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View Full Version : Hardin Vs. Trinity

08-31-2003, 08:38 PM
In my opinion this game will definitely be one-sided. Hardin traveled to Trinity last year and with Sophmore RB Derrick Reescano, the Hornets easily managed a two touchdown Victory. This year Reescano is a Junior, and a far more skilled runner than last. No doubt, the Hornets will have to play to the fullest extent that they are capable of doing, but Hardin always plays sound football, with minimum mistakes. So, I think this will be WIN # 2 for the Hornets. Can I get an amen?

08-31-2003, 09:57 PM
Hardin by 35 over Trinity.

Anahuac by 25 over Tarkington.

What do you think ????

08-31-2003, 11:18 PM
didnt trinity beat coldsprings ?

08-31-2003, 11:33 PM
not to be rude,but your are being nice with the 25 over tarkington.what went wrong w/the cs game,have not heard much on that game.

08-31-2003, 11:40 PM
Yeah, I know they will win atleast by 25 or more. I'm hoping they put up something like 51-7....as Hardin! All I heard about the Coldspring-Trinity game was that Coldspring did not play well, and the Ref's were horrible, but majorily more than anything, they beat theirselves.....Oh well, thats why ya' play pre-district games, because stuff like that happens....I'm sure the Anahuac vs. Tarkington game will definitely be a one-sided victory....

09-01-2003, 12:30 AM
yeah trinity did beat coldsprings.. 8 to 6 i think .. coldsprings had alot of turnovers and mistakes on o .. there d was pretty solid but still they lost and under their new coach are seeming to have problems. but i heard that the head coach had a death in the family so the attention may have not been all on the game...in the big picture life is more important the game of football..

09-01-2003, 02:28 AM
Give me some opinions on the upcoming games this Friday! My predictions are: Liberty over B-C....The Hill over Hamshire-Fannet....Hardin over Trinity....Anahuac over Tarkington....

What other games are interesting in 21,22 3A ???

09-01-2003, 09:35 PM
the only one i question is the hill over H-F.. no doubt i would like to see my fellow 22AAA team do well but its always a good one when those 2 teams get togother.. but the hill will probably win..

09-01-2003, 11:52 PM
My forecasted prediction:

Hardin: 45 Trinity: 8
Anahuac: 42 Tarkington: 13
The Hill: 21 Fannet: 14
Liberty: 28 The Bridge: 15

09-02-2003, 04:21 PM
My forecasted prediction:

Hardin: 45 Trinity: 8
Anahuac: 42 Tarkington: 13
The Hill: 21 Fannet: 14
Liberty: 28 The Bridge: 15Do you think Trinity is going to 8 or you just being nice.Liberty 28 The Bridge 21