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View Full Version : Cleveland 42 Coldspring 18 FINAL !!!!

10-31-2008, 10:32 PM
No one expected this !!!!!

LH Panther Mom
10-31-2008, 11:56 PM

10-31-2008, 11:58 PM
And they remain undefeated. Does this mean they have played "someone" now? Considering that I have never heard of coldspring, I would still say no.

11-01-2008, 12:18 AM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
And they remain undefeated. Does this mean they have played "someone" now? Considering that I have never heard of coldspring, I would still say no.
If you have never heard of Coldspring, you should probably look at a little 3A history to get a good idea of the Trojans background. Coldspring-Oakhurst CISD is on the west shore of Lake Livingston in East Texas. They are traditionally a solid football program with lots of speed. As far as Cleveland is concerned, they are hot this year. I would not want to face them in the playoffs.

11-01-2008, 12:25 AM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
And they remain undefeated. Does this mean they have played "someone" now? Considering that I have never heard of coldspring, I would still say no.

Your Bad for not knowing who the Coldspring Trojans are!:D

11-01-2008, 11:38 AM
meant to get here last night but i went to a big party in cleveland after the game (am a grad of cleveland)...believe it or not, it was a really good game....

first half had both teams scoring on their first two possesions, coldspring first, then cleveland each time (coldspring in 7-9 play drives, cleveland in 15-18 play drives), the last two drives ended with each team holding the other for the first time in the game...coldspring was mixing up the passing game with good running and cleveland was exclusively on the ground and the stats were pretty even....

second half had each team holding the other to 3 and out and punts, but in the first coldspring possession our qb hurt his calf muscle/ankle, he still had his straight speed but went down on his cuts after that....that next possession is when he threw his first interception and it was a terrible pass, as was his next...then came two fumbles in the third, one by scott on a kickoff, and our defense just couldn't last the entire 3rd qtr on the field....

our qb was still trying, broke free on a couple of 4th qtr runs with only 1 man left to beat each time but couldn't cut on his leg...really felt bad for him...final stats had us practically even in total yards (cs 289, cleve 272)...

while i still like clevelands defensive scheme (reminds me of the old 46 the way they stack backers and safeties) they didn't stop us, the turnovers did...i thought they would have been more of a factor than they were....and looking back i still liked dibolls offense more even though it looks like carthage figured it out...

i was also proud of both teams for holding their tempers, in the past it has been a real problem with all these guys playing against each other for yrs and yrs in youth and jr high ball....the refs were a different story, while we had many more penalties than cleveland, something personal was going on with the refs and coldspring...

one of our guys got called for a late hit out of bounds and the ref ran over and actually (i have it on tape) stuck his finger in the cs players mask causing him to flinch like he hit his nose or something, the coaches had to run up to get between them....i believe in running a player if they get out of line but challenging them is out of line and i am really proud of our players restraint, not so sure i as a senior would have let that ref go without having him rethrow that flag, if you know what i mean....

bottom line is i think cleveland is really clicking and maybe they are still a top 10 team in most eyes, and lord knows i'd love to promote a team from our district as a top 10 team cause we need it, but without the qb injury i'm not seeing this being more than a td either way....but it did and it was.....good game, cleveland, prove me wrong and win it all....!!

good luck pickin up the boys, coach....

11-02-2008, 02:20 PM

11-02-2008, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by shsu31

:thinking: :thinking:

11-02-2008, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by shsu31

Yikes. You may be the quickest out the door ever.

11-02-2008, 02:49 PM
dang...i was just telling the truth...for all yall that didnt see the post.....the qb got hit....the big running back got hit.... they laid it down once again. because they got hit...

11-02-2008, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by shsu31
dang...i was just telling the truth...for all yall that didnt see the post.....the qb got hit....the big running back got hit.... they laid it down once again. because they got hit...

The lingo and player bashing is what got that edited. Tone it down and add positive or informative posts. Nothing wrong with having an opinion though.

11-02-2008, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by shsu31
dang...i was just telling the truth...for all yall that didnt see the post.....the qb got hit....the big running back got hit.... they laid it down once again. because they got hit... you used profanity which is not acceptable on this board.

