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View Full Version : Can Anyone post 1939 Texas A&M football Team Photo with names?

Phil C
01-17-2009, 12:44 PM
It was on the Texasags web site but I couldn't read the names or enlarge it. I think Harold Cowley is in it because he played for Texas A&M from 1939 to 1941 and lived in Freer for many years and I was friends with his children. He mainly played second string for the Aggies but in 1941 the Aggies were in a tough game with TCU and it was 7 - 0 and Harold caught a 14 yard td pass in the middle of the fourth quarter to give the Aggies a big td for a 14 - 0 lead which was the final score. Can anyone help?

Phil C
01-17-2009, 01:09 PM
Scroll about halfway down to the photo of the 1939 Aggies football team. I think Harold Cowley is in the next to last row. He is right between the two men on the last row. I am not sure but I think it is him. Can anyone help?
