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11-22-2008, 12:22 AM
56-24 might sound like a lot, but Sealy for sure earned Cuero's respect tonight... Downey is a quick dude... had me nervous all night...

Good Job Gobblers, sucked not having Jackson in with Pargmann struggling physically with injuries, but was nice to see Arndt run the ball like that... what deceptive speed this kid has...

Good to see Sealy doing well again and Go Gobblers...

11-22-2008, 12:55 AM
Cuero= VERY GOOD (I would say they are every bit as good as Navasota)

Sealy= Above Average

Arndt= Best 3A QB I have EVER seen.

Downey= Fastest 3A RB I have EVER seen.

I had no idea Arndt could run like that. 2 different times he burned th Sealy D with his legs and had an ab solutely amazing throw before half. :clap:

The kid should definitely be playing ball on Saturdays, and I ain't talking about D II either.

I VERY impressed with Cuero for handling a good Sealy squad.

Tons of big play TD's in this one. Was a very exciting game, but the better team won tonight.
Congrats on a fine season to the Tigers.

Good luck Gobblers. :clap: :)

EDIT: Also, The M&G was great. I got to meet some fine curoe people and 1 Sealy guy.

The people who showed were me, 44inarow, Gobbler_Grad, CHSvarsitydad, Gobbla2001, old Green, they guiy with the helmet.... LOL, A Sealy guy.... (Don;t know his name), and maybe a few more.

Sorryif I left anybody out.

Old Green should have the pics.

I think about 10 people showed for it.:clap:

11-22-2008, 12:59 AM
good job gobblers

11-22-2008, 01:15 AM
Don't forget me Necks Fan. :D

11-22-2008, 01:19 AM
Congratulations on your win tonight Cuero.

11-22-2008, 01:19 AM
Originally posted by crabman
Don't forget me Necks Fan. :D Ah. This is true. Crab Man was there as well. :clap:

gobbler grad
11-22-2008, 01:23 AM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan

EDIT: Also, The M&G was great. I got to meet some fine curoe people and 1 Sealy guy.

The people who showed were me, 44inarow, Gobbler_Grad, CHSvarsitydad, Gobbla2001, old Green, they guiy with the helmet.... LOL, A Sealy guy.... (Don;t know his name), and maybe a few more.

Sorryif I left anybody out.

Old Green should have the pics.

I think about 10 people showed for it.:clap:

you left out crabman and HM33...the Sealy guy was Tiger957...was great to meet necks_fan and Tiger957...:clap: :clap:

11-22-2008, 02:07 AM
Congratulations on a great Gobbler win, My hats off to the Gobbler defense, they shut the door on Sealy in the second half. The only time they scored was in the 1st minute after they ran the kickoff back to the 2 yard line.

Cuero = Best game I have seen them play this year and the best game-plan I have seen from coach Reeve and his son. Great job of throwing some new kinks in the offense. And they did not get conservative. The offense went stagnant for about 5 minutes in the 2nd quarter but the they rebounded quickly and nicely.

About the offense - Great game-plan. Harryman is just amazing and Armstrong did what he does best (gain yards after catch) The coaches opened up the playbook. I thought the key way that Cuero stretched the field vertical. They took some shots deep and they ran between the tackles, of course there was a few goofy plays that didn't work but I love the fact that we never got conservative. The best thing was when Cuero put together a 1 minute drive before the half. Olsovsky had a key 3rd down catch that set up a Division I type throw. Arndt put it on the money. And then Cuero did what they were supposed to do. THEY FINISHED. 4 quarters of hard nosed hard hitting football.

Defense = Best game this year, INTENSITY was amazing, you will find out that hustle and intensity will make up for lack of talent some times. This may not be the overall most talented defense Cuero has ever had but they are the smartest and most discipline. Rangnow, Olsovsky, Ruiz and the Smith boys played great. Moeller and Goebel did a great job of turning everything inside. They never allowed Sealy to sustain a drive. Sealy lives off the big play and Cuero's D only allowed two of those.

