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View Full Version : Reality Show To Offer Spot On Cowboys Roster

01-22-2009, 03:04 PM
DALLAS (AP)—The first time Michael Irvin watched “American Idol,” he loved the concept of giving undiscovered singers the chance to become stars. Now Irvin is doing the same for NFL wannabes.

The Hall of Fame receiver is launching a reality TV show in which 12 “football neophytes” will compete for an impressive grand prize: a spot on the Dallas Cowboys’ training camp roster.

“I don’t know if you can walk upon any group of guys that wouldn’t say they dreamed of playing in the NFL when they were playing in their front yard,” Irvin told The Associated Press on Thursday. “So we’re going to take a group of guys from their front yard, dwindle them to one and give that guy the opportunity of a lifetime.”

The Cowboys confirmed that one of their 80 roster spots will go to the show’s winner. The NFL did not immediately return a call.

The show, which doesn’t yet have a title, will air this spring on Spike. It is being produced by the same company that’s behind “The Biggest Loser” and many other reality TV hits.

Contestants are still being selected. They likely will need a football background—just not too much. They also must be the right age, size and condition to handle an NFL training camp. The Cowboys open camp in late July in San Antonio.

“We want someone who will have a real opportunity to make the team,” Irvin said. He also indicated the better the back story, the better an applicant’s chance of making the show.

“You could’ve played college ball and had to give up for some reason,” he said. “You know how many stories are out there of players who for some reason or another had to walk away from the game. … We want to find those guys.”

Irvin will be the host and he expects to have guest appearances from friends like Troy Aikman, Emmitt Smith, Deion Sanders and Cowboys owner Jerry Jones. Judges will include Jones and former players and coaches.

The show will pit six receivers and six defensive backs. As for how they will compete, all Irvin would say is, “Tune in and watch. It’ll be groundbreaking in so many ways.”

The winner’s biggest payoff will be the fulfillment of playing for the Cowboys. While the rookie minimum is about $300,000, that’s only if he makes the team. The salary in training camp is closer to $1,000 a week for an undrafted rookie.

Irvin said this is about far more than money. It’s the chance to catch passes from Tony Romo or to line up opposite Terrell Owens.

“What young man do you know that’s not going to read (about this show), then head straight to the gym and say, ‘I’m going to get ready,’?” Irvin said. “That’s how this will inspire people.”

Considering the Cowboys are coming off a disappointing season filled with all sorts of turmoil, adding a player more likely to be profiled in “People” than “Sports Illustrated” seems risky. It could be perceived as just another sideshow, like the cameras from HBO’s “Hard Knocks” that tracked the team in training camp last year.

Yet Irvin, who hosts a local radio show that spends a lot of time analyzing the Cowboys, dismissed that notion.

“I don’t see how you can make this a negative for the Dallas Cowboys,” he said. “We all talk of doing good things for the community, for people, giving people opportunities. Jerry has stepped up and said, ‘OK, let’s do it.”’

Story Link (http://sports.yahoo.com/nfl/news?slug=ap-cowboys-realitytv&prov=ap&type=lgns)

01-22-2009, 03:10 PM
Well unless he is a "ME" player or has a criminal background he will not fit in with the Cowboys

01-22-2009, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Red&White_9x5
Well unless he is a "ME" player or has a criminal background he will not fit in with the Cowboys

Perhaps they are searching Lew Sterrett for potential candidates?

01-22-2009, 03:18 PM
i would laugh if the person makes the final squad... i would be amazed if the person becomes a second or third string... i would almost die if someone gets hurt and he has to start in a game...

Ranger Mom
01-22-2009, 03:32 PM
That reminds me of the Vince Papale story....I bought and watched that movie just a couple of weeks ago!

01-22-2009, 03:37 PM
Interesting :thinking:

01-22-2009, 03:38 PM
the cowboys need all the help they can get

but seriously the Cowpies are a joke, I can't believe they sunk to this level to be involved with a reality tv show.. this really shows the type of sell outs they are

Ranger Mom
01-22-2009, 03:38 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Interesting :thinking:

That gives us something to do in the Spring anyway!!:)

Oh wait....you like softball!!:p

01-22-2009, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
the cowboys need all the help they can get

but seriously the Cowpies are a joke, I can't believe they sunk to this level to be involved with a reality tv show.. this really shows the type of sell outs they are

You realize Jerry Jones owns the team, right? He'll give anything a try that will keep the Cowboys in the media spotlight! I actually think this show could wind up being pretty funny and entertaining.

01-22-2009, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
the cowboys need all the help they can get

but seriously the Cowpies are a joke, I can't believe they sunk to this level to be involved with a reality tv show.. this really shows the type of sell outs they are

Michael Irvin is funding the project on his own dime. The Cowboys will get free publicity and a heartwarming story in training camp as a result that helps the team's image, then they can cut the winner a couple of weeks in.

Ranger Mom
01-22-2009, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by Keith7
the cowboys need all the help they can get

but seriously the Cowpies are a joke, I can't believe they sunk to this level to be involved with a reality tv show.. this really shows the type of sell outs they are

Methinks he doth protest too much!!:hand:

01-22-2009, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by ILS1
It is being produced by the same company that’s behind “The Biggest Loser” and many other reality TV hits.

I just re-read the article. Is there some kinda sick ironic joke that this is being produced by a former druggie and the company behind The Biggest Loser??

:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: