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10-29-2008, 03:46 PM
this is the time of year where it begins. And it has already started. It has started seeping in here on the DL little by little. It starts with a few comments here and there. Everyone swears they do not mean anything by it or they don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings or they do not want anyone to respond.....
I think EVERYONE needs to remember that the mods have made it clear that coach bashing is not allowed on here and shouldn't be tolerated. If you love and support your kids and teams- don't bash the men and women that lead and guide them day in and day out. Your negativity does nothing but breed more negativity and will do nothing but hurt your kids and make them resentful (more than likely against you). And it isn't just about coaches. Remember what you yell from the stands and how you conduct yourselves on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Friday nights effects those young men and women that will someday be mothers, fathers and yes, coaches and teachers. Please be responsible in your actions. They hear us and if what they hear on the field or court is negative- their attitude will be negative.
I don't know- I needed this as much as anybody, but I just had this on my heart and needed to share it.

10-29-2008, 03:57 PM
Our GP coach is on a year to year contract...I have been told this will be his last year, but I have also been told we can't afford a top notch coach to replace the one we have now. We shall see:thinking:

10-29-2008, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Gp83
Our GP coach is on a year to year contract...I have been told this will be his last year, but I have also been told we can't afford a top notch coach to replace the one we have now. We shall see:thinking:
My thread wasn't just about coaches. It just seems like this time of year- everybody wants to always blame somebody. Just the nature of the beast- I guess.

10-29-2008, 04:32 PM
Originally posted by Gp83
Our GP coach is on a year to year contract...I have been told this will be his last year, but I have also been told we can't afford a top notch coach to replace the one we have now. We shall see:thinking: I heard....nvm....:helpme:

popcorn screen
10-29-2008, 08:33 PM
Gp has a good coach and he has won for years at Refugio and GP was always trying to lure him. Your team has an outstanding coach - - be thankful.

10-29-2008, 08:41 PM
Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue
My thread wasn't just about coaches. It just seems like this time of year- everybody wants to always blame somebody. Just the nature of the beast- I guess.

You are so right!!! I guess I was one of the bashers last Friday. Some times when the play or a series of plays doesn't go just like you or I think they should, it seems to be a bone head call by the coach or coaches, when in fact, it really doesn't matter what a coach calls if the kids don't execute the play or series of plays the way they were taught they don't work!!!!

popcorn screen
10-29-2008, 08:45 PM
Well put. Support the team and the program and you will always remain positive.:clap:

10-29-2008, 08:52 PM
I think you are 100% right about how the parents' attitude toward their kid's coach directly correlates into the players confidence. If a new HD can't trace his coaching lineage to a proven coaching "tree" they may have a season at best. It a'int fair and at most schools the parents are their own worst enemies. Winning is all the pressure a professional coach needs.

10-29-2008, 08:57 PM
Originally posted by Gp83
Our GP coach is on a year to year contract...I have been told this will be his last year, but I have also been told we can't afford a top notch coach to replace the one we have now. We shall see:thinking:

GEEZ !!!!! Did you even read the thread? :thmbdwn:

10-29-2008, 09:02 PM
I understand the rules here on the DL and will abide by them. But I do not believe coaches should get a free ride from honest criticism...after all, they are hired to do a job that is paid for by US. And in many case, some coaches are actually doing harm to our kids and their best interests.

So, with this said...where can one go to openly discuss these issues? Of course you can always go the school and talk to the powers-that-be, but I was wondering if there is a board where this IS allowed.

10-29-2008, 09:21 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
I understand the rules here on the DL and will abide by them. But I do not believe coaches should get a free ride from honest criticism...after all, they are hired to do a job that is paid for by US. And in many case, some coaches are actually doing harm to our kids and their best interests.

So, with this said...where can one go to openly discuss these issues? Of course you can always go the school and talk to the powers-that-be, but I was wondering if there is a board where this IS allowed.

