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09-25-2008, 03:00 PM
Survivor premieres tonight! WOO HOO!!!

09-26-2008, 09:16 AM
WELL...................{to be read using Judge Smails voice from Caddyshack :D}

Did ya watch? Did ya?

Sweetwater Red
09-26-2008, 09:29 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
WELL...................{to be read using Judge Smails voice from Caddyshack :D}

Did ya watch? Did ya?

I was at the Bowl watching the 7th graders. I'm going to watch it
at lunch today. Do you have a favorite yet?

09-26-2008, 09:31 AM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
I was at the Bowl watching the 7th graders. I'm going to watch it
at lunch today. Do you have a favorite yet? :twitch: grrrrrrrrrr....no I don't have a favorite yet. I'll wait until after you watch it to voice my opinions. :(

Sweetwater Red
09-26-2008, 12:49 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
:twitch: grrrrrrrrrr....no I don't have a favorite yet. I'll wait until after you watch it to voice my opinions. :(

I'm sorry I didn't have time to watch both episodes. I'm glad
Michelle's gone though. She was a real class act.:rolleyes:

09-26-2008, 12:53 PM
Don't care for the ole lady or the ole dork that split his head open. Yep, Survivor Junkie here :wave:

Sweetwater Red
09-26-2008, 01:08 PM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
Don't care for the ole lady or the ole dork that split his head open. Yep, Survivor Junkie here :wave:

Ya'll feel free to discuss it and I won't open this thread anymore.
My problem will be solved next week when all the junior high
games start being played on Tuesday nights.

09-26-2008, 01:13 PM
I've never watched Survivor - maybe I should start with this season - guess I'll go online and watch last night's episode to get all the "scoop"

*just what I need - ANOTHER show to Tivo...... but Thursday is open for the time being so I think I am ok ;)

09-26-2008, 01:29 PM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
Don't care for the ole lady or the ole dork that split his head open. Yep, Survivor Junkie here :wave: YAY!!!! :cheerl: I knew I liked you! :D

I actually liked Michelle! I thought it was hilarious that she was the last one picked (even over the "gamer") and the first female up the hill!! She was right, she got stuck with a bunch of losers. Where she screwed up was not telling them all she was right about them when they voted her off! I mean, they voted her off because she was negative? HELLO...you have a 60 year old women and 2 other moms that can't tow the line! :doh:

That is one seriously messed up tribe. I don't see things getting any better for them. I hate that they spent so much time focusing on them too. :ack!:

No offense to our older posters, but Survivor needs to have an age limit. It is absolutely ridiculous that a 60 year old is on that show! Oops, forgot she was voted off! Probably a good thing. I don't mind the physics teacher, but I don't see him lasting long either.

09-26-2008, 01:45 PM
I'm kinda fond of the blondes myself :D ...... GO "SUGAR" (joke-she's too ditzy)! Think she got that name via use of the "Pole"? :thinking:

09-26-2008, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
I'm kinda fond of the blondes myself :D ...... GO "SUGAR" (joke-she's too ditzy)! Think she got that name via use of the "Pole"? :thinking: Probably. I didn't catch what kind of model she is/was.

The guy cracking me up on that team is Charley!!! HAHAHAHA :D

09-27-2008, 07:12 AM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
I'm kinda fond of the blondes myself :D ...... GO "SUGAR" (joke-she's too ditzy)! Think she got that name via use of the "Pole"? :thinking:



09-30-2008, 02:32 PM
i was bored. :(

09-30-2008, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
YAY!!!! :cheerl: I knew I liked you! :D

No offense to our older posters, but Survivor needs to have an age limit. It is absolutely ridiculous that a 60 year old is on that show! Oops, forgot she was voted off! Probably a good thing. I don't mind the physics teacher, but I don't see him lasting long either.

P4S.........I was on Survivor once---here's my pic. :D
BTW--I can whip my weight in those young flat-bellies. :foul:


09-30-2008, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
P4S.........I was on Survivor once---here's my pic. :D
BTW--I can whip my weight in those young flat-bellies. :foul:


HAHAHAHAHA I am reminded of a Seinfeld episode! Gotta love Kramer!