Special Teams = Can we please find a way to get the snaps to the holder and block those guys coming. This is always our weak part.

I thought this was Cuero's best performance against their best opponent. If Downey can keep his head on straight and not put the ball on the ground he could be a complete back. He is very quick and allusive. He runs hard and did a great job for the Tigers. I bet that kid had 40+ touches. Their was no passing game for Sealy. Their quarterback was just slinging it, he had no idea where it was going and plus the Cuero secondary threw a blanket on them. Sealy was quick and they played hard, lots of intensity and lots of emotion, they hurt themselves a little bit by holding penalties and late hits. Not the best disciplined team. Sealy played into Cuero's hands by throwing on 1st or 2nd down and then putting them into a 3rd and long. Sealy was tough but the difference was that you can't practice against that speed that Cuero has. The two big runs where credited too Sealy pure execution. they got the two Cuero linebacker blocked and Downey turned the corner. Other than that, the RUN DEFENSE FROM SEALY WAS A NO SHOW. Great game and go get them next week Gobblers.

11-22-2008, 02:08 AM
Originally posted by gobbler grad
you left out crabman and HM33...the Sealy guy was Tiger957...was great to meet necks_fan and Tiger957...:clap: :clap:
the meet and greet was fun....... missed you STAggie ;)

11-22-2008, 02:21 AM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
the meet and greet was fun....... missed you STAggie ;)

LoL, I missed em' too :)

Well GREAT game by Cuero. By far the best overall game Cuero has played all year. H3 (Harryman #6, little brother) had an amazing game. 100+ yards, 1 TD and only like 4 receptions. A lot of players had big games. Tyler was great. He had one mishap with the int by trying to force it in there but WOW.... Some great throws and those runs opened a lot of eyes. Defense played great and I was scratching my head a little with the whole switching the ends and shifting. It just seemed like too much. It work 90% of the time, but always seemed like the D wasn't ready for the snap.

Kids played hard and thats what I like to see. Good game Gobblers.

11-22-2008, 02:23 AM
You mean STAggie was a no show!!!

Well let me ask you Mr. STAggie, Where the heck was that shut down run defense? and your QB 1 only threw the ball about 43 yards on his hail mary at the end of the half. I thought you said he had the arm strength to throw it 50+. He didn't get close. You where right though Downey is fast and he is pretty good.

Don't tell me Sealy had a off night because they played hard and tough, they flat out got beat by a better team. Sealy lives off the big play and against Needville the reason they scored was because they could out run Needville to the corner and then turn it up field. If Sealy can get a passing game together they may be alright but they were one dimensional because they could not compete a pass to save their life. This was a good playoff game and it was just what the Gobblers needed, to play 4 quarters and FINISH a game.

11-22-2008, 02:26 AM
Oh, quick question.... Who was #12 for Sealy??? that kid was a monster. Really didn't watch him play much, but he is a BIG kid.

11-22-2008, 02:33 AM
Originally posted by HM33
Oh, quick question.... Who was #12 for Sealy??? that kid was a monster. Really didn't watch him play much, but he is a BIG kid. Terry is his last name & I thought the same thing last week when I saw them play Needville.

Great game Cuero. :clap: Sounds like you guys are ROLLING!!! Good Luck next week.

Sealy good season....don't get down on yourselves too hard....Cuero is a great team, year in & year out!

11-22-2008, 02:43 AM
Originally posted by HM33
Oh, quick question.... Who was #12 for Sealy??? that kid was a monster. Really didn't watch him play much, but he is a BIG kid.