I agree with everything you said about accountability for coaches. If you really think they are "doing harm", I would start with a school board member. If you wouldn't say it to a SCM then why on earth would you say it on here. IMO on these boards when people are jacking up coaches, it is nothing more than 1) somebody that really has no idea what they're talking about 2) somebody that's kid is not playing enough 3) don't know what else to say about why their team sucks, 4) heard someone else say it so they say it. JMO PEACE

10-29-2008, 09:23 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
I understand the rules here on the DL and will abide by them. But I do not believe coaches should get a free ride from honest criticism...after all, they are hired to do a job that is paid for by US. And in many case, some coaches are actually doing harm to our kids and their best interests.

So, with this said...where can one go to openly discuss these issues? Of course you can always go the school and talk to the powers-that-be, but I was wondering if there is a board where this IS allowed.

Oh good lord, wimbo. Start a new site called CoachBash Downlow and I am sure you will have 1000 members by tomorrow morning.

There is a right and wrong way to do what you are talking about. On a public forum for the world to see just isn't it, IMHO.

10-29-2008, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Oh good lord, wimbo. Start a new site called CoachBash Downlow and I am sure you will have 1000 members by tomorrow morning.

There is a right and wrong way to do what you are talking about. On a public forum for the world to see just isn't it, IMHO.

Yeah...you're probably right. I just don't buy the "coaches are untouchable" attitude many have at the schools.

10-29-2008, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Yeah...you're probably right. I just don't buy the "coaches are untouchable" attitude many have at the schools.

We all know that the coaches are not untouchable. If that were true, there would never be any firings or resignations. The point is why hang them publicly in a forum? Call your buddy, go get some coffee, and get it off your chest. Everybody gets frustrated and everybody "knows" how to fix all the problems, but not everybody has what it takes to be a coach, or a winning coach for that matter.

10-30-2008, 03:07 PM
Wimbo Pro the sad thing about the way you feel is that you are trying to make judgement on something that you probably understand very little about. We all think because we played and watch it on TV we understand it but the reality is we don't understand near as much as we think we do. When you point a finger you need to realize that you have three pointing back at you. The community is the reason for program success and or failure most of the time. How committed is the community? Wimbo Pro what have you done to ensure that your favorite school has a successful program?

10-30-2008, 03:12 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
We all know that the coaches are not untouchable. If that were true, there would never be any firings or resignations. The point is why hang them publicly in a forum? Call your buddy, go get some coffee, and get it off your chest. Everybody gets frustrated and everybody "knows" how to fix all the problems, but not everybody has what it takes to be a coach, or a winning coach for that matter.
Do what Rocket does!:devil: :devil:



10-30-2008, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by cookiemonster
Wimbo Pro the sad thing about the way you feel is that you are trying to make judgement on something that you probably understand very little about. We all think because we played and watch it on TV we understand it but the reality is we don't understand near as much as we think we do. When you point a finger you need to realize that you have three pointing back at you. The community is the reason for program success and or failure most of the time. How committed is the community? Wimbo Pro what have you done to ensure that your favorite school has a successful program?

Cookiemoster has finally hit on something that I have been telling people for years. Being a former coach of 18 years and having been out of coaching for 6 years, I feel this gives me a perspective from both sides. There are Great, Average, Not so Great coaches all over the place. Some of the Great coaches do have success, and some of the not so great coaches have some success. A whole lot of it has to do with the community. There are those communities where the "majority" of the people are very supportive and portray a positive attitude toward the coaches and their programs, these communities usually have successful programs year after year regardless of talent. Then are those communites where the "majority" of the people spend all their time bashing and blaming the coach for every little thing that doesn't go their way. These communities are usually perinial losers, and it doesn't matter how good of a coach you hire, their not going to be able to succed on a consistant basis, because the "KIDS" in the program have grown up listening to all the whinning, bashing, and blaming about the coaches and how sorry they are and how everything is their fault because their bad coaches. So what happens when these kids are the ones playing on Fridays. The first time things don't go well and you start losing they too start blaming the coach and you have a team full of cancers, and we all know how deadly that is.

If you are part of a community that has never been successful, then take a stand and start a trend where the community as a whole is going to get behind the coaches and their programs and be an asset to the program instead of a cancer.

If you are part of a great community, be thankful and don't fall into the easy trap of bashing some good coaches because of one bad season. Tell them how much you appreaciate them.

Okay, I have gotten that off my chest. I feel much better now.:D

10-30-2008, 08:44 PM
Originally posted by cookiemonster
Wimbo Pro the sad thing about the way you feel is that you are trying to make judgement on something that you probably understand very little about. We all think because we played and watch it on TV we understand it but the reality is we don't understand near as much as we think we do. When you point a finger you need to realize that you have three pointing back at you. The community is the reason for program success and or failure most of the time. How committed is the community? Wimbo Pro what have you done to ensure that your favorite school has a successful program?

CookieMonster...I get your point. However, though I admit to not being as knowledgable in the "ins-and-outs" of coaching as even the worst of coaches, I DO know success. The comparison isnt between me and a coach...the comparison is between a winning program and a losing program. Saying that one shouldnt comment on a subject because they arent as fully informed as the person in question is like saying you shouldnt vote because you dont know the issues like the candidates.

By the way, I am not referring to our coaches here. They have proven to all here that they know how to take a team to state and how to win it. Though I have had my own issues with some of their decisions over the years, they have proven to me that they have the stuff it takes to go all the way. They have my support, even though we are not lighting it up this year.

10-30-2008, 09:00 PM
Bashing coaches on here amounts to character assassination without benefit of rebuttal opportunity. We will not be a part of that. Problems with coaches whether real or perceived need to be addressed to the local school board and or Superintendant. If one feels you just HAVE to discuss this with someone via 3ADL, I strongly suggest one do so in PMs.

10-30-2008, 09:07 PM
Originally posted by sinton66
Bashing coaches on here amounts to character assassination without benefit of rebuttal opportunity. We will not be a part of that. Problems with coaches whether real or perceived need to be addressed to the local school board and or Superintendant. If one feels you just HAVE to discuss this with someone via 3ADL, I strongly suggest one do so in PMs.

Fully understood, Sinton66. I am sure you noticed we arent bashing any particular coaches at all...just discussing the best way to address grievances one might have with coaches. And as I said above, I dont have any with our coaches.

10-30-2008, 09:18 PM
Wasn't directed at you. Just explaining why we don't allow it.

10-30-2008, 09:20 PM
I gotcha.

LH Panther Mom
10-30-2008, 09:27 PM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
Cookiemoster has finally hit on something that I have been telling people for years. Being a former coach of 18 years and having been out of coaching for 6 years, I feel this gives me a perspective from both sides. There are Great, Average, Not so Great coaches all over the place. Some of the Great coaches do have success, and some of the not so great coaches have some success. A whole lot of it has to do with the community. There are those communities where the "majority" of the people are very supportive and portray a positive attitude toward the coaches and their programs, these communities usually have successful programs year after year regardless of talent. Then are those communites where the "majority" of the people spend all their time bashing and blaming the coach for every little thing that doesn't go their way. These communities are usually perinial losers, and it doesn't matter how good of a coach you hire, their not going to be able to succed on a consistant basis, because the "KIDS" in the program have grown up listening to all the whinning, bashing, and blaming about the coaches and how sorry they are and how everything is their fault because their bad coaches. So what happens when these kids are the ones playing on Fridays. The first time things don't go well and you start losing they too start blaming the coach and you have a team full of cancers, and we all know how deadly that is.

If you are part of a community that has never been successful, then take a stand and start a trend where the community as a whole is going to get behind the coaches and their programs and be an asset to the program instead of a cancer.

If you are part of a great community, be thankful and don't fall into the easy trap of bashing some good coaches because of one bad season. Tell them how much you appreaciate them.