11-02-2008, 05:39 PM
nothing you said on the undeleted comment was the "truth", as you said...

i didnt see the deleted comment but if i'm catchin it right, the qb was rushed well but neither time was he hit on the int's, the second int was a one step drop, not enough time for them to hit him, he was just throwing one legged, and yes, due to good clean hard hits previously from the defense, but your wrong that he was hit while throwing....

and scotts fumble was on a kickoff to him, in fact he fumbled it, picked it up, fumbled it again, picked it up again and fumbled it a third time before the kickoff team made it to him....THEN they hit him....

and if this is garrett, great job on ur double ot win over sfa, had to miss the end of it to get to the underwood concert....and watch a game before you comment on it with details, you give hard playing guys a bad name for things they didn't do, you should know what that's like....thanks...

11-03-2008, 01:03 PM
1st off i never said that the qb got hit while throwing. i just said that he got hit harder this game then anyother game he has ever been in...the big running back actually fumbled twice..once while getting hit by # 26 from cleveland and the other one he got lazy or scared and fumble, he didnt pick it up 3 times either..the problem that i have is that you claim to be from cleveland and graduated from here...did you ever play football..if so you must have been on that 1989 team that got blown out by jasper 82-0. so i can see your bad feelings.....but to not give credit still that just blows my mind....good luck against Wos.. yall are gonna need it unless yall come up with a defensive scheme that will stop the trap.
and by the way im not garrett who ever that is...

11-04-2008, 12:02 AM
busted...ur right, didnt go to cleveland...was stuck in tarkington and sayin i was from cleveland was an upgrade....workin my way up to ditch digger....never played a snap.....never snapped while i played....didnt graduate with pillots dad....with coach tullos's dad and his aunt.....didnt go to school the same time his mom was a basketball stud at splendora, caught me again, sorry, so shamed.....

ur right, qb was never hit so hard before, now he can die happy knowing those were the toughest hits....wo-s will be a snap compared to the severe hits from cleveland guys, whom i stated i was very proud of.....

garrett is shsu's #31 this yr, he's a great guy....oh wait, i dont know shsu players either, not even my son, my bad....

11-04-2008, 12:19 AM
Originally posted by trojandad
busted...ur right, didnt go to cleveland...was stuck in tarkington and sayin i was from cleveland was an upgrade....workin my way up to ditch digger....never played a snap.....never snapped while i played....didnt graduate with pillots dad....with coach tullos's dad and his aunt.....didnt go to school the same time his mom was a basketball stud at splendora, caught me again, sorry, so shamed.....

ur right, qb was never hit so hard before, now he can die happy knowing those were the toughest hits....wo-s will be a snap compared to the severe hits from cleveland guys, whom i stated i was very proud of.....

garrett is shsu's #31 this yr, he's a great guy....oh wait, i dont know shsu players either, not even my son, my bad....
:confused: T-Dad you hitting the Trojan juice tonight?

11-04-2008, 12:20 AM
just cant do as dumb of a post as mr cleveland can, hard as i might try.....lol

11-04-2008, 12:22 AM
Yea Ha Yall have a good team this year and you guys pounded us all night long with Mr. Scott. Good luck to you and the Trojans.

11-04-2008, 02:21 AM
and to you guys, really proud of the indians this year.....with your draw the the round looks doable.....

11-04-2008, 10:53 PM
Originally posted by trojandad
and to you guys, really proud of the indians this year.....with your draw the the round looks doable.....
Question about Scott....did he really turn a corner this year? Last year at Rattler Stadium, I liked him better at linebacker than running back. He didn't run hard, and was an easy tackle. Zavius? Johnson (#20 last year) I think was his name, was a heck of a speedy back.

11-05-2008, 02:35 AM
ur really perceptive....what we have heard about scott from tt guys is that they are even considering changing him from lb to ss, sorta like brian erlacher in college....scotts strength in high school was his size and speed compared to the majority of opponents as the man has been over 6'4"since the 8th grade (ran for 250 yds in 8th grade against diboll once)...

scott at rb for us really involves zavius a lot, zavius came into school a yr ahead of scott and being as good as he was, sort of kept control of the team along with a kid named davison, a kid that graduated last yr also who could have honestly been the greatest athlete coldspring ever saw but couldnt overcome a head that believed that every bad play was his supporting players fault (they finally had to move him from qb to safety so nobody could hear him gripe in the backfield, lol)...

