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View Full Version : The final Prayer from a 17-18 yr old man

12-05-2003, 12:33 AM
As players from both teams lay down tonight they only have one thing in mind, the game. Last yr these these two teams clashed in a classic battle. what is going through the head of a senior football player knowing that tommorow can be his last football game? Well lets see ,my take on the whole situation is this tommorow nite two great football teams will battle for the chance to advance. their can only be one winner . i have set back all week and saw the outlook of the game from posters eyes. my take on it is the game. marlin is a heavy underdog going into this game. i think that marlin will come out fired up along with the brahmas. the kick-off will be the most anticipated moment of the game. bellville has the power d and strong explosive offensive. i have saw the marlin o struggle with out tank smith at the helm. tank is not the team but he is a key to the offensive. if tank runs well tommorow it will open up the pass. if marlin running game is shut down it could be a long night. The bulldog d is playing spectacular. bellville will try to spread it out and test the secondary. if marlin can stop the bv run they have over a 100% chance to beat bv. the reason that i believe this is that bv recievers are good but not great. the short pass can be given up a few times but not often . if marlin comes out and strikes first and can hold i believe they can win. so with that in mind if marlin d can play solid and keep bv at bay into the second half they can win. i have heard alot about how marlin will be destroyed and whatever but u have to give it to this team . after starting 1 and 4 and be demolished two weeks in a row how many teams could come back from it. this post is not a ppost where im saying marlin will lose but im putting all aspects in mind. last yr we went into the game feeling like the incredible hulk only to leave feeling like a rugrat(a little bitty baby). this yr the team has a diffrent mind set. i belive that hey will play this game with more fire than last yrs lagrange game. revenge is in the eyes of these young men. Revenge not for them selfs but for the community,coaches, classmates,last yrs seniors and student body. i read from a bellville poster that last yr the fans were chanting stop marlin 1 more time . well this yr all marlin players willl thin about is the last play of last yrs game seeing the refs shake their hands not game over and the bv fans going crazy. it sticks in the mind of 16-18 yr old men.

12-05-2003, 01:21 AM
Good post! I will be pulling for Marlin. Good luck to you guys. I will also be praying for an injury free game!

12-05-2003, 01:43 AM
I am behind you all the Marlin!

12-05-2003, 08:58 AM
WE will need all the support we can get. their only a few centex teams left in dec

12-05-2003, 08:58 AM
I am behind you all the Marlin!Go! Marlin!

12-05-2003, 09:10 AM
i will be there hope to see a classic game like last year just hope and pray that marlin wins this one and not in OT because i had to leave to go to work on grave yard and the same is to happen tonite



12-05-2003, 09:26 AM
i agree whole heartedly, and wish the best of luck to each team! good luck form the manor mustangs

12-05-2003, 09:59 AM
THIS Time tonite the battle off all odds will be taking place

12-05-2003, 11:17 AM
Good Luck to both teams!! Have a safe and injury free game!!
Go Raiders!!!

12-05-2003, 12:01 PM
my take on it is the game. marlin is a heavy underdog going into this game. WHAT?!?!?!?!?! eek!

12-06-2003, 10:29 AM
we were a undergog from this board

12-06-2003, 10:31 AM
my prediction was somewhat right