Okay, I have gotten that off my chest. I feel much better now.:D
Sorry, but I'm going to disagree to a point. It is very possible to have kids with a positive attitude, parents who are supportive, yet an unsuccessful program because of coaching.

Every town has people week after week that sit in the stands and are so much smarter than the coach, can call better plays, or put the players in much better positions, regardless of the success of the team. There will always be some who never agree & that's fine. IMO, a post asking if so & so coach will be gone after the season because of a record, etc is not for this forum. Stating that you'd like to see more xyz plays called is a different matter. And to that, most coaches have their base offense and that's what they'll run, so either learn to like it or find another team. ;)

10-30-2008, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
IMO, a post asking if so & so coach will be gone after the season because of a record, etc is not for this forum.

My thoughts exactly...but I wasnt going to say anything....

10-30-2008, 09:52 PM
If I've watched just about every episode there is to see on COPS it could in no way be extrapulated into the fact that I'd be a good cop. Being in the stands watching as opposed to being on the sideline under the real pressure of the game is different by a long shot.

10-30-2008, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by jambo67
If I've watched just about every episode there is to see on COPS it could in no way be extrapulated into the fact that I'd be a good cop. Being in the stands watching as opposed to being on the sideline under the real pressure of the game is different by a long shot.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

10-30-2008, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Sorry, but I'm going to disagree to a point. It is very possible to have kids with a positive attitude, parents who are supportive, yet an unsuccessful program because of coaching.

Every town has people week after week that sit in the stands and are so much smarter than the coach, can call better plays, or put the players in much better positions, regardless of the success of the team. There will always be some who never agree & that's fine. IMO, a post asking if so & so coach will be gone after the season because of a record, etc is not for this forum. Stating that you'd like to see more xyz plays called is a different matter. And to that, most coaches have their base offense and that's what they'll run, so either learn to like it or find another team. ;)

Your are absolutely right about every town having no-it-all fans in the stands. I here some every friday night in our stands. But my statement talked about the "majority", not the "minority". It is much easier to get kids to buy into a program when they grow up in a positive and supporting environment, and the more of these types of kids you have the better your chances are of having success on a consistant basis because there are always going to be ups and downs and the good programs build character during the tough times, and are better because of it. If the majority of your kids are going to belly ache, complain, and point fingers when your team goes through a bad spell, it is very difficult for a coaching staff to get them to pull together and grow as a team. The result of these teams are usually huge peaks and valleys with more than their share of discipline problems. Like I said earlier, there are good coaches who don't win with some talented teams and then there are coaches who win with not near as much talent, and the community as a whole plays an important role in the development of their youth as they grow up watching their Friday night heroes and dreaming of the day when they will get the chance.

JMO, but if you take a close look at the top programs year after year you will find a lot similiarities. Sure Enrollments and other factors play a role in some cases, but their are some affluent towns and areas that never have very much success in athletics.


10-31-2008, 08:17 AM
Originally posted by jambo67
If I've watched just about every episode there is to see on COPS it could in no way be extrapulated into the fact that I'd be a good cop. Being in the stands watching as opposed to being on the sideline under the real pressure of the game is different by a long shot.

Agreed...but there ARE those out there who do know how to thrive and win on the field, and there are those who don't. There is nothing wrong with pointing that out (in the proper context, of course).

10-31-2008, 08:45 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
Your are absolutely right about every town having no-it-all fans in the stands. I here some every friday night in our stands. But my statement talked about the "majority", not the "minority". It is much easier to get kids to buy into a program when they grow up in a positive and supporting environment, and the more of these types of kids you have the better your chances are of having success on a consistant basis because there are always going to be ups and downs and the good programs build character during the tough times, and are better because of it. If the majority of your kids are going to belly ache, complain, and point fingers when your team goes through a bad spell, it is very difficult for a coaching staff to get them to pull together and grow as a team. The result of these teams are usually huge peaks and valleys with more than their share of discipline problems. Like I said earlier, there are good coaches who don't win with some talented teams and then there are coaches who win with not near as much talent, and the community as a whole plays an important role in the development of their youth as they grow up watching their Friday night heroes and dreaming of the day when they will get the chance.

JMO, but if you take a close look at the top programs year after year you will find a lot similiarities. Sure Enrollments and other factors play a role in some cases, but their are some affluent towns and areas that never have very much success in athletics.


Yeah great point, but that is why teams like the ones you are talkin about have virtually no kids that ever play past the high school level. Plus, they continue to live in their high school days of when I played, and we were this or that, instead of growing into their next phase of life.

10-31-2008, 09:35 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by wimbo_pro
[B]I understand the rules here on the DL and will abide by them. But I do not believe coaches should get a free ride from honest criticism...after all, they are hired to do a job that is paid for by US. And in many case, some coaches are actually doing harm to our kids and their best interests.

You pay the coaches salary? I realize we pay property taxes...But you tell me what job you have and I will be able to link it to the cititzens "paying" your salary. If you are a shoe salesman, then we buy shoes from you so I pay your salary...so I should be able to tell you how to sell shoes...
Saying the old "WE PAY YOUR SALARY" because coaches work for school districts is one of the most idiotic things I hear. And I hear it every year. Oh, you work for EXXON MOBIL? WELL I PAY YOUR SALARY BECAUSE I BUY GAS. NOW YOU SUCK AT THE EXPLORATION REPORTS YOU DID LAST WEEK. FIRE THE ACCOUNT REP!


10-31-2008, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
Yeah great point, but that is why teams like the ones you are talkin about have virtually no kids that ever play past the high school level. Plus, they continue to live in their high school days of when I played, and we were this or that, instead of growing into their next phase of life. :thinking: :doh: Not excatly sure where your going with this?

10-31-2008, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Crasher
[QUOTE]Originally posted by wimbo_pro
[B]I understand the rules here on the DL and will abide by them. But I do not believe coaches should get a free ride from honest criticism...after all, they are hired to do a job that is paid for by US. And in many case, some coaches are actually doing harm to our kids and their best interests.

You pay the coaches salary? I realize we pay property taxes...But you tell me what job you have and I will be able to link it to the cititzens "paying" your salary. If you are a shoe salesman, then we buy shoes from you so I pay your salary...so I should be able to tell you how to sell shoes...
Saying the old "WE PAY YOUR SALARY" because coaches work for school districts is one of the most idiotic things I hear. And I hear it every year. Oh, you work for EXXON MOBIL? WELL I PAY YOUR SALARY BECAUSE I BUY GAS. NOW YOU SUCK AT THE EXPLORATION REPORTS YOU DID LAST WEEK. FIRE THE ACCOUNT REP!


At the Varsity level, the players are young men and women, NOT CHIDREN, coaches should coach to win and develop young men and women. They also should be held accountable for there actions and records.

10-31-2008, 09:59 AM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
Yeah great point, but that is why teams like the ones you are talkin about have virtually no kids that ever play past the high school level. Plus, they continue to live in their high school days of when I played, and we were this or that, instead of growing into their next phase of life.

:confused: :confused: :confused:

I would say just the opposite. I think that kids that grow up in these type communities have a way better chance of carrying that success on to the rest of their lives. They have learned how to work hard, be a part of a team, etc. all the cliches. I think that comment you made is a big ol' cop-out. No offense.:)

Phil C
10-31-2008, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by Gp83
Our GP coach is on a year to year contract...I have been told this will be his last year, but I have also been told we can't afford a top notch coach to replace the one we have now. We shall see:thinking:

Coach Harris is and has always been a class act. The thing that also stands out that even though he worked for his teams to win as a coach is supposed too he always had concern and interest for the opposing teams.

He will be missed but when he does step down I am sure G-P will have at least 100 applicants for the position.

10-31-2008, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by nobogey72
:confused: :confused: :confused:

I would say just the opposite. I think that kids that grow up in these type communities have a way better chance of carrying that success on to the rest of their lives. They have learned how to work hard, be a part of a team, etc. all the cliches. I think that comment you made is a big ol' cop-out. No offense.:)

All of ya'll are correct. However, the single most important factor in young men and women's lives going through high school is not coaches or sports. They may have a better chance just from being involved. Coaches can be positive and coaches can be neative. But those experiences are short term and seldom have a long lasting affect.

It is the parents of these kids that play the most important part in their lives. Don't blame the sorry, bad or loudmouthed coach if your kid turns out bad. It is generally the parents influence or lack there of that makes a difference.

Generally I would say that it is the student athletes without parents that the coach has the most influence on.

Besides, Coaches are paid to raise your CHILDREN, they are paid to win ball games and instill a sense of work ethic, responsibility and discipline along with the parents.

And that's why they make the big bucks.

10-31-2008, 10:57 AM
As a former coach, I understand what many of you are saying. However, how do you explain winning in one sport and not in another when you basically have the same kids? The last place I was at was like this. Football and basketball were not that successful, yet we went 4 rounds in the playoffs in baseball with basically the same kids. I agree with whoever said there is a culture of losing in some schools/communities. You could hire any "great" coach and they would still be unsuccessful at these places.

If you want to bash a coach or rant and rave at them telling them they don't know what they are doing or "why don't you run/pass more" or any of the other millions of complaints, ask yourself this: would you put your job and your family's security at stake by relying on teenagers?

If so, go get your teaching certificate and say goodbye to your family. Get ready to eat bad food, listen to irate parents, forget about weekends, miss birthdays, anniversaries, and YOUR kids events because you have to help OTHER people's kids. Oh, and teach 5-7 classes on top of coaching more than one sport.

And if you are the AD ( which is usually the head football coach also), you get to field complaints not just from football, but from ALL the sports at ALL levels-7th grade B team through varsity, as well as show up to volleyball games and tournaments, boys/girls basketball games and tournaments, baseball/ softball games and tournaments, track meets, powerlifting meets, academic meets (because you are not just interested in sports), school board meetings, budget meetings, school administrators meetings, and so on. And be successful in your sport.

10-31-2008, 11:05 AM
In coaching reality plays a very small role. Perception is what gets you fired.
Example: I'm coaching a team that has a chance to win the State Championship but we go 12-3 and lose to a lesser team in the semi's ---- Do I get fired? No

I play a 10 game season and have very little chance to win a game but we find a way to win the 7th game of the season.
Do I lose my job? Very likely

Who is more successful the team that was 12-3 but lost a game it should have won or the 1-9 team that found a way to win a game they never should of had a chance to win.

10-31-2008, 11:11 AM
Originally posted by Hannibal
As a former coach, I understand what many of you are saying. However, how do you explain winning in one sport and not in another when you basically have the same kids? The last place I was at was like this. Football and basketball were not that successful, yet we went 4 rounds in the playoffs in baseball with basically the same kids. I agree with whoever said there is a culture of losing in some schools/communities. You could hire any "great" coach and they would still be unsuccessful at these places.

If you want to bash a coach or rant and rave at them telling them they don't know what they are doing or "why don't you run/pass more" or any of the other millions of complaints, ask yourself this: would you put your job and your family's security at stake by relying on teenagers?

If so, go get your teaching certificate and say goodbye to your family. Get ready to eat bad food, listen to irate parents, forget about weekends, miss birthdays, anniversaries, and YOUR kids events because you have to help OTHER people's kids. Oh, and teach 5-7 classes on top of coaching more than one sport.

And if you are the AD ( which is usually the head football coach also), you get to field complaints not just from football, but from ALL the sports at ALL levels-7th grade B team through varsity, as well as show up to volleyball games and tournaments, boys/girls basketball games and tournaments, baseball/ softball games and tournaments, track meets, powerlifting meets, academic meets (because you are not just interested in sports), school board meetings, budget meetings, school administrators meetings, and so on. And be successful in your sport.

There are a lot of schools that will not have great success in Football or Basketball, but will have success in baseball, golf, tennis, softball and other minor sports. My opinion is because these other sports are sports that kids start playing and competeing in elementary school and their parents pay big bucks for clinics and lessons so by the time the High School gets them they are usually very well skilled and don't need a whole lot of coaching because their not great "team" sports like football and basketball are. Even though baseball is a team sport, success is often based on great individual skills, and doesn't require the coach to mold a great game plan or scheme like football and basketball.

I know some of you are thinking that basketball has also become one of the sports where kids start early and go to clinics but at the High School level it is still a sports that requires great teamwork and discipline which is all on the coach to mold and put together.

10-31-2008, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
There are a lot of schools that will not have great success in Football or Basketball, but will have success in baseball, golf, tennis, softball and other minor sports. My opinion is because these other sports are sports that kids start playing and competeing in elementary school and their parents pay big bucks for clinics and lessons so by the time the High School gets them they are usually very well skilled and don't need a whole lot of coaching because their not great "team" sports like football and basketball are. Even though baseball is a team sport, success is often based on great individual skills, and doesn't require the coach to mold a great game plan or scheme like football and basketball.

I know some of you are thinking that basketball has also become one of the sports where kids start early and go to clinics but at the High School level it is still a sports that requires great teamwork and discipline which is all on the coach to mold and put together.

You got that right.

I think because Basketball is a continuous game of momentum, d speed, timing and teamwork without mistakes, wheras, football is a series of strategic plays and schemes which began and end every 3-6 seconds.

10-31-2008, 03:02 PM
Originally posted by TinyTim
You got that right.

I think because Basketball is a continuous game of momentum, d speed, timing and teamwork without mistakes, wheras, football is a series of strategic plays and schemes which began and end every 3-6 seconds.

Your 2nd sentence here is grammatically incorrect. It is not a complete sentence. Please re-do and re-submit or I refuse to give it any validity.:rolleyes:

10-31-2008, 03:23 PM
Originally posted by nobogey72
Your 2nd sentence here is grammatically incorrect. It is not a complete sentence. Please re-do and re-submit or I refuse to give it any validity.:rolleyes:

I think you got the message.

Just don't forget your binoculars.!

10-31-2008, 03:35 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
At the Varsity level, the players are young men and women, NOT CHIDREN, coaches should coach to win and develop young men and women. They also should be held accountable for there actions and records.

You're right, they aren't CHIDREN. They are children, still just kids. You're right about that the coach should help to develope them into young men and women.

10-31-2008, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
You're right, they aren't CHIDREN. They are children, still just kids. You're right about that the coach should help to develope them into young men and women.

17 or 18 year old young men and women are not children. if you think they are just call them children and see where that gets ya on the playing field.
Yeah I can can see it know. okay children we are gonna go out there and fight hard tonight and hopefully we won't get hurt. Maybe we will win.

Catch a clue. This is 2008.

10-31-2008, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Crasher
[QUOTE]Originally posted by wimbo_pro
[B]I understand the rules here on the DL and will abide by them. But I do not believe coaches should get a free ride from honest criticism...after all, they are hired to do a job that is paid for by US. And in many case, some coaches are actually doing harm to our kids and their best interests.

You pay the coaches salary? I realize we pay property taxes...But you tell me what job you have and I will be able to link it to the cititzens "paying" your salary. If you are a shoe salesman, then we buy shoes from you so I pay your salary...so I should be able to tell you how to sell shoes...
Saying the old "WE PAY YOUR SALARY" because coaches work for school districts is one of the most idiotic things I hear. And I hear it every year. Oh, you work for EXXON MOBIL? WELL I PAY YOUR SALARY BECAUSE I BUY GAS. NOW YOU SUCK AT THE EXPLORATION REPORTS YOU DID LAST WEEK. FIRE THE ACCOUNT REP!


Well Crasher...the fact is they do work for us because our taxes are taken directly from our paychecks and designated for your particular ISD. YES, we pay their salary. And guess what...the customer ALSO pays the shoe salesmans salary. And you are 100% correct...the customer DOES tell you how to sell shoes...by not buying from you if you are bad at your job.

The point is...like all workers, there are good coaches and bad coaches (winning records do not necessarily tell the whole story). If you are not a good worker, you should pay the price. Same with coaches. I dont get it why some think they should get more of a break than, lets say, poor teachers.

10-31-2008, 04:08 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
17 or 18 year old young men and women are not children. if you think they are just call them children and see where that gets ya on the playing field.
Yeah I can can see it know. okay children we are gonna go out there and fight hard tonight and hopefully we won't get hurt. Maybe we will win.

Catch a clue. This is 2008.

Since they (18's) are old enough to vote and go to Iraq, I have a hard time calling them children, BUT, they are dang sure still impressionable.:)

10-31-2008, 04:08 PM
Threads about coaches belong in the Coaches forum. :)

10-31-2008, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
17 or 18 year old young men and women are not children. if you think they are just call them children and see where that gets ya on the playing field.
Yeah I can can see it know. okay children we are gonna go out there and fight hard tonight and hopefully we won't get hurt. Maybe we will win.

Catch a clue. This is 2008.

Doesn't matter what year it is. You can call them young men or women, but in reality, if they are still in high school they are still kids.

10-31-2008, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
Doesn't matter what year it is. You can call them young men or women, but in reality, if they are still in high school they are still kids.

You said children and kids aint chidren.

Children don't play varsity sports. period.

10-31-2008, 04:31 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
You said children and kids aint chidren.

Children don't play varsity sports. period.

Good luck with your children tonight pick6. I am going to watch our young men beat the crap out of the other team.

10-31-2008, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
Good luck with your children tonight pick6. I am going to watch our young men beat the crap out of the other team.

Like I said, you can call them young men if you want. Reality won't chance though.

10-31-2008, 04:38 PM
This thread is about coaches and coaches coach young men and women at the varsity level. not children. that will never change.
good luck with yor children tonight.

10-31-2008, 04:41 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt

good luck with yor children tonight.

Thanks, hopefully the youngest won't get run over while she is trick or treating.

Oh yeah, good luck to you finding reality one day and realizing that athletics isn't the end all be all.

10-31-2008, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
Thanks, hopefully the youngest won't get run over while she is trick or treating.

Oh yeah, good luck to you finding reality one day and realizing that athletics isn't the end all be all.

this is an athletic website. not candyland.

10-31-2008, 04:51 PM
Troybuilt...Pick6.....GET A ROOM!!!!

10-31-2008, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
Thanks, hopefully the youngest won't get run over while she is trick or treating.

Oh yeah, good luck to you finding reality one day and realizing that athletics isn't the end all be all.

your youngest wont get run over as long as she stays out of the way of the power sweep where the young men will be.

10-31-2008, 04:53 PM
Originally posted by Troybuilt
this is an athletic website. not candyland.

Ya think, I guess you wanna take over Phil's title of Captain Obvious.

10-31-2008, 04:54 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Troybuilt...Pick6.....GET A ROOM!!!!

Shouldn't you be on the way to Llano? Get me some BBQ while your over there.

10-31-2008, 04:56 PM
Originally posted by Pick6
Shouldn't you be on the way to Llano? Get me some BBQ while your over there.

llano, thats where i'll be.

10-31-2008, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Threads about coaches belong in the Coaches forum. :)

The Coaches forum is for people looking for coaching jobs. Not rumors. Not discussions of coaches.

10-31-2008, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by carter08
The Coaches forum is for people looking for coaching jobs. Not rumors. Not discussions of coaches.


11-01-2008, 12:58 AM
I definitely found where the "children" are!!!!:D

11-01-2008, 01:00 AM
Mods- please close the thread, it has lead to knowhere near I intended it to and tends to be going exactly where I didn't want it to go!!!

Ranger Mom
11-01-2008, 01:12 AM
As you request RWB!
