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View Full Version : Anybody else have the FLU?

11-01-2003, 06:27 PM
Yep thats right its the time of year everybody loves FLU SEASON! About 4 of my friends are getting it 2 already had it and 3 have it now (thats just friends in band.) I still went to the game last night to play and support my boys too(after I was told I should say home(I dont like to listen very well on some things!)) If anybody else has the flu I hope you feel better. As for me I am goin to keep taking Meds. and gunna sleep like there is no tomorrow!

11-01-2003, 06:28 PM
I got sick a few months ago for like the first time in 5 years... I don't remember ever meeting Mr. Flu, sounds like a horrible guy...

11-01-2003, 06:29 PM
I heard that the Sheperd band was hit bad with the Flu bug. They were down to like, 15 people, so they didn't show up @ the game on Friday. frown

11-01-2003, 06:30 PM
I havent been sick in a long time

11-01-2003, 06:36 PM
Actually, I'm starting to feel a bit ill, can someone come take care of me??? :confused:

11-01-2003, 06:42 PM
All players and Band members should consider going in for a flu shot as they are at high risk being around so many people. HEB Pharmacy gives them for $18. My wife and I and my son all got one two weeks ago. Since I have been getting the shots I have more or less avoided the flu. Before that I got it every year working in the medical profession around sick patients.

11-02-2003, 10:59 AM
Hey Doc ~ the only time I ever took that shot, I started having what seemed to be flu symptoms right away that lasted for a few days. The next time I went to get it (dumb right?!), they didn't give it to me because of my previous reaction ~ they said that I was probably allergic to the preservative they use. They said it's the same one used in alot of contact lense solutions (and my eyes get irritated very easily by most). Ever heard of that?? (And if there will be an associated charge with this ~ don't answer) :D

marlin fan
11-02-2003, 12:24 PM
I was sick with the flu all last week... it was no fun at at all. hope every gets well really soon!

11-02-2003, 01:29 PM
I was one of the first people hit by the flu in our great town of Caldwell and it SUCKED!!!! I was stupid and went to band practice sicker than a dog which forced myself to be even sicker the next day--Gotta love band! And about the flu shot...I've never had one because I first of all hate needles and secondly you can get just as sick by taking it. In fact, you weaken your body's immune system which makes you more likely to get sick. I'll take my chance at just getting the flu. This was the first year I have had it in a while and I had the less severe case. Hope u feel better CHS_CG! GO HORNETS!!! BEAT LORENA!!!

11-02-2003, 01:30 PM
i got a flu shot last week - hope it works

11-02-2003, 03:15 PM
had the flu about two weeks ago, but all I got now is a real bad hang over :D

11-02-2003, 03:36 PM
I was one of the first people hit by the flu in our great town of Caldwell and it SUCKED!!!! I was stupid and went to band practice sicker than a dog which forced myself to be even sicker the next day--Gotta love band! And about the flu shot...I've never had one because I first of all hate needles and secondly you can get just as sick by taking it. In fact, you weaken your body's immune system which makes you more likely to get sick. I'll take my chance at just getting the flu. This was the first year I have had it in a while and I had the less severe case. Hope u feel better CHS_CG! GO HORNETS!!! BEAT LORENA!!!Yes, but if you get sick, you get sick of more than likely just a cold or something. And getting the flu is MUCH WORSE than that.
Plus most people's immune system should be able to handle getting a flu shot and then being fine afterwards...it doesn't weaken it that much.
IMHO it's better to get the shot if you are around a lot of people all day!

11-03-2003, 12:29 AM
Thanx CHS_Drummer04. I am going to try and get better. I need to go to practice tomorrow night but its looking doubtful! About the flu shot I havent had the flu since 8th grade(I am a senior now.) I have been sick but not with the flu. My boyfiend just got over it(huh where could I have gotten the flu(no comment from you FB_gurl or CHS_drummer04!!)) lol. To anybody else that is sick or getting sick hang in there, I feel your pain!! Everybody drink plenty of fluids(oh no I am starting to sound like my MOM ahhhh!!!)

11-03-2003, 10:14 AM
Everybody drink plenty of fluids(oh no I am starting to sound like my MOM ahhhh!!!)....and that's a bad thing? :D

11-03-2003, 05:06 PM
Yes it is!!!!! lol (right CHS_Drummer04) :D