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10-10-2008, 01:16 PM
They don't carry NBC in Austin anymore.

That's right, now I get NO Sunday Night Football, NO The Office, and I have to tivo Heroes on another channel on Tuesday night (G4, no HD).

And my apt complex doesn't allow dishes outside, and they carry no other cable. NOT HAPPY:mad:


LH Panther Mom
10-10-2008, 01:37 PM
YOU AND ME BOTH!!!!!!!!!!! No Law & Orders for me. :(

But, if you've read about the problem, I'm putting it on KXAN.

10-10-2008, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
YOU AND ME BOTH!!!!!!!!!!! No Law & Orders for me. :(

But, if you've read about the problem, I'm putting it on KXAN.

KXAN ( or its parent company LIN) definitely have some fault for this. But let's not forget, this is Time Warner. The same company that charges $15 a month for 'turbo' internet. The same company that won't carry NFL network for pricing reasons. The same company that refused to pass through the higher KXAN cost because it hurts their profit margins.

I want ATT Uverse soooo bad.

LH Panther Mom
10-10-2008, 01:58 PM
True, but roughly $105k/month? I forgot about the NFL thing because it doesn't matter to us.

And turbo internet? What the heck is that? Either way, I'm not happy with either one. It seems something should/would/could be worked out.

10-10-2008, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
True, but roughly $105k/month? I forgot about the NFL thing because it doesn't matter to us.

And turbo internet? What the heck is that? Either way, I'm not happy with either one. It seems something should/would/could be worked out.

That seems like a lot (because it is a lot), but look at it this way.

The Texas cluster of TWC has 2.076 MILLION customers. There are 12 specific markets in this cluster. Assuming Austin is "average", there are 173,000 customers in that market (Austin is one of the larger markets, fyi). If accepted, the average cost passed on to each customer would be 60cents a month. I'd pay that. Hell, I'd pay a dollar.

KXAN sucks for trying to charge for a free signal ( I think they're doing it to make up for HD costs, which I didn't think was free). But Time Warner should've sucked it up and accepted or came with a compromise.

Turbo internet is stupid; you can't tell a difference.

10-10-2008, 02:36 PM
ATT Uverse! Do it. More channels for cheaper.

LH Panther Mom
10-10-2008, 02:39 PM
I think my husband said 350k subscribers in the Austin market. I haven't heard of other stations demanding that TWC pay them for the free signal. And if it's to cover HD upgrades, it's not like stations haven't known for years that it was coming.

Sadly, we had DirecTv until mid-May, which included local channels. When the layoffs hit my old job, and the family budget had to decrease, we consolidated phones & that with the Road Runner we had so they're all under TWC.

10-10-2008, 03:03 PM
My brother mention that to me and i didnt beleive him lol. He switched to direct tv .

10-10-2008, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
ATT Uverse! Do it. More channels for cheaper.

I want that!!

Called Uverse and checked for availability. The floor below me and the floor below that have Uverse, but I don't. Figures:rolleyes:

10-10-2008, 03:45 PM
Originally posted by BreckTxLonghorn
They don't carry NBC in Austin anymore.

That's right, now I get NO Sunday Night Football, NO The Office, and I have to tivo Heroes on another channel on Tuesday night (G4, no HD).

And my apt complex doesn't allow dishes outside, and they carry no other cable. NOT HAPPY:mad:

/rant sux man, im stuck with Time warner too! :(

Old Dog
10-10-2008, 04:50 PM
Love my Dish...............couldn't you guys use rabbit ears and hook up another TV that way; I know it's a pain, but.

When I switch off my dish, I get quite a few stations here between Bertram and Burnet. That's how it was for the first 25 years out here in the stricks.

10-10-2008, 05:50 PM
I have dish network. It's sweet. I like it alot. :)

10-10-2008, 06:45 PM
suddenlink , in pflugerville will charge you for the up coming month on their bill.how can you charge someone for something they haven't even used yet.:(

10-10-2008, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by cameron91
suddenlink , in pflugerville will charge you for the up coming month on their bill.how can you charge someone for something they haven't even used yet.:(

So does time warner. you also pay rent and your phone bill for services yet to come. hmm...

HEB charges me for toiler paper before I use it too. Weird.

10-11-2008, 04:51 AM
I hate Time Warner with a passion.

Currently I use Directv, but if I HAD to get cable I'd go with Grande.

One thing I liked to do, when I had TWC, was call them up and completely destroy the customer service rep on the phone....then 1-2 days later call up and talk to a supervisor and claim reparations for my bad call. They would usualy give me something for free for a month or 2.

