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12-06-2008, 02:09 PM
I saw in the Bridgeport- Liberty hill thread, that some people were talking about off season. I have heard of some schools who have an off season that isnt taht difficult. I kno for a fact that the CS off season is the only other reason we are successfull, other than the coaches. THey work their butts off during the period at school, some kids go to lunch with their faces green, from throwing up, and some kids blacking out. I kno this sounds probably like torture. But it kinda turns into a brotherhood with all your teammates. You look back at how hard it was and u wish u could do it agian. I know at some points the kids are up at the school for 12 hrs a day. Every football player has to go to powerlifting practice, which is 3 times a week at 6:30 in the morning, and then their at school, which includes the athletic period of offseason, and then they have track practice, which every skill player must attend, then they have mandatory after-school workout, which takes about an hour. By the time everything is finished its 6 in the evening. Young men are working out three times a day just to play football, which is one hundred percent worth it when you make a run in the playoffs. I know without this time consuming off season CS would jsut be a bunch of slow white kids who would never make it to the playoffs. and for that i thank the coaches who make our kids work so hard.

But the main reason for this post is i want to know what other schools offseasons are like.

12-06-2008, 02:11 PM
Right now I think our coach does a 'boot camp'... when I was in there ('97-'01) we had the IHOP, International House of Pain... we just called it the house of pain...

The JR. High kids did it also...

12-06-2008, 02:22 PM
yeaa we dont have any name for it over in cs, but it consists of Free Weights, and mat drills on mon, wed, and fri, and on tues,and thurs, is Circuits and bars. Some kids go back into the school with their hands bleeding all over them from opening up blisters and what not on the bars.

12-06-2008, 02:29 PM
Originally posted by CSG'S FO LIFE
yeaa we dont have any name for it over in cs, but it consists of Free Weights, and mat drills on mon, wed, and fri, and on tues,and thurs, is Circuits and bars. Some kids go back into the school with their hands bleeding all over them from opening up blisters and what not on the bars.

we had two groups... one did the house of pain on Mon, Wed and Fri, the other on Tue and Thu... the days out of the house of pain were spent on weight training...

the house of pain consisted of different stations... you spent 5 minutes at each station and if you finished your drills before the bull-horn went off you did push-ups and sit-ups... bull-horn went off you did your break-out yell and ran to the next station and started as soon as you got there...

the stations were monkey-bars, running ropes, jump-ropes (10 and 15 pound jum-ropes, that was the fastest run you'd see all day, everyone wanted to get the 10-pounders before they ran out), box jump, mat-drills, straddle-bags, tire-pulls... think we had truck-push one year...

at the end everyone lined up in military formation... did sit-ups, push-ups and everyone had to stay in form or you'd have to start that drill over... after the drill was done, you ran out to the stadium and did a super-lap... you ran around the outside of the stadium, then snaked the visitor side bleachers, ran around to the home side and snaked the home-side, then ran straight into the locker room and got dressed and went to lunch...

luckily we had off-campus lunch so I'd just go home and rest a bit :D

12-06-2008, 02:31 PM
glad i never had to do that haha. But idk how that compares to ours. Our circuits are a circle of about 40 weight machines and the kids go around the circle twice spending how ever long the coach wants them to stay there. He then blows the whistle and you go to the next station. We also do the tire flips. Not much conditioning during the athletic period, but tahts what track pratice was for.

12-06-2008, 02:31 PM
and I got to coach mat-drills and running ropes my senior year because we were done... I loved coaching it more than doing it

12-06-2008, 02:33 PM
oh i bet, i have seen some of our kids throwing up this year after the period. You feel bad for them but at the same time you cant help but laugh cuz you went through the exact same thing.

12-06-2008, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by CSG'S FO LIFE
glad i never had to do that haha. But idk how that compares to ours. Our circuits are a circle of about 40 weight machines and the kids go around the circle twice spending how ever long the coach wants them to stay there. He then blows the whistle and you go to the next station. We also do the tire flips. Not much conditioning during the athletic period, but tahts what track pratice was for.

my freshman year we actually did something like you're talking about, with the weight machines... but we only did it for a week before going to the house...

we'd do that until it neared the time for spring-practice (no pads or anything, just going through drills for the next year)... a bout a week before we were allowed to go out and practice drills we'd work on running form and run-conditioning...

12-06-2008, 02:36 PM
yea it was the best day of the year when off season was over and spring football came.