Originally posted by pirate4state
Terry is his last name & I thought the same thing last week when I saw them play Needville.

what is it with kids/players named TERRY being BIG? lol

#12 is a big guy for sure and he seemed like a good sport too- After the game, he was going up to certain players and coaches shaking hands after the usual "hand shaking" I have thought long and hard (well on the drive home lol) about bringing up some of the poor sportsmanship I noticed, but I think it was more frustration that anything, so that's all I am going to say on that. Downey is a great running back - he'd get the ball and move around quick and bam- he would be gone. I did get a picture of the Sealy crowd and will post tomorrow.... I hope STaggie got one of the Cuero side ;)

11-22-2008, 02:46 AM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
what is it with kids/players named TERRY being BIG? lol

#12 is a big guy for sure and he seemed like a good sport too- After the game, he was going up to certain players and coaches shaking hands after the usual "hand shaking" I have thought long and hard (well on the drive home lol) about bringing up some of the poor sportsmanship I noticed, but I think it was more frustration that anything, so that's all I am going to say on that. Downey is a great running back - he'd get the ball and move around quick and bam- he would be gone. I did get a picture of the Sealy crowd and will post tomorrow.... I hope STaggie got one of the Cuero side ;)

I think you mean Downey ;)

11-22-2008, 02:50 AM
P4S - oops..... I do and can you edit what you quoted on me - I fixed mine - thanks........... maybe I need to go to bed ;)


LH Panther Mom
11-22-2008, 06:45 AM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
what is it with kids/players named TERRY being BIG? lol
:evillol: :evillol: :evillol:

11-22-2008, 09:27 AM
I am trying to remember in some posts who would put the Sealy QB up against Tyler???? Not even close. You cannot even mention those two in the same breath. Downey was a good, fast, hard runner, edited -see rule # ~ p4s.... Too much dirty football from Sealy, expected it though. But I'll agree #12 was big and seemed like the best kid, as in sportsmanship, on the team.

11-22-2008, 09:49 AM
Finally..............Travis used everyone........Spread the D out and let Tyler go to work.

Great game Gobblers
Would have been nice to see Jackson put on a show against the Sealy run D.

11-22-2008, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by GreenMachine
I am trying to remember in some posts who would put the Sealy QB up against Tyler???? Not even close. You cannot even mention those two in the same breath. Downey was a good, fast, hard runner, edited Too much dirty football from Sealy, expected it though. But I'll agree #12 was big and seemed like the best kid, as in sportsmanship, on the team.

I see Sealy hasn't changed their tactics then?...a leopard, or tiger in this case, doesn't change it spots, um I mean stripes. Going from memory of our games with those "other" Tgers.

11-22-2008, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by GreenMachine
Downey was a good, fast, hard runner,edited. Too much dirty football from Sealy, expected it though.

Was it that bad?

11-22-2008, 10:04 AM
Originally posted by FormerBellvilleBrahma
Was it that bad?

No it was not that bad at all, Just a football game with both teams wanting to win very bad. Alot of the so called things that happend go on in every game at this point of season.

11-22-2008, 10:09 AM
really I don't think it was that bad... yah he threw his jaw a bit toword the end, but I'm sure a Cuero player barked at him... Cuero did an excellent job of containing him in the second half... best halftime adjustment I've ever seen by Cuero...

11-22-2008, 10:10 AM
Cuero looked to handle sealy with no problem, How did La Vernia beat Cuero? If they are better than Cuero it might me a very hard to beat them?

11-22-2008, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
really I don't think it was that bad... yah he threw his jaw a bit toword the end, but I'm sure a Cuero player barked at him... Cuero did an excellent job of containing him in the second half... best halftime adjustment I've ever seen by Cuero... He "threw the jaw" from the opening kickoff and whined all night to the refs. This kid has an unbelievable football future ahead of him, unfortunately for him, college coaches that scout him won't like that kind of behavior.

