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View Full Version : The Baseball Steroid Debate

02-27-2009, 12:36 PM
I am as sick as anyone of the airtime being given to the alleged use of steroids by many big name baseball players and the associated record book and Hall of Fame debates that go with it, and I admit that I contributing to the continuation of this debate by creating this thread, but I just want to give my opinion on this subject.

To me, this is a black and white issue---period:

1. If players in the past used sterioids and they were not illegal by law or major league rules at the time they were playing, then I say there should be no asterisks in the record books nor any denial of entry into the Hall of Fame. I do not make this statement as an endorsement for the use of steroids, I don't like them one bit--but something is either legal or illegal at a given point in time---period---no gray areas.

2. Major league basball needs to declare the use of steroids by players to be illegal and adopt a '0' tolerance policy and ban a player for life testing positive for a banned substance, or they need to declare that there are no limitations on the use of legal substances of any kind.

I. B. Watching
02-27-2009, 12:44 PM
Just food for thought. The spit ball is illegal now. Did individuals who used it when it was not illegal have their records removed from the books?

02-27-2009, 12:52 PM
I personally don't care if they all get "goosed on the juice". Who cares about baseball anyway, and if anyone did, who would want to pay money to watch games with no homeruns.

02-27-2009, 01:05 PM

I. B. Watching
02-27-2009, 07:06 PM
I would watch games without home runs. I am sure I'm in the minority, but I miss the days when Bob Gibson would chalk up a 1.12 ERA and snarl and put a scare in the next batter whenever he gave up so much as a single much less a rare HR.

02-27-2009, 10:43 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic

To me, this is a black and white issue---period:

1. If players in the past used sterioids and they were not illegal by law or major league rules at the time they were playing, then I say there should be no asterisks in the record books nor any denial of entry into the Hall of Fame. I do not make this statement as an endorsement for the use of steroids, I don't like them one bit--but something is either legal or illegal at a given point in time---period---no gray areas.

I agree 100%. Steroids are bad but for a while it was a part of the game.

The thing I hate is so many hitters get talked about but the pitchers were doing it to. Almost makes it fair.

I also hate steroids but to me, if the press would shut the h#$@ up, the controversy would go away.