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09-07-2002, 10:04 AM
Who's got info. on Wylie vs. Snyder????

09-07-2002, 11:07 AM
wylie won 28-17. They had 382 yards of total offense. They started out a little sluggish but came rumbling back in the second half. If you go to gofridaynight.com the article and pictures from the game will be there.

09-07-2002, 08:26 PM
Yes it was a good game. Snyder prety much controled the first 3 and a half quarters and then wylie broke a couple of big plays. but it was like mathew said. Snyder was very banged up after playing the 3rd ranked 4A team in the state. they had all three starting backs injured and did not play friday not including one of the starting offensive linmen and still moved the ball easily on wyile. you could tell the wylie defense was getting discuraged in the 3rd quarter. with exception to a hand full of big runs the wylie offense was not very effective. the score at half was 14-7 Snyder. The fact that Snyder had two of the starting Defensive linmen not playing friday sure helped wylie as well . I believe any pretention that wylie has that they dominated that game would be amusing.. people who were there could easily see Snyder controled the majority of the game. IF the two meet in the play-offs wylie had better hope that Snyder has 4 offensive starters and 3 defensive starters injured again or it could be a shock in November http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif

09-07-2002, 11:19 PM
I don't think there is anybody in Wylie that is saying we "dominataed the game". In fact, after we gave up some key turnovers it looked like we were going to get beat. But give our guys credit they fought back from a 14-0 deficit. The Snyder team played very well. The DAWGS just found a way to make things happen in the second half.

Good luck to the Tigers the rest of the year. They have a hard nosed football team. The Snyder players deserve more support than just a small handful of fans willing to make a little more than a one hour drive to Abilene.

Originally posted by Ram:
Yes it was a good game. Snyder prety much controled the first 3 and a half quarters and then wylie broke a couple of big plays. but it was like mathew said. Snyder was very banged up after playing the 3rd ranked 4A team in the state. they had all three starting backs injured and did not play friday not including one of the starting offensive linmen and still moved the ball easily on wyile. you could tell the wylie defense was getting discuraged in the 3rd quarter. with exception to a hand full of big runs the wylie offense was not very effective. the score at half was 14-7 Snyder. The fact that Snyder had two of the starting Defensive linmen not playing friday sure helped wylie as well . I believe any pretention that wylie has that they dominated that game would be amusing.. people who were there could easily see Snyder controled the majority of the game. IF the two meet in the play-offs wylie had better hope that Snyder has 4 offensive starters and 3 defensive starters injured again or it could be a shock in November http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif

09-08-2002, 12:01 AM
It is true, Wylie definitely had an off game. Snyder looked impressive, carried mostly by their QB. Wylie played bad, I will admit, in fact the first half performance was worse than any practice they've had this season. They did find a way to win though, on one of their worst days, when snyder more than likely had one of their best games. I think it would be safe to say when wylie is on top of their game 4 quarters they would dominate snyder. wylie has too many weapons for snyder to stop. Yes, snyder's QB is good, but he really doesnt have any great supporting players to mix it up. Basically wylie beat snyder on probably what will turn out to be their worst performance of the season. If wylie executed 4 quarters, then u tell me what the outcome would be.

09-08-2002, 01:39 PM
Im sure it looked like Snyder was "carried by thier QB. Like I said ALL 3 Starting backs other than Jones never saw the field. this was compounded by a missing starting LT Tackle. then on the Defensive side of the ball Snyder had 2 of 3 starting D-lineman not even in uniform. Two big plays ( busts ) won wylie the game. Snyders Offensive line dominated for 3 quarters Injuries just became the deciding factor. but maybe the two will meet in the playoffs and both will be healthy next time so you can see all the other weapons you didnt see friday night http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif.

Originally posted by bulldog038:
It is true, Wylie definitely had an off game. Snyder looked impressive, carried mostly by their QB. Wylie played bad, I will admit, in fact the first half performance was worse than any practice they've had this season. They did find a way to win though, on one of their worst days, when snyder more than likely had one of their best games. I think it would be safe to say when wylie is on top of their game 4 quarters they would dominate snyder. wylie has too many weapons for snyder to stop. Yes, snyder's QB is good, but he really doesnt have any great supporting players to mix it up. Basically wylie beat snyder on probably what will turn out to be their worst performance of the season. If wylie executed 4 quarters, then u tell me what the outcome would be.

09-08-2002, 03:44 PM
We'd love to see snyder again.

