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View Full Version : Region III GotW: Tyler Chapel Hill vs. La Vega

11-17-2008, 09:11 PM
This should be a great matchup of two great running teams that don't run the slot-T.:D :p :devil:

Who ya got and why???

11-17-2008, 10:06 PM
La Vega wins this one because they're La Vega.

How can they be great running teams and not run the Slot-T? Don't these teams know that is blasphemy? Do they not realize that the Slot-T is to football what the light bulb is to darkness? ;)

Should be a really good game.

11-17-2008, 10:32 PM
I"ll take Chapel Hill because LV probably have not seen a running back like the one they will see this week.:thinking:

11-17-2008, 10:37 PM
Gilmer Poster here. Chapel Hill is a very good football team. I think they make a grave mistake though. They run Tucker 40 tiems a game, and yes he is very very good, but there are also some other good athletes there that they need to get the ball in the hands of and they don't do it. The QB is very very fast, and very slick too. The defense is pretty good, but not the greatest. I'm not sure how good La Vega is passing but we hit Chapel Hill a few times in the intermediate and screen passing game. Chapel Hill is very quick on D so we caught them flying up field a few times with little screens that killed them.

good Luck to Chapel Hilll, I'm pulling for our district opponet.

11-17-2008, 11:31 PM
I think Chapel Hill makes La Vega pay..........

CH 28, LV 21

11-18-2008, 12:04 AM
Defense wins games.

La Vega in a close one.

La Vega 35
Chapel Hill 32

Rabid Cougar
11-18-2008, 08:33 AM
LV runs the John Tyler Sweep. Be sure to stack the box against it because their QB and WR's will greatly appreciate it. They are definitly NOT a one dimensional team. As for TCH's speed... LV knows a little bit about playing defense with speed.

11-18-2008, 09:36 AM
Chapel Hill has one dimension on offense. On defense, they are very fast, but not very fundamentally sound.

La Vega will win this one as much as I hate to say it.

La Vega 41
Chapel Hill 20

11-18-2008, 09:37 AM
Chapel Hill has a great running back and a smooth operating QB , both with good speed. LaVega has a quick pursuing defense. This game will come down to turnovers. Both teams know how to capitalize on any miscue and will turn them into points. Both will be ready and well prepared. My gut says LaVega wins by 7, but I think Chapel Hill feels slighted because LaVega may have chosen to play them to get to China Spring instead of winning out in District. Chapel Hill has something they beleive they have to prove.

Chapel Hill 28
LaVega 24

11-18-2008, 09:53 AM
is that la vega kid still in jail?

11-18-2008, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by jason
is that la vega kid still in jail? I don't Parr is still in jail (I may be wrong), but I am pretty sure that he isn't on the team (I may be wrong again).

11-18-2008, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by HEMOTOXIC
Defense wins games.

La Vega in a close one.

La Vega 35
Chapel Hill 32

You claim that defense wins games at then post a score where absolutely no defense was being played:doh: :thinking: :D

11-18-2008, 05:03 PM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
You claim that defense wins games at then post a score where absolutely no defense was being played:doh: :thinking: :D

Meaning that whoever steps up on defense will win. Obviously I don't think that there will be a shut out. Chapel Hill has a great offense and so those La Vega. I do believe that La Vega may not give up so many points; however CH is capable of puting up some points. Should be a close one.:D

11-18-2008, 05:32 PM
Chapel Hill's Tucker makes good teams look very bad. He can break for a TD at any second.

Chapel Hill 42

La Vega 14

11-18-2008, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Chapel Hill's Tucker makes good teams look very bad. He can break for a TD at any second.

Chapel Hill 42

La Vega 14 wow. I'd like to see it, but I don't think it will happen.

11-18-2008, 07:44 PM
LaVega's O-line has size and they are methodical, they will flat out wear a smaller D-line down. Plus every skill player on the O has potential with play breaking speed, especially after their O-line's size has worn the D line down. After that they can make a lot of stuff happen and the QB looks good. LeVaga's success hinges on the O-line and D-line, they are well prepared and they are very physical.

11-18-2008, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by jason
is that la vega kid still in jail?

He is out of jail and going to alternative school. On another note, the DA said that they will not pursue charges. He passed a lie detector test and they said they would have a hard time proving a case aginst Parr.

Chris Parr (http://www.wacotrib.com/blogs/content/shared-gen/blogs/communities/breakingnews/entries/2008/11/18/charges_dropped_against_star_l.html)

11-19-2008, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by jambo67
LaVega's O-line has size and they are methodical, they will flat out wear a smaller D-line down. Plus every skill player on the O has potential with play breaking speed, especially after their O-line's size has worn the D line down. After that they can make a lot of stuff happen and the QB looks good. LeVaga's success hinges on the O-line and D-line, they are well prepared and they are very physical.

