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View Full Version : 94 plano/tyler vs 08 tex/tt

11-02-2008, 05:51 PM
i think the ut/tt game just bypassed the 94 plano/tyler game as the best "almost"come from behind game....whacha think?

phenomenal ballgame, no matter who was your team...

11-02-2008, 05:51 PM
hard to compare, but if you go by the numbers the PE/JT game was by far a greater comeback ....

11-02-2008, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by trojandad
i think the ut/tt game just bypassed the 94 plano/tyler game as the best "almost"come from behind game....whacha think?

phenomenal ballgame, no matter who was your team...

no way in hell that it bypassed that game..now if texas scores on he kickoff....sure

11-02-2008, 06:08 PM
a really odd game for us was the 02 liberty-coldspring game...liberty was up by 9 and took the ball on an int with 2:20 left, first down, they only had to take 4 knees...they ran a sweep that our lb threw the liberty rb back into the endzone, all he had to do was fall down and they would have given him forward progress but he tried to run and was tackled, now liberty up by 7...

coldspring drove 60 yards, converting a 3rd and 30 and scored with 1 min left, converting the two pointer and took a 1 pt lead...

liberty drove down and kcked a 42 yd field goal with time running out (they had first team all state center and kicker that yr....it was no good and we pulled it out by one point....

the odd part was looking across the field at the liberty team celebrating and air horns going off as if they won, then seeing the happy liberty players falling down in disbelief as they were shaking players and coaches hands....i didnt understand, being on the visitors side, bt when i saw the coaches tape the next week, shot from the home side, when the field goal was kicked, the ref against the liberty sidelines threw his hands up quickly...it could have been mistaken (and obviously was) by the liberty sideline but he obviously wasnt signalling the field goal, as the two refs under the goal posts never signalled it was good....

it was so odd to see both teams go to the handshake with each believing they won,let alone taking the ball from a team and scoring twice in 90 seconds to win in the first place....then beating them with a hook and ladder on the lastplay in the following years hasnt helped that awful taste to leave their mouths....they are a tough bunch....

11-02-2008, 06:14 PM
a last play, whether its a kickff return, punt return, last play pass play, i miss the difference....today mack brown knows how jimmy johnson felt against doug flutie...the kind of play to lose on goes away, the surprise loss is what hurts....take it from a man whose fumble behind the 20 lost a playoff game for us on penetrations...(thank GOD they did away with those) :mad:

big daddy russ
11-03-2008, 02:33 AM
That game last night was far and away the best game of the year. That PE/TJT game back in '94 was far and away the best game I've ever seen.

Sorry, but the Tech/UT game pales in comparison to that one. UT, down 19 at halftime, had two quarters to take the lead and then squander it away. Plano, down 24 late in the fourth, had about two and a half minutes to take the lead and then squander it away.

Great comparison, but the '94 game was much better IMO.

Here's a refresher. Plano East is down 41-17 with 2:42 left in the 4th when the video starts.

The Greatest Football game of all-time (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZHkABO0VwCg)

11-03-2008, 02:41 AM
That game wasn't even close to the Plano East-John Tyler game. I feel like I'd be insulting that playoff game to compare it to the game Saturday night. Sure it was a fun game with a wild ending, but it's nowhere near that miracle comeback. It's not even in the ballpark.