09-08-2002, 08:20 PM
To say that Snyder dominated for 3 and half quarters is an overstatement. Snyder dominated for about a quarter and a half. Wylie scored late in the 2nd quarter to cut the score to 14-7. Snyder only managed a 41yd FG in the 2nd half.
I want to compliment that kicker becuase that kick could have easily cleared 50 yds, at least distance wise. However, Snyder wasnt able to stop Wylie on the ground at all in the 2nd half. Yes, Tommy Felts had the 79 yd (i think) TD run to give us the 21-17 lead. However, the next drive was our starting FB in a one back formation and he took us down the field before Felts punched in from about 8yds out.
There was maybe one drive in the 2nd half that Snyder really contained Wylie on. Other than that, I think that the Wylie offense was vey effective from their 1st TD on.
Snyder did have a VERY good running QB though. The moves that he made reminded me a lot of Carrillo from Sweetwater. He didnt run the option very well though. If he was going to pitch, he ALWAYS turned and made sure to find the back before making the pitch and the back usually got stuffed. That may have been due to them not having some of their backfield. They did have Jones though and, correct me if I am wrong, he is the #1 RB for Snyder.
All in all, it was a good game filled with a lot of turnovers. I think the total was 6 fumbles in all. We will see what happens if they meet up again in the playoffs.
I think Snyder is going to have to work to get out of their district. My prediction for that district is Sweetwater, Merkel, and Lamesa/Snyder (in that order!). It will definitely be a fun district to follow. Good luck to the Tigers!

eye of the tiger
09-08-2002, 08:48 PM
I didnt see the game, but to me the "who dominated who" is a mute point. A good Snyder team got beat by a better Abilene Wylie team. That seems to sum it all up I think.

09-08-2002, 08:52 PM
I couldn't agree more.

09-08-2002, 11:06 PM
There is no doubt who won the game. My point was that snyder controled most of the game even though they had ALL OF THE STARTING 3 RUNNING BACKS OUT.... if felts was out and the FB and a tackle and your big 300 pound tackle as well as your other tackle you may see my point. you saw a Snyder team with second team backs and a JV tackle on offense and second team TNTs on Defense.. but Im sure you dont want to think about beating Snyder under those circumstances but that is what happend. we were really suprised how easy it was to move the ball on wylie with the backs snyder went with.. I doubt the two will meet in the playoffs.. Everman will hand wylie thier heads before snyder can show off the whole arsinal to them , so its a shame in a way..

09-08-2002, 11:10 PM
Oh, addidas.. thanks for the prediction by the way on the district finish.. I will remind you of it at the end of the season.. http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif

09-09-2002, 01:55 AM
Feel free to remind me of it. That is why it is called a prediction. It doesnt mean anything. Most likely, that won't even happen but what is the point of making a prediction if you are going to make the obvious logical one. Here is another one for you.
District 6-3A
1. Ballinger
2. Wylie
3. Clyde
What do you think about that? While I dont think that is going to happen, I could make a case that if players get hurt, or the calls go the right way, or Posey has a good night then Ballinger could very well beat Wylie. It is not hard to come up w/ these scenarios. That is why they play the games though. Good luck to Snyder the rest of the way!

09-09-2002, 09:30 AM
Hey RAM...They ought to call you holiday. Why's That? Because you got No Class!! (Stole that line from an old Fat Albert episode). Man...why can't you give credit when credit is due. If Snyder "dominated" Wylie as bad as you say then they would have been up on the Bulldogs after 31/2 quarters by a large margin. Dallas last night had about twice the yards that Houston did after the first half, but I wouldn't call Dallas' perfomance domination. On top of that, I didn't hear one poster from Wylie brag about dominating Snyder. The post right before yours mentioned the game was good and that Wylie came around in the end. Every team has injuries, poor starts, lackluster games, etc...Why not just say good game Wylie, our guys were banged up, but you guys found a way to win, instead of "Oh Yeah...well if we had...".

Originally posted by Ram:
Yes it was a good game. Snyder prety much controled the first 3 and a half quarters and then wylie broke a couple of big plays. but it was like mathew said. Snyder was very banged up after playing the 3rd ranked 4A team in the state. they had all three starting backs injured and did not play friday not including one of the starting offensive linmen and still moved the ball easily on wyile. you could tell the wylie defense was getting discuraged in the 3rd quarter. with exception to a hand full of big runs the wylie offense was not very effective. the score at half was 14-7 Snyder. The fact that Snyder had two of the starting Defensive linmen not playing friday sure helped wylie as well . I believe any pretention that wylie has that they dominated that game would be amusing.. people who were there could easily see Snyder controled the majority of the game. IF the two meet in the play-offs wylie had better hope that Snyder has 4 offensive starters and 3 defensive starters injured again or it could be a shock in November http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif

09-09-2002, 09:34 AM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by Ram:
[B]Im sure it looked like Snyder was "carried by thier QB. Like I said ALL 3 Starting backs other than Jones never saw the field. this was compounded by a missing starting LT Tackle. then on the Defensive side of the ball Snyder had 2 of 3 starting D-lineman not even in uniform. Two big plays ( busts ) won wylie the game. Snyders Offensive line dominated for 3 quarters Injuries just became the deciding factor. but maybe the two will meet in the playoffs and both will be healthy next time so you can see all the other weapons you didnt see friday night http://bbs.3adownlow.com/ubb/smile.gif.

Just give it up and give Wylie the credit. No shame in losing to the Bulldogs, they are the real deal.

