a club team at some point.

And hookandladder, what I think you're forgetting is that there are not many, in fact probably very few, girls that play club volleyball along with track and softball. The reason that they play club is because they love to play and they are good at it. Club teams aren't just if you have money. You have to actually make it. So those are the elite of a certain area.

That may be the case in your school but not here, I would say 4 or 5 players on each JV and Varsity play club volleyball almost year around. Most lower classification school's best athlete's play and excell at all sport's, not all but ,most all. Not that many athlete's to go around to specialize. Hey to each his on if you can afford it and when you travel you must count the spending money involved. It is not just what you pay to the club's, it's spending money that adds up. Been there done that and my son's select ball was just for 5 to 6 months a year.

03-03-2009, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by BTownVBall3
Saying a good club team costs $5000 a year might be pushing it just a bit.

Typical club dues are $2500 for a national team add in 2-3 out of state tounaments with airfare and hotel and $5000 is just the beginning. Do you want to go watch? add you and your wife to the bill.

03-04-2009, 07:16 AM
Originally posted by gatordaze
Typical club dues are $2500 for a national team add in 2-3 out of state tounaments with airfare and hotel and $5000 is just the beginning. Do you want to go watch? add you and your wife to the bill.

Now your talking real money and cost, also little Johnny might want to go. A lot of that could be used toward a college fund.

03-04-2009, 08:10 AM
Originally posted by hookandladder
Now your talking real money and cost, also little Johnny might want to go. A lot of that could be used toward a college fund.

Not sure that most spend the college fund on club. It is in addition to the college fund. The point is that 5K per year is easily the cost of a national club team.

03-04-2009, 08:19 AM
Originally posted by gatordaze
Not sure that most spend the college fund on club. It is in addition to the college fund. The point is that 5K per year is easily the cost of a national club team.

With the economy in the shape it is now, you better be making a 100 grand or more to do club and put money aside for college. In small towns around here I would be willing to bet most households combine income is way less than 100 grand. As I said before to each his own.

03-04-2009, 08:27 AM
Originally posted by hookandladder
With the economy in the shape it is now, you better be making a 100 grand or more to do club and put money aside for college. In small towns around here I would be willing to bet most households combine income is way less than 100 grand. As I said before to each his own.

No doubt, from the lack of diversity displayed at the tournaments it is clearly not an inner city program. May even level the playing field for the less athletically gifted and more financially gifted!