11-22-2008, 10:16 AM
Originally posted by FormerBellvilleBrahma
Cuero looked to handle sealy with no problem, How did La Vernia beat Cuero? If they are better than Cuero it might me a very hard to beat them?

wasn't at the game, but I asked people the same question: "Was LV that good or did Cuero play that bad"... every answer was "LV is that good and Cuero played that bad!"... Cuero was coming off of a last minute win in what has become a rivalry with Bay City... Cuero never plays well after big wins like that, a lot of teams don't... also I hear there "may" have been some friction in the locker room, just a tad, which seems to have been put to bed since that game... we also were NOT hitting on all cylinders with our running game...

I think Cuero was drooling for a rematch with LV...

worthy team they are, but Bellville could beat 'em just as they could beat Cuero...

11-22-2008, 10:23 AM
Congrats Cuero. I'm pulling for you guys to win the Div I title.

11-22-2008, 10:27 AM
Great game by Cuero and Arndt really showed his leadership tonight (sure hope he comes to A&M). Ok lets get ready for a "scrappy" LaFeria team. Don't know a thing about LaFeria. but it would be hard to believe that they could run with us for 4 quarters :thinking:

11-22-2008, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
Congrats Cuero. I'm pulling for you guys to win the Div I title. Same to ya'll, although ya'll have piled up a lot of hardware lately :thinking: Could spread it around a little :thinking: :D

gobbler grad
11-22-2008, 10:30 AM
Paper saying that Downey carried 32 times for 226 yds. and 2 td's...pretty good night, I would say...but that's all they had, because QB had no clue what was going on at times ...not sure who he was throwing to at times...:confused: even think his recievers were confused...just what I saw...:thinking:

11-22-2008, 10:35 AM
Originally posted by GreenMachine
Same to ya'll, although ya'll have piled up a lot of hardware lately :thinking: Could spread it around a little :thinking: :D

Thanks. I think this is your year to get another title. I hope to catch one of these games on the way to that title too.

gobbler grad
11-22-2008, 10:39 AM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
Thanks. I think this is your year to get another title. I hope to catch one of these games on the way to that title too.

yep, it would also be nice for you all to play alittle further south so I could catch a game...:thinking::clap: :D

11-22-2008, 11:13 AM
Great game!! Can't say enough about Tyler and the performance he had. Out of the whole game, I think he make only two mistakes. Taking a sack and the interception. Other than that, he was the difference maker. He is a lot faster than I thought. Thats just another weapon Cuero has on offense for the other teams to worry about.

The defense was awesome! They shut the door on Sealy the second half. The goal line stand in the 4th was so good to see from our Gobblers. There were so many players that stepped up while some players were out. Great job Gobblers.

Another thing I was proud of, THE FANS!! They were awesome. They made some noise tonight when we were on defense. That really pumps up the kids. Thats what the players and coaches want to hear, the crowd make as much noise as possible, just like we did on the goal line stand. GREAT JOB!! Lets keep it up next week.

11-22-2008, 11:22 AM
I agree Boomer, Coach Fryer told me that that makes a huge difference. The fans where great last night. I never understand why fans don't get up and cheer, the cheer is real easy all you do is holler DEFENSE DEFENSE....

And can you just imagine if Jackson would have been their. It would have been just another weapon.

And someone from Bellville asked why we didn't beat LaVernia. Their was numerous reasons. 1st Cuero came out flat and played their worst game, 2nd we had a terrible game-plan, most was due that LaVernia played the game of their life and out hustled us on defense. It's not that LaVernia was that Great it was just that Cuero played horrible and LaVernia played their best game of the year. If you want to beat them you have to be physical and you have to not turn the ball over. LaVernia is good no doubt and it will be tough, but you have to be aggresive against them because they play with a hit you in the mouth attitude all night. You can't give them anything, but once your in the playoffs this deep everybody is good, their is no easy rides, the team that shows up with the most intensity and executes will usually win.

11-22-2008, 11:24 AM
Where is STAggie?

I know this guy has a reason why Sealy got beat and why that best arm in the state only completed about 20% of his passes.

11-22-2008, 11:32 AM
Originally posted by headhunter
Where is STAggie?

