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View Full Version : This makes no sense

11-03-2008, 06:50 PM
Why does a thread get closed when in my opinion their was nothing wrong with it?

Te thread was about a person making his point about getting rid of their coach (in Brownwood) because of poor performances in the past 5 seasons. Does this poster not have the right to voice his opinions and ask others what they think?

I personally don't have a problem with fans being disappointed in a coach and his performance.

11-03-2008, 06:53 PM
I don't think that was the reason. The web site was slanderous at best.:(

LH Panther Mom
11-03-2008, 06:56 PM
"This person" (the myspace one) can have all the opinions they want on the subject. They won't be on here, though.

11-03-2008, 07:02 PM
3). Do not engage in personal attacks and/or threats.
This is NOT a smack site. We are not here to air personal vendettas. Bashing of students/athletes (grades 12 & under) will NOT be tolerated. Avoid using other members' real names in your posts(without their permission). Do not engage in name calling and the use of derogatory terms toward others. That attaches a personal flavor that most posters will find objectionable. Try reversing the roles and see how you would feel if someone said it to you or about your child. Personal attacks or threats, if reported, in PM's, open chat, or chat IM's may warrant warning, suspension or banning, subject to Administrator discretion. At 3A Downlow, we also tend to frown upon posts that attack the integrity of school systems and coaches. Use intelligence & wit. If all you have to offer is the tired old rah rah stuff, the vets on this site will tire of you quickly. Be prepared to offer facts and statistics to back up your claims.

If that link was not a personal attack on a coach then I don't know what was! Of course that person can have his/her opinion, but WE have rules on this website to prevent that kind of garbage!

Also, your opinion on whether a thread gets to stay open or closed isn't taken into account!