There only loss came the Ab. Wylie who only had one DL that plays regularly over 200 lbs. (230 lbs). The rest of them were smaller quick guys.

However I do think your QB is the whole key to your success. They should open up their offense a little and let him make some plays with his legs. Had they done that against Wylie, they might be undefeated.

11-19-2008, 09:49 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
There only loss came the Ab. Wylie who only had one DL that plays regularly over 200 lbs. (230 lbs). The rest of them were smaller quick guys.

However I do think your QB is the whole key to your success. They should open up their offense a little and let him make some plays with his legs. Had they done that against Wylie, they might be undefeated.

Speed on Defense will win out most of the time over size. Can't block what you can't catch.

11-19-2008, 10:49 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
There only loss came the Ab. Wylie who only had one DL that plays regularly over 200 lbs. (230 lbs). The rest of them were smaller quick guys.

However I do think your QB is the whole key to your success. They should open up their offense a little and let him make some plays with his legs. Had they done that against Wylie, they might be undefeated.
I thought they were 9-2. Didn't LaVega lose their last district game?

Anyway, I think this game could go either way. Personally, I definitely think Chapel Hill can win this one. I would bet money that the Bulldogs have every bit as much speed, maybe more than the Pirates. If the Pirates do not contain Matthew Tucker, and hold him to less than 200 yards (a tall task), I think the Bulldogs win. I think Chapel Hill also has the better defense. Don't know that for sure, but.........I'm gonna say Chapel Hill wins.

Chapel Hill 42
La Vega 34

GO BULLDOGS! Hijack the Pirate ship!:D

11-19-2008, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by waterboy
I thought they were 9-2. Didn't LaVega lose their last district game?

Anyway, I think this game could go either way. Personally, I definitely think Chapel Hill can win this one. I would bet money that the Bulldogs have every bit as much speed, maybe more than the Pirates. If the Pirates do not contain Matthew Tucker, and hold him to less than 200 yards (a tall task), I think the Bulldogs win. I think Chapel Hill also has the better defense. Don't know that for sure, but.........I'm gonna say Chapel Hill wins.

Chapel Hill 42
La Vega 34

GO BULLDOGS! Hijack the Pirate ship!:D

I don't doubt that Chapel Hill has great team speed, but LV has some boys that can flat out fly, and they have great size to go along with it. Sounds like this could be the best game of the weekend in High School Football.

11-19-2008, 11:16 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
I don't doubt that Chapel Hill has great team speed, but LV has some boys that can flat out fly, and they have great size to go along with it. Sounds like this could be the best game of the weekend in High School Football.
Yeah, if my better half didn't already have plans for me :mad: I'd have to go see this one.:D I'm pulling for the Bulldogs for sure!

Texas Cougar
11-19-2008, 03:15 PM
La Vega 34
Chapel Hill 20

11-19-2008, 07:37 PM
I forgot to mention La Vaga's D-line is about as big as the O-line. Their D is also quick and they have a good nose for the ball. TCH will have to work quick. Plus TCH will have to mix it up to keep the LV D off-balance, if that's possible, LV has good composure on both sides of the ball. La Vega uses all 4 quarters and never seems in rush. If LV looked to be anywhere in my future I'd start preparing just to be sure. If TCH's speed delivers like their reputation it will be a true battle of wills.

11-20-2008, 01:06 AM
MODOC is winning this one, no doubt about it.

11-20-2008, 08:35 AM
Originally posted by waterboy
I thought they were 9-2. Didn't LaVega lose their last district game?

Anyway, I think this game could go either way. Personally, I definitely think Chapel Hill can win this one. I would bet money that the Bulldogs have every bit as much speed, maybe more than the Pirates. If the Pirates do not contain Matthew Tucker, and hold him to less than 200 yards (a tall task), I think the Bulldogs win. I think Chapel Hill also has the better defense. Don't know that for sure, but.........I'm gonna say Chapel Hill wins.

Chapel Hill 42
La Vega 34

GO BULLDOGS! Hijack the Pirate ship!:D

they are 9-2. they lost their last district game to Lorena. There have been quite a few postings on this site referencing that loss. Coach Williams rested his starters for most of that game.

Go CS Cougs!

11-20-2008, 05:16 PM
Chris Parr is back on the team and will play Saturday.

Texas Cougar
11-20-2008, 05:23 PM
That is correct. He started practicing again on Weds. He has not practiced in 12 weeks, but the kid is a heck of an athlete and I would not be surprised if he has a great game.

11-20-2008, 09:47 PM
Originally posted by Texas Cougar
That is correct. He started practicing again on Weds. He has not practiced in 12 weeks, but the kid is a heck of an athlete and I would not be surprised if he has a great game.