I know it sounds bad, but I used to get so pissed off at them and I would never pay my bill. They don't ever disconnect. So I went 5 months without paying one time, finally they called and I told them to hit the door. The next day my wife called them and opened a new account in her name, and I haven't heard anything from them since. Granted this was about 3 years ago and the old charges were never requested and nothing is on my credit report.

10-11-2008, 12:03 PM
Originally posted by Diocletian
I hate Time Warner with a passion.

Currently I use Directv, but if I HAD to get cable I'd go with Grande.

One thing I liked to do, when I had TWC, was call them up and completely destroy the customer service rep on the phone....then 1-2 days later call up and talk to a supervisor and claim reparations for my bad call. They would usualy give me something for free for a month or 2.

I know it sounds bad, but I used to get so pissed off at them and I would never pay my bill. They don't ever disconnect. So I went 5 months without paying one time, finally they called and I told them to hit the door. The next day my wife called them and opened a new account in her name, and I haven't heard anything from them since. Granted this was about 3 years ago and the old charges were never requested and nothing is on my credit report.

Now that is honestly and intergrity. Thumbs up to you good citizen.

10-11-2008, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
Now that is honestly and intergrity. Thumbs up to you good citizen.

Is your version of intergrity paying high dollar amounts for service you don't receive or receive very small quality amounts?

In this case it's more like ordering a steak and having it undercooked, then refusing the order all together. The seller usualy agrees to the lack of a transaction and works to improve the service to everyone next time.

In my mind my actions are to make it better for either myself or anyone else that requires the service.

10-11-2008, 06:34 PM
Originally posted by Diocletian
Is your version of intergrity paying high dollar amounts for service you don't receive or receive very small quality amounts?

My version of intergrity is not to steal services and scam the system. True, I dont always agree with TW, but that doesnt mean I should get it for free. I would just cancel my subscription and move on. If you didnt like it you should have installed some bunny ears and watched free tv. I know I am not an expert on moral authority, but stealing is stealing. It is people that have your mentality that help drive up the cost for others. Thanks good citizen.

You should have just cancelled your contract if you didnt agree with the prices/charges. You have that choice.

10-12-2008, 11:00 AM
I think your lack of experience is allowing you to miss the point.

Most simliar cases like mine don't allow you to have choices. You can't select another service, because it's monopolized. In one area only one carrier can be purchased. In other cases, a dish option isn't even available. And in most extreme cases coming into play here in a next few months even UHF won't be available.

Options aren't there for most people, so it's up to you alone to get the service you pay for. And if you don't get that service, then I say: Don't pay for it.

It's not stealing if they give you the service. That's exactly why they give it to you. If you give someone the keys to your car, then try to call the police and say that person stole your car. See what happens.

10-12-2008, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by Diocletian
I think your lack of experience is allowing you to miss the point.

Most simliar cases like mine don't allow you to have choices. You can't select another service, because it's monopolized. In one area only one carrier can be purchased. In other cases, a dish option isn't even available. And in most extreme cases coming into play here in a next few months even UHF won't be available.

Options aren't there for most people, so it's up to you alone to get the service you pay for. And if you don't get that service, then I say: Don't pay for it.

It's not stealing if they give you the service. That's exactly why they give it to you. If you give someone the keys to your car, then try to call the police and say that person stole your car. See what happens.

My lack of experience?

I was taught right and wrong by the time I was 3. Maybe your parents should have taught you the same. Monopolized? You said you have a dish now, correct? Why was that not an option when you were stealing cable services? Why not get a UHF antennae? You are not going to convince me that your only alternative was to steal. Believe it or not, but cable is not a need. It is a want.

Come on now good citizen. There is no way to justify what you are.

They give you the service with the expectation of you paying them for it. If you rent a car(they give you the keys) and you dont return it, is the car stolen?

Stay classy buddy.

10-12-2008, 05:13 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
My lack of experience?

I was taught right and wrong by the time I was 3. Maybe your parents should have taught you the same. Monopolized? You said you have a dish now, correct? Why was that not an option when you were stealing cable services? Why not get a UHF antennae? You are not going to convince me that your only alternative was to steal. Believe it or not, but cable is not a need. It is a want.

Come on now good citizen. There is no way to justify what you are.

They give you the service with the expectation of you paying them for it. If you rent a car(they give you the keys) and you dont return it, is the car stolen?

Stay classy buddy.

You have no idea what your talking about. No one has "stolen" anything. Your over reacting to someone getting a way with breaking the rules. Sometimes rules need to be broken to prove a point. In my case this is true.

10-12-2008, 05:22 PM
Originally posted by Diocletian
I hate Time Warner with a passion.

Currently I use Directv, but if I HAD to get cable I'd go with Grande.

One thing I liked to do, when I had TWC, was call them up and completely destroy the customer service rep on the phone....then 1-2 days later call up and talk to a supervisor and claim reparations for my bad call. They would usualy give me something for free for a month or 2.