zavius and davison ended up leading a very divisive team, though talented and fast and zavius finished with the second highest rushing total in coldspring history (ray fisher had almost 2,800 yds in 92)....but when this team became scotts this yr scott supports his players better, he allows allen to qb and does a better job of picking up teammates....the flip side is that, say, when he fumbled outright in the cleveland game, he was harder on himself than he woulda been on someone else....

johnson went to a small college in oklahoma but i heard from a friend of his that he's been talking about transferring to shsu next yr...he'll be a good running back if he has a superior to teach him that he needs his teammates....

scott has always played fb, i would have liked to have seen him play tb from an 8 yd spacing, at the cleveland game he split out at wr and even with cleveland rolling their backfield to his side, he was still a good 10 yds behind the cb or fs when he caught the td pass.....his speed just hasnt been utilized as it could have been simply because hes also the biggest, strongest guy on his team....ill just bet tt can figure out how to use his size AND speed, speed being their strength....

when we beat you guys two yrs ago scott got his 100+ rushing, last yr when you won he didn't....when johnson gets 100+ rushing we'd win 89% of games, inc the cleve game when scott gets 100+ we've won 97% (he didnt get 100 in this game)....in the cleve game, scott and qb allen would run the two man option and you could see cleve swallowing scotts side (smart move) and enough room was there for allen to get 150 rushing even with a second half bum ankle...scott has a much easier time with his team first attitude to sacrifice numbers than the team last yr did....

so i think scott could be a good tb, in the form of eric dickerson, big and tall, not AS fast but tougher up the middle, but his defensive skills probably won't give him a chance at that.....if he goes pro i definitely see lb or ss as his position....

11-05-2008, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by trojandad
ur really perceptive....what we have heard about scott from tt guys is that they are even considering changing him from lb to ss, sorta like brian erlacher in college....scotts strength in high school was his size and speed compared to the majority of opponents as the man has been over 6'4"since the 8th grade (ran for 250 yds in 8th grade against diboll once)...

scott at rb for us really involves zavius a lot, zavius came into school a yr ahead of scott and being as good as he was, sort of kept control of the team along with a kid named davison, a kid that graduated last yr also who could have honestly been the greatest athlete coldspring ever saw but couldnt overcome a head that believed that every bad play was his supporting players fault (they finally had to move him from qb to safety so nobody could hear him gripe in the backfield, lol)...

zavius and davison ended up leading a very divisive team, though talented and fast and zavius finished with the second highest rushing total in coldspring history (ray fisher had almost 2,800 yds in 92)....but when this team became scotts this yr scott supports his players better, he allows allen to qb and does a better job of picking up teammates....the flip side is that, say, when he fumbled outright in the cleveland game, he was harder on himself than he woulda been on someone else....

johnson went to a small college in oklahoma but i heard from a friend of his that he's been talking about transferring to shsu next yr...he'll be a good running back if he has a superior to teach him that he needs his teammates....

scott has always played fb, i would have liked to have seen him play tb from an 8 yd spacing, at the cleveland game he split out at wr and even with cleveland rolling their backfield to his side, he was still a good 10 yds behind the cb or fs when he caught the td pass.....his speed just hasnt been utilized as it could have been simply because hes also the biggest, strongest guy on his team....ill just bet tt can figure out how to use his size AND speed, speed being their strength....

when we beat you guys two yrs ago scott got his 100+ rushing, last yr when you won he didn't....when johnson gets 100+ rushing we'd win 89% of games, inc the cleve game when scott gets 100+ we've won 97% (he didnt get 100 in this game)....in the cleve game, scott and qb allen would run the two man option and you could see cleve swallowing scotts side (smart move) and enough room was there for allen to get 150 rushing even with a second half bum ankle...scott has a much easier time with his team first attitude to sacrifice numbers than the team last yr did....

so i think scott could be a good tb, in the form of eric dickerson, big and tall, not AS fast but tougher up the middle, but his defensive skills probably won't give him a chance at that.....if he goes pro i definitely see lb or ss as his position....
I had no idea Scott was being recruited, though with his size, I am not the least bit surprised. Good luck to him and Zavius. I see ZJ returning punts/kickoffs at the collegiate level more than being a featured back.