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View Full Version : What Time are leaving for the Game Friday???

Orange Defense
12-18-2008, 03:11 PM
I'm thinking I am going to leave Celina about 3:30 so I can beat most of the Traffic! Traffic is going to be a mess! It's always a mess on Fridays and you mix in Christmas Shoppers and people going out of town with the regular traffic and it'll be alot worse. I'd rather sit in the stadium parking lot or go get something to eat close by the stadium than sit in the highway.

I was just curious as to what time everybody was leaving for the stadium.

12-18-2008, 03:13 PM
i have a christmas party to go to that starts at 330 so I wont be able to leave it till 5 or so. I will prolly get stuck in some traffic but oh well!