I know this guy has a reason why Sealy got beat and why that best arm in the state only completed about 20% of his passes. That must be the guy who compared Sealy's QB to Tyler. NO comparison!

11-22-2008, 11:54 AM
Yeah I miss that guy, he had the most posts of any poster on that thread.

11-22-2008, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by headhunter
Where is STAggie?

I know this guy has a reason why Sealy got beat and why that best arm in the state only completed about 20% of his passes.

he and the Teedle guy...... I was going to bring those posts back up but I was too tired last night to look for them....... The guy we met from Sealy (Sealy750 or something like that I apoligize for not remembering) was super nice.

11-22-2008, 12:25 PM
Why worry about STAggie, we've all felt a little less than excited to post the day after a playoff loss, or a loss period...

Need to worry about LFLAggie if there is one now... sealy's done... they had a great season... here's to making the semi's and thumping those Lions :thumbsup:

(btw, are they maroon?)

11-22-2008, 12:27 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001

(btw, are they maroon?)
I think they are - the coaches scouting had a maroon jackets......

Old Green
11-22-2008, 03:19 PM
It was nice to meet Tiger957, Necks_Fan, and the West Columbia Reader of the board last time.

ChsVarsityDad. Nice to meet you too.:)

11-22-2008, 03:21 PM
Originally posted by Old Green
It was nice to meet Tiger957, Necks_Fan, and the West Columbia Reader of the board last time.

ChsVarsityDad. Nice to meet you too.:)

sure was - enjoyed it - it's always fun to meet the faces behind the names ;)

11-22-2008, 03:30 PM
Hey 44IAR, where are those pictures you said you were going to post? I'm waiting.....:D

11-22-2008, 03:32 PM
Originally posted by KingRob
Hey 44IAR, where are those pictures you said you were going to post? I'm waiting.....:D
oh that's right - you mean the Sealy crowd? My camera is in the car which is at HEB right now - when he gets back with my car, I'll upload..... I hope the Sealy guy took a picture of the Cuero side as well;)

11-22-2008, 03:42 PM
I hope so too, 'cause that's the side I really want to see! The Sealy side will do for now. I just want to get a picture of what it looked like last night. Sure do wish I could've been there! Great game for the Gobblers, and tell Gobblergrangran that his grandson had a heck of a game!


:cheerl: :cheerl: :cheerl:

gobbler grad
11-22-2008, 03:48 PM
It looked like our stands were full 45 min. before game time...visitor side was way smaller than the home side...:( saw alot people standing on both ends of the bleachers...:( gates opened at 6:30 and already several hundred waiting in line...:eek:

11-22-2008, 04:44 PM
Here you go KingRob...... Sure hope we get to see the Cuero side picture

http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j43/44inarow/GobblersvsSealy001.jpg few minutes before the game

http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j43/44inarow/GobblersvsSealy003.jpg either right before or right after halftime

http://i77.photobucket.com/albums/j43/44inarow/GobblersvsSealy006-1.jpg beginning of the 4th quarter

sorry they are so fuzzy - not sure what's going on my with camera :(

11-22-2008, 05:20 PM
Thanks for posting the pics! Sealy side looked kinda empty in the 4th qtr. Hopefully someone will post Cuero side.

11-22-2008, 05:30 PM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
sorry they are so fuzzy - not sure what's going on my with camera :(

Looks like motion blur to me. In order to get such a uniformly well lit shot at night the camera was probably slowing the shutter speed down. What setting was the camer on? If the shutter speed is too slow there is no way you can hold teh camera still enough.

