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View Full Version : Big 12 offenses in bowl season (long!)

01-09-2009, 05:45 PM
I might be going a little far fetched but hear me out here. I think the offenses in the big 12, specifically Missouri, Tech, Oklahoma State, and Oklahoma are affected the most by the break between the season and the bowl games. These teams all have offenses that rely heavily on timing. You can tell during the heart of the season when these offenses are "clicking." The players get to run these offenses at a game speed every week.
If you are a golfer you could try to relate it to this.. if you play every day or every other day you get into a routine with your swing and your muscle memory. You find yourself getting better (hopefully) as you fall into a groove. If you stop playing for a couple of weeks and then jump right into a tournament you probably aren't going to be in that same groove.
Okay back to football now... These offenses fall into that groove during the season and really are THAT good. When you see a Mike Leach offense dissecting someone playing zone it does not matter who's defense it is. His offense is designed to find the holes in your defense and pick them apart. And when they are in that "groove" it is very hard to stop them. You can say the same about Texas. Their offense is very hard to stop when it's rolling.
So you get to the end of the season and most everyone takes it easy during finals week. Coaches go out and recruit and you change up the practice schedule a little bit. You have a week or two of bowl practices. The players get sent home for several days to be with their family around the holidays. Everyone flies to wherever the bowl game is and you have a week to get that timing back to what it was during the core of your season. So basically I dont think Big 12 offenses are frauds or whatever.
Now think about this... if we went to a 12 team playoff that started right after the conference championship games with the top 4 teams getting a BYE the first round these offenses in the big 12 shouldn't lose any of that timing.
And now my novel is over haha