I know it sounds bad, but I used to get so pissed off at them and I would never pay my bill. They don't ever disconnect. So I went 5 months without paying one time, finally they called and I told them to hit the door. The next day my wife called them and opened a new account in her name, and I haven't heard anything from them since. Granted this was about 3 years ago and the old charges were never requested and nothing is on my credit report. Wow, aren't you someone to look up to?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

10-12-2008, 06:28 PM
Originally posted by Diocletian
You have no idea what your talking about. No one has "stolen" anything. Your over reacting to someone getting a way with breaking the rules. Sometimes rules need to be broken to prove a point. In my case this is true.

I would say running up a bill, not paying it, and turning it on in your wifes name is pretty lame. I would also say that complaining to get something for free is pretty weak too. Instead of proving your point by not subscribing, you take advantage of it. That is a real moral way to prove a point. I am not sure how I have no idea what I am talking about, but I do know right and wrong.

Take care classy citizen.

And dont slam the trailer door too hard, because it may fall off.

10-12-2008, 06:29 PM
Originally posted by DaHop72
Wow, aren't you someone to look up to?:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

No no. This whiskey tango didnt do anything wrong. :D

10-12-2008, 07:48 PM
I have every right as a "citizen" to not pay for crapy service. If they don't turn off the crapy service, then that isn't my fault.

My wife had it put in her name because she wanted it, I told her I was done messing with them. They didn't ask her for any $ referencing the old bill.

Your lack of experience with dealing with issues is in plain sight here. You need to work on getting what you deserve, rather than just acting like a sheep and doing exactly what your told.

10-12-2008, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Diocletian
I have every right as a "citizen" to not pay for crapy service. If they don't turn off the crapy service, then that isn't my fault.

My wife had it put in her name because she wanted it, I told her I was done messing with them. They didn't ask her for any $ referencing the old bill.

Your lack of experience with dealing with issues is in plain sight here. You need to work on getting what you deserve, rather than just acting like a sheep and doing exactly what your told.

This sheep doesnt sign up for a service then renege and not pay for it. The right thing to do would have been to cancel your service and move along. What you dont seem to understand is cable is not a necessity. If you chose to cease using them, you as a consumer have that choice. You are not required to have cable, yet you chose to freeload and find ways around the system. Nobody forced TW on you, you chose them. I am not sure how I am a sheep for paying for services I request. :rolleyes:

Stay classy whiskey tango.

10-12-2008, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
And dont slam the trailer door too hard, because it may fall off.

I actually know Diocletian from having gone to school with him. You're way off base and out of line saying that about him.

LH Panther Mom
10-12-2008, 08:12 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
Stay classy whiskey tango.
That's completely out of line!

10-12-2008, 08:54 PM
Originally posted by rockdale80
This sheep doesnt sign up for a service then renege and not pay for it. The right thing to do would have been to cancel your service and move along. What you dont seem to understand is cable is not a necessity. If you chose to cease using them, you as a consumer have that choice. You are not required to have cable, yet you chose to freeload and find ways around the system. Nobody forced TW on you, you chose them. I am not sure how I am a sheep for paying for services I request. :rolleyes:

Stay classy whiskey tango.

What I'm telling you is that you might have a choice, but not everyone does. In my case I didn't. TW was the only option. I couldn't even get UHF at the time. Now that I have a choice I do have Directv.

During my months with TW I experienced some of the absolute worst service I could ever imagine. There were frequent interrupts, problems with bills that I HAD paid, several cases where the internet wasn't performing to the bandwidth I was supposed to receive, multiple calls I made to their crap customer service-which were never settled, several cases where a supervisor was supposed to call me back, 4 service calls scheduled to my home-one of which the so called "tech" left during the visit and didn't provide me with any information toward the problem he found, and also did you know....When TW declares and even admits there is a problem with their service ie..cable out ect. You still get charged for the service?

I decided to fight back, and yes I won. I didn't have to pay for the service, I still kept my wife happy, and TW lost some $ for not providing me with a good product.

If you want to call that stealing, then you have every right as a "citizen" to call the cops on me.

EDIT: I'll give you some credit on the joke about me living in a mobile home, that was funny, lol...You'd be happy to know I've never lived in one though.

LH Panther Mom
11-01-2008, 07:28 AM
And KXAN is back! :clap: :clap:

11-01-2008, 09:51 AM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
And KXAN is back! :clap: :clap:

Funny how that happened right before November sweeps.

LH Panther Mom
11-01-2008, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by TMer25
Funny how that happened right before November sweeps.
Hahaha! I didn't even think about that! :doh: I'd be interested to know how much money LIN lost in their quest for a buck.