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Electus Unus
11-20-2008, 03:15 PM
I just watched a piece on Outside The Lines: First Report about the NFL becoming a soft league. There have been a ton of fines handed out on bogus hits and unpreventable hits. I know safety is important but in my opinion it is taking away from the game. Imagine how Butkus, Lott, and Lambert would take the game today! What do you people think?

11-20-2008, 03:31 PM
Originally posted by Electus Unus
I just watched a piece on Outside The Lines: First Report about the NFL becoming a soft league. There have been a ton of fines handed out on bogus hits and unpreventable hits. I know safety is important but in my opinion it is taking away from the game. Imagine how Butkus, Lott, and Lambert would take the game today! What do you people think? I think there are still plenty of hard hits. I have seen some crappy unnecessary roughness penalties called, but there is a fine line between what should be called. Some of the hits are just over-board.... like the one that Hines Ward put on Keith Rivers to end his season. I think a simple block there would suffice. He didn't have to knock Rivers' head off.

To an extent, they are becoming soft, but when you see some of those hits...... well, they speak for themselves.

All I'm saying is that hitting hard is great, but the way some of them do it is wrong.

Leading with your helmet is wrong, absolutely crushing a guy when he has no idea what's coming is just wrong, hitting well after the whistle is just wrong.

If its still in play, and a hard hit is available, but clean at the same time, I say do it.

Sometimes, a regular block is better than throwing every ounce of weight you have into a person's head.

I hate to see guys like Rivers end their season because somebody hit them like that when they had no idea it was coming.

Players should be protected, while being able to hit hard as well.

11-20-2008, 03:59 PM
I think a lot of fines are stupid. I can understand deliberate helmet to helmet contact( spearing ) but some of this stuff is unreal. After all, they are football players aren't they? I think the fine Justin Tuck received for the hit on Bollinger was just flat #%* stupid.

11-20-2008, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan

absolutely crushing a guy when he has no idea what's coming is just wrong,

I agree with everything u saud except this one

What are u supposed to do? two hand touch?

Or maybe call out..hey dude I am about to block you look at me wheeeee

sorry but if he is not payng attention then his bad, not yours

11-20-2008, 05:06 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I agree with everything u saud except this one

What are u supposed to do? two hand touch?

Or maybe call out..hey dude I am about to block you look at me wheeeee

sorry but if he is not payng attention then his bad, not yours
There's a reason they teach you to keep your head on a swivel NF.

11-20-2008, 05:08 PM
I see guys get laid out in high school and college all the time. It's in the NFL that it's a problem. A bunch of overpaid candy @$%es!

11-20-2008, 05:28 PM
Originally posted by trojan37
I see guys get laid out in high school and college all the time. It's in the NFL that it's a problem. A bunch of overpaid candy @$%es!

no..it is because they are an investment...NFL does not want week 14 to come around and it be a match up of 40 year old over the hill vs Young but never going to be good enough to be a starting QB back ups

and I have no problem with that

11-20-2008, 05:54 PM
your taught in football to knock the guy out, make sure he cant make a play on and hit ur players, cuz they are goin to do the same. you gotta keep the head on a swivel and go a 110mph, if u arent payin attention thats ur fault. fines are stupid, yes some hits are for no reason and deserve it but many are ridiculous.

11-20-2008, 06:08 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I agree with everything u saud except this one

What are u supposed to do? two hand touch?

Or maybe call out..hey dude I am about to block you look at me wheeeee

sorry but if he is not payng attention then his bad, not yours I can see your point. that reference was to Ward/Rivers hit. I didn't think it was necessary for Ward to hit him like he did.

I guess guys are taught to hit like that, but man, I'd rather see a block a little less hard, and they guy get up and be able to walk off the field.


Electus Unus
11-20-2008, 06:11 PM
Ray Lewis once said this(I am paraphrasing because I cannot find the exact quote). In football you are one of two things a hammer(the one giving the hit) or a nail(the one getting hit) and I damn sure don't want to be a nail!

11-20-2008, 06:14 PM
I say we're good where we're at... I hate the fines for big hits... I don't care if the runner is aware of it or not... you don't go half-ass on a block like that because it might not be enough... you give what you've got, as hard as you can so you're not saying "Man, If I'da hit him harder he wouldn't have stayed on his feet to make that play"...

I agree you shouldn't block in the back and I agree you shouldn't hit out of bounds, those rules have to be in place or the games would be so long with the injury timeouts, but you see those penalties called sometimes because it was "close", yet wasn't a penalty... I've seen blocks in the side called blocks in the back and I've seen a DB make way for the QB, goes to hit him just before he steps out of bounds and gets a flag... I don't believe that should be called, but it's too close not to call... knowing that, are you going to let regular blocks etc... be left up to the same judgement? hell no... might as well start penalizing teams for tackling one player with three because it's not fair...

11-20-2008, 07:26 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
no..it is because they are an investment...NFL does not want week 14 to come around and it be a match up of 40 year old over the hill vs Young but never going to be good enough to be a starting QB back ups

and I have no problem with that

The NFL linemen are an investment also and they get paid to protect the QB. If they can't do it, oh well.

11-20-2008, 09:46 PM
Originally posted by trojan37
The NFL linemen are an investment also and they get paid to protect the QB. If they can't do it, oh well.

hence why they dont allow block in the backs or blocks that tear up a knee

11-21-2008, 09:32 AM
if you want to really take away the helmet to helmet contact and all the BIG hits, then take the face mask off the helmets.