10-02-2008, 07:55 PM
these people are b-o-r-i-n-g :(

Sweetwater Red
10-03-2008, 10:12 AM
My thoughts...

Randy is not a people person.:thinking:

It looks like GC is in this season's "I'm lazy and just here to stir up
trouble" role.:mad:

Is Crystal really a man?:D

It appears that this season's Sugar isn't nearly the knucklehead
that Jason was last year.:doh:

10-03-2008, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
My thoughts...

Randy is not a people person.:thinking:

It looks like GC is in this season's "I'm lazy and just here to stir up
trouble" role.:mad:

Is Crystal really a man?:D

It appears that this season's Sugar isn't nearly the knucklehead
that Jason was last year.:doh:

Randy is a jerk! Old & ornery, reminds me of several people! :D

GC is a JOKE!

Crystal will probably have to give back her Olympic medal! :eek:

Sugar was pretty funny last night. Crying while wading through the jungle! haha.

That Corine chick grates on my nerves! :rolleyes: Paloma didn't try hard enough to get Ace voted off. Strategically, it would have been a much better move to get him out of there! For a minute, I thought Corine & Charley might have thought so too, but they proved they are stupid!

10-03-2008, 10:54 AM
My thought.............MORE BIKINIS!!!!!:2thumbsup . I block out the thought of the body odor :D

Sweetwater Red
10-03-2008, 11:27 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state

Sugar was pretty funny last night. Crying while wading through the jungle! haha.

That Corine chick grates on my nerves! :rolleyes: Paloma didn't try hard enough to get Ace voted off. Strategically, it would have been a much better move to get him out of there! For a minute, I thought Corine & Charley might have thought so too, but they proved they are stupid!

I'm sorry but to still be in that state of remorse seven months
later....it's almost like she's auditioning or something:rolleyes:

I agree Ace would've been the better move. He sure likes to be
in control. I thought it was smooth the way he sent Paloma to
get on the pole(not what ya'll might think:hand: ).

Didn't Jeff Probst say, at the beginning of the show, that the
"red" tribe might be the worst or most dysfunctional in Survivor

10-03-2008, 11:36 AM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
I'm sorry but to still be in that state of remorse seven months
later....it's almost like she's auditioning or something:rolleyes:

I agree Ace would've been the better move. He sure likes to be
in control. I thought it was smooth the way he sent Paloma to
get on the pole(not what ya'll might think:hand: ).

Didn't Jeff Probst say, at the beginning of the show, that the
"red" tribe might be the worst or most dysfunctional in Survivor

Grief is different for everyone Red.

Ace is annoying. His big mouth will get him kicked off sooner than he expects!

Yes, Jeff has been rather snippy to the "Fang" tribe or whatever their name is, but it's funny! :D

Him talking trash to the other tribe as they left from tribal was hilarious!

Sweetwater Red
10-03-2008, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Grief is different for everyone Red.

Ace is annoying. His big mouth will get him kicked off sooner than he expects!

Yes, Jeff has been rather snippy to the "Fang" tribe or whatever their name is, but it's funny! :D

Him talking trash to the other tribe as they left from tribal was hilarious!

I didn't mean to sound insensitive. I'm just skeptical when people
show alot of emotion on reality shows...whether it be grief, rage,
or whatever.

Yeah most of the time the overbearing members don't last long.

Right! I was waiting for him to just go ahead and say "ya'll suck".:D

10-03-2008, 12:22 PM
Hey, I do gotta say....I thought it was funny when the "computer geek" beat the "Proffesor" in the challenge.

And I agree....I don't care for Ace. He's just a buttmunch. Hoping they knock him off next.

Found myself kinda liking "Sugar". She's a goofball but it was pretty funny when she was getting so excited while she was getting close to, then finding the idol.

10-03-2008, 02:12 PM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
Hey, I do gotta say....I thought it was funny when the "computer geek" beat the "Proffesor" in the challenge.

And I agree....I don't care for Ace. He's just a buttmunch. Hoping they knock him off next.

Found myself kinda liking "Sugar". She's a goofball but it was pretty funny when she was getting so excited while she was getting close to, then finding the idol.

Oh man, that was GREATNESS!!! I was like, "Go geek Go!" :D

haha buttmunch...haven't heard that in awhile :thumbsup:

Never said I didn