Hmm, I would then assume that he attended school while he was on bail? I am not sure if as a parent I would be comfortable with a potential violet felon attending public school classes(not convicted, but was in previous trouble based on the fact that they could not release him on just bail based on another legal issue he was dealing with at the time of his arrest).

If he is not guilty, then I am glad he was cleared. But I wonder why the school allowed him to attend school before a jury or a DA could make that determination. All kids must realize that if they put themselves in questionable situations, trouble could eventually find them. It happened to a few of our players last year (one was an all stater as well).

I may be on a soap box, but kids have to grow up and start taking responsibility for themselves and the situations they put themselves in. The wrong place at the wrong time is a reality. Not every kid who gets in trouble is guilty, however I would say most just do not realize the significance of the situations they put themselves in and the perception that they are giving others. It won't be long until they realize that perception is reality. As adults, we get opportunities based on people's perceptions. Is it fair, no, but it is reality.

If Chris Parr was not a football player (and he is one hell of a football player) no one other than close friends and family would care one way or the other. However, since he is, and to top that he is an Africian-American we have people calling him a thug, and a trouble maker, and other names. Kids are kids. Football is football. Encourgage the kids to grow up and make good decisions. Be good role models for them and quit calling him names and making accusations. He was not convicted or even put on trial so I would assume he is not guilty. I have faith in our justice system (heck, I think OJ is not guilty because a group of adults sat through quite a bit of testomony and made that conclusion. They had more info than i did and therefore I assume that they made the correct decision.

Either way, I ask everyone, Are you leaving a legacy worth leaving? If this was your kid, how would you hope people would treat them? Do that and you are probably doing the right thing.

11-20-2008, 09:56 PM
Originally posted by MDMEADTX
Chris Parr is back on the team and will play Saturday.

Yet another checkmark in the "pro" category for the La Vega coach's nomination as national coach of the year!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Texas Cougar
11-20-2008, 09:56 PM
He was going to AEP in LV ISD for 6 weeks. It is like being in ISS, once you are out, you are eligible to participate in school sponsored events. I agree that although he was cleared of this offense, he still has had problems in the past that 98% of coachs/schools would not allow him to participate. Petfect timing for LV as a new 6 weeks just started. He is one heck of a running back and hopefully I get to see him again in 4 weeks.

11-20-2008, 11:03 PM
The justice system is not always perfect, but is a damned sight better hthan it is in any other country in the world. That said, if the District Attorney dismissed charges and the young man has served his school discipline, he is eligible to play. The key will be his conditioning and how the team responds. How is the replacement back, that has been the go to guy for the team all year gonna feel about Parr stepping back in.

Hopefully the duties will be shared fairly and the team can try to move forward. This could be very good for LaVega or a major distraction. We'll see starting this weekend.

11-21-2008, 09:21 AM
There is nothing that can be done about Coach Williamsand his staffs decision. What's done is done and Parr is going to play. But now you have a team in Chapel Hill who has watched game film and scouted a team that has been without a player until now. If they play Parr, which I believe they will, he should make a huge impact again. I say leave the kid in that has been in Parr's place all year and put Parr back there with him. I hope China Spring and LV can both stay focused on each week's opponents because I would love to see them match up in the title game. Football gods, make it happen.

11-21-2008, 09:23 AM
Originally posted by trojan37
There is nothing that can be done about Coach Williamsand his staffs decision. What's done is done and Parr is going to play. But now you have a team in Chapel Hill who has watched game film and scouted a team that has been without a player until now. If they play Parr, which I believe they will, he should make a huge impact again. I say leave the kid in that has been in Parr's place all year and put Parr back there with him. I hope China Spring and LV can both stay focused on each week's opponents because I would love to see them match up in the title game. Football gods, make it happen.

Yeah, I agree. I hope the game happens, but a lot has to go right on both sides!

11-21-2008, 09:36 AM
Originally posted by bp80884
Yeah, I agree. I hope the game happens, but a lot has to go right on both sides!

Exactly. Hopefully both teams won't look ahead and only focus on the current week's opponent, but I think everyone in a 250 mile radius of Waco wants to see that one happen. If it does, I'm there. I saw some highlights on Parr from last year, and some of the highlights show him on the kickoff cover team, and he was lighting people up.

Rabid Cougar
11-22-2008, 11:20 AM
Originally posted by trojan37
Exactly. Hopefully both teams won't look ahead and only focus on the current week's opponent, but I think everyone in a 250 mile radius of Waco wants to see that one happen. If it does, I'm there. I saw some highlights on Parr from last year, and some of the highlights show him on the kickoff cover team, and he was lighting people up.

I've got a highlight of him for you from last year;
6:00 minutes left in the 3rd quarter of Region III Finals, Floyd Casey Stadium.