09-09-2002, 01:27 PM
vet93, wildstangs

If you will read my post you will see that I NEVER said snyder "dominated" anything. you will also see that I said wylie won that game in the end no questions about it. I believe you two are pulling words out of nowhere. wylie did diserve the credit no doubt and I never took that away at all. I just mentioned the fact that Snyder had an extreem amount of players out for this game ( way more so than the normal one or two most teams have in a game ) thats it.... dont read anymore into it than is in print. if you dont like the facts in print then im sorry.

pero chato
09-09-2002, 04:58 PM
Our strategy was to let the Snyder quarterback run wild until he got tired. lol. Actually, he is a very talented runner and can throw as well. He just made it look easy. Injuries really suck, but are a part of the game. We had two starting lineman and a starting special teams player out, too. Of course these are just pre-district games, so the key is to get the kinks worked out and execute in district, and hopefully beyond. Hope y'all heal up and have a great season!

09-09-2002, 06:35 PM
RAM...look, I am not trying to stir up anything and maybe I misread your first comments. If so, I apologize. I just thought that you came on a little strong in your defense of the Tigers. You made it seem like Wylie played no part in their victory. Obviously they made the plays that got the job done. I don't doubt that Snyder controlled a good part if not the majority of the ball game but Wylie made the plays that they had to to win. Last year Ballinger played Wylie for the district championship. During a good part of the game Ballinger shut down Wylie's offense and controlled the line of scrimmage. However, Wylie won a much deserved 35 to 14 victory. If you take away a couple of kicking game touchdowns, a reverse to Lampert and a trick play (Belly Bum), then we are right in the ballgame if not winning. The problem is we didn't make the plays to stop those long runs and kicking game touchdowns and that is part of the game. That is all that I am saying. Besides, if I was a Tiger fan I would much rather have everyone think that I wasn't any good knowing that I had those injuries than for everyone to think that we are some kind of sleeping giant that will pounce as soon as everyone gets healthy!

Originally posted by Ram:
vet93, wildstangs

If you will read my post you will see that I NEVER said snyder "dominated" anything. you will also see that I said wylie won that game in the end no questions about it. I believe you two are pulling words out of nowhere. wylie did diserve the credit no doubt and I never took that away at all. I just mentioned the fact that Snyder had an extreem amount of players out for this game ( way more so than the normal one or two most teams have in a game ) thats it.... dont read anymore into it than is in print. if you dont like the facts in print then im sorry.

09-09-2002, 10:17 PM
ya i wouldn't mind seeing snyder again with full forces!!

09-10-2002, 09:31 PM
Didnt Wylie score on all 3 second half possesions? Landon carried the load in the second half but has to learn to hold onto the ball.The Snyder kids are always tough and alot of fun to watch play.

09-12-2002, 07:11 AM
Careful Ram...I did read your previous post and it goes something like this:

posted September 08, 2002 01:39 PM
Im sure it looked like Snyder was "carried by thier QB. Like I said ALL 3 Starting backs other than Jones never saw the field. this was compounded by a missing starting LT Tackle. then on the Defensive side of the ball Snyder had 2 of 3 starting D-lineman not even in uniform. Two big plays ( busts ) won wylie the game. Snyders Offensive line dominated for 3 quarters Injuries just became the deciding factor. but maybe the two will meet in the playoffs and both will be healthy next time so you can see all the other weapons you didnt see friday night .

Notice the word "dominated"!!!!
"Never say Never",
or at least don't tell people to go back and prove that you are wrong!

09-12-2002, 09:52 AM
could this district get any easier give me a break wylie got so lucky in their old district they would have been 3rd no dout Merkle JV stomped wylie last year it was 21-0 at half time need i say more

09-12-2002, 12:56 PM
As far as I can tell you haven't said anything yet! We are not in the "old district", we are not playing "JV", and Wylie never played "Merkle"(we did play Merkel) but none of that matters now.
Wylie won district last year.
Need I say more?

09-14-2002, 02:03 AM
Originally posted by TAMMEDLION:
could this district get any easier give me a break wylie got so lucky in their old district they would have been 3rd no dout Merkle JV stomped wylie last year it was 21-0 at half time need i say more

Prime example of the white trash idiots at Merkel shooting off their mouths again. He is probably on the community computer at the adult library.

09-14-2002, 01:49 PM
What is unbelievable to me is that he misspelled Merkel. The Badgers experiment with playing a 3A team in predistrict seems to have back fired against Ballinger. They will always be bridesmaids.... by the way how bad does Merkels JV and Fresh teams suck this year???? They are terrible.

Old Cardinal
09-14-2002, 07:12 PM
Snyder will be back by Post Season, they have a secret weapon. It's called high enrollment, greater depth potential. If its true, that they used a reserve backfield against Wylie, that is a compliment to not get blown out. Few teams, reserve backfield, can play a fairly good team a close game.

09-14-2002, 07:17 PM
Originally posted by TAMMEDLION:
could this district get any easier give me a break wylie got so lucky in their old district they would have been 3rd no dout Merkle JV stomped wylie last year it was 21-0 at half time need i say more

I agree that Wylie is in an easy district with the exception of Ballinger. However, last years is last year. The only team that even played Wylie close was Sweetwater. I am still not impressed with Merkel, when they make the playoffs I will be impressed. By the way, do you attend school in Merkel? I feel sorry for you if thats the best you can learn.