11-22-2008, 05:50 PM
Originally posted by VAMike
Looks like motion blur to me. In order to get such a uniformly well lit shot at night the camera was probably slowing the shutter speed down. What setting was the camer on? If the shutter speed is too slow there is no way you can hold teh camera still enough.
it is a SONY and has these automatic type settings - and I have it on the "green" button which says automatic - I probably need to search for a "night" button or something like that? in the daytime (with no flash) it takes beautiful pics

Ranger Mom
11-22-2008, 05:52 PM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
it is a SONY and has these automatic type settings - and I have it on the "green" button which says automatic - I probably need to search for a "night" button or something like that? in the daytime (with no flash) it takes beautiful pics

Mine takes good ones too...and it takes good one's at night too...as long as I don't zoom in....then they are fuzzy and dark!

11-22-2008, 05:59 PM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
it is a SONY and has these automatic type settings - and I have it on the "green" button which says automatic - I probably need to search for a "night" button or something like that? in the daytime (with no flash) it takes beautiful pics

The point and shoot cameras I am familiart with which have that automatic setting generally do not permit a shutter speed less than about 1/30 of a second Once you get below that number you are going to get camera shake.

Just looked at the metadata of the image It shows you had a Sony DSC-H5 camera and the shutter speed was 1/6 second Way too slow to hold steady by hand but would have been ok on a tripod

11-22-2008, 07:55 PM
In Defense of Downey!
I have nothing but respect for the Cuero football program and their players as well as fans and it hasn’t changed. However, while standing not more than 15-20 feet or so from the action I saw numerous times when Downey was being rubbed in the face while on the bottom of the pile. We were wondering why the head linesman on the Sealy sideline didn’t call a facemask penalty. Mitchell kept pointing it out to him, but he just said he didn’t see anything. The guy next to me taking pictures even showed a photo of one of the Cuero kids with his hand in Downey’s face while in the bottom of the pile. I know that those things go on, but when it’s done repeatedly, the victim is going to retaliate. Especially so when his plea to the official is ignored, as it was last night. And that is what Downey was complaining about.
That however, had nothing to do with the outcome of the game. Cuero has a fine team. Arndt is a great player with size and speed, a fine combination. I hope that both Cuero and Navasota win their next games so they can face each other. That should be a great one. I see them as the two best teams Sealy faced.
The Goebel kid from Cuero, is he related to the one who used to play for Baylor from that city?

11-22-2008, 08:02 PM
Originally posted by scotty
In Defense of Downey!

The Goebel kid from Cuero, is he related to the one who used to play for Baylor from that city?

#7 (Ross Goebel) and Brad Goebel (from Baylor) are cousins **I think if I am wrong someone will correct me QUICK lol -
#72 (Nolan Goebel) is Brad Goebel's nephew

11-22-2008, 08:37 PM
There was trash talk going on all night and that is what happens when you play with a high level of intensity. BOTH TEAMS where giving it to each other, nothing real dirty other than just hard nose old school hitting and trash talk. Don't take up for a kid if he doesn't have the discipline to know how far to take it and when to stop. If you want to complain about what the officials neglected to call lets talk about some blatant holding, heck one time the Sealy guy held Cuero's #7 on the 4th and one sweep play to Downey. Sealy held all night and they only got called twice and still couldn't sustain drives. The bottom line is that you have to have discipline and Sealy wasn't.

11-23-2008, 08:46 AM
Don't worry guys I am still here. Not going to get rid of me that easily. Sorry it took me so long to respond we have been staying with the inlaws due to my father in law breaking his hip and they do not have inet, so I am here the fastest I can be.

Now that, that is out of the way I want to say congradulations to the Cuero Cobblers. The most complete team I have seen all year. Good luck to you guys and make Region IV proud. Your QB is the real deal and made us pay on that draw play again and again. Our QB had the worst outing I have seen all year and I felt really bad for him as he is a senior. Other than that our team played hard but just couldn't get the breaks to close the 21 point gap from the beginning of the game. We did all the things I said we couldn't do to make this competitive. We gave up the big play, turned the ball over, had stupid penalties and were just out hustled on a lot of plays. In the end we just got beat by a team who was prepared, disciplined and flat out outplayed us when it mattered.

Sorry for not coming to the meet and greet but I had two 9 year olds with me who needed to use the restroom and wanted hot chocolate. I thought I could get this done and still make it but of course the line at the concessions was out of control and took almost the whole 30 minute half time to do get back to our seats. I did get a picture and will update it as soon as I get somewhere with the ability to do so.

My only complaint about this game was the horrible job done by the zebras. This wouldn't have changed the outcome of the game, but you have to call blatant penalities. There were offsides penalties not called on Sealy, that I couldn't believe. We had guys fire off two, three steps before the snap and there were no flags. That is rediculous and they should be repremended. Not to mention on the two interceptions thrown by Krenek, both were blatant pass interference calls. Not that either would have changed the game, as one was as the half expired and the other with less than a minute to play, but you have to make those calls for the integrity of the game. Just like the numerous holding calls missed on both sides of the ball. I really hope that crew does not get another playoff game, as it was the worst have seen all year.

11-23-2008, 10:32 AM
Congrat Cuero. Keep rolliing. I hope to see that Fish RB this year. I hear he is tough!

11-23-2008, 02:18 PM
you know ST, I'll agree on the officiating on both sides... I try not to go off on 'em because they have a very tough job, but there were some calls missed... seemed to us that INT Arndt threw was never completed, but I guess the ref didn't have the view we had or just had a better view... either way though, great defense on that play...

This year Cuero has played secondaries that are tall but don't cover as well, or small and cover very well... was good to go up against a team with decent size in the secondary as well as pretty good coverage... should help us in the long-run...

oh, and OG, I remember the punter's name... Blanton... just came to me 15 minutes ago ha...

11-23-2008, 02:42 PM
It is always disapointing when your season ends earlier than you would have liked. The Cuero team played with intensity from kick-off to final gun. Sealy will be in the game no matter the score or opponent. It is difficult for any team to battle back after spotting a team 21 points. The Cuero QB did a great job of sitting back and watching his receivers and our defenders. The RB's were hitting holes and advancing the ball downfield. Our weakness all season has been predictability. This group of players are good kids and have played together from flag football through high school. They are really close and will continue to grow as a team under second year coach Jimmie Mitchell.

I will throw in my opinion concerning the officials. The saying the best official is the one you don't notice is certainly true. Letting the boys play took on a whole new meaning on friday. The side judge needs to re-evaluate his desire to be an official. He repeatedly blew calls both ways. Missing or over looking infractions happen almost every play, but when a defender pushes a receiver out of bounds AND then pulls the receivers arms down, allowing the ball to bounce off his chest and fall at the officials feet and no call is made. One explanation is the official (from my view of less than 10 feet away) had no flag. He repeatedly was seen reaching in his waist band and could not produce any flag at all. I know officials have been taking a hit lately and without them there is no game. Stop calling the holding call across the field, if you are not going to call the knee to the throat call right in front of you as you reach for the ball. I know the officials love the game and want to make the correct call but I know you see the infractions that could result in a injury away from the play. Deal with those and perhaps the others will not generate as much talk.

11-23-2008, 07:45 PM
if the tigers wouldnt have used every trick play in the book against bellville they might of had a chance..

and yes when they played bellville i would see holding everytime on the sweep

11-23-2008, 09:00 PM
Originally posted by headhunter

And someone from Bellville asked why we didn't beat LaVernia.

When did you talk to this person?

11-25-2008, 09:47 AM
Hey STAggie, don't forget about the picture. I was able to get this great picture of the Gobbler crowd.


11-25-2008, 09:56 AM
Originally posted by KingRob
Hey STAggie, don't forget about the picture. I was able to get this great picture of the Gobbler crowd.


they look sharp in the white uniforms ;)

11-25-2008, 07:54 PM
SEALY IN BASKETBALL, SUMBODY NEEDS TO BE A PULL'N THIS HERE THREAD,........................................... .................................................. ...................................PROBLEM???????? ??????

I.....................DONT................WELL U KNOW