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View Full Version : Board "Characters"......

10-17-2008, 09:10 AM
How many of you appreciate really good board personalities? I'm not talking about the ones who are ignorant or so rude and vulgar that they last about 5 min., but the ones who make you spit your coffee on the screen and cause tears of laughter to run down your cheeks.......I enjoy great humor with the best of em', and there have been some really hilarious moments thru the years on this board.

Hats off to all those who make us laugh.....

10-17-2008, 09:14 AM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
How many of you appreciate really good board personalities? I'm not talking about the ones who are ignorant or so rude and vulgar that they last about 5 min., but the ones who make you spit your coffee on the screen and cause tears of laughter to run down your cheeks.......I enjoy great humor with the best of em', and there have been some really hilarious moments thru the years on this board.

Hats off to all those who make us laugh.....

Gotta give the crown to Nobogey......look forward to reading the ole man's banter every day. One heluva funny dude, and ok....good feller also. And no....I ain't got no man crush durnit! :mad:

10-17-2008, 09:29 AM
boogy is funny, I like garciap as well...he's entertaining w/ his picture responses. :clap:

raider red 2000
10-17-2008, 11:39 AM
pancho is classic.

on the old coach...there used to be a guy that went by willy wonka....best stuff i had ever read.

10-17-2008, 07:03 PM

He's got a fan here haha:D :clap:

10-17-2008, 07:21 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger

He's got a fan here haha:D :clap:
:(What about me?:dispntd:
If I give you one of these :rolleyes: can you be my fan too...please:(

10-17-2008, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by I_Do_Care
:(What about me?:dispntd:
If I give you one of these :rolleyes: can you be my fan too...please:( I hate you........



10-17-2008, 08:52 PM
Originally posted by raider red 2000
pancho is classic.

on the old coach...there used to be a guy that went by willy wonka....best stuff i had ever read.

luke tha drifter was good, too!

raider red 2000
10-18-2008, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by charlesrixey
luke tha drifter was good, too!

i dont remember him....but willy got me through many fridays :)

10-18-2008, 11:13 PM
It's about that time for AlaskaCat to start coming around. That is one funny dude.:)

Ranger Mom
10-19-2008, 09:53 AM
Originally posted by nobogey72
It's about that time for AlaskaCat to start coming around. That is one funny dude.:)

Maybe he is on the campaign trail??

10-19-2008, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Maybe he is on the campaign trail??

Probably. Or fishing somewhere. Or doing both at the same time.

10-19-2008, 10:31 AM
Time for PPHSFan to make an appearance. You may not agree with him, but you will never be able to keep from laughing at sometime or another during his posts. He is still the Sultan of Sarcasm and the Master of Mayhem on the board.

10-19-2008, 04:20 PM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
Gotta give the crown to Nobogey......look forward to reading the ole man's banter every day. One heluva funny dude, and ok....good feller also. And no....I ain't got no man crush durnit! :mad:




10-19-2008, 05:29 PM
Originally posted by garciap77



:foul: :foul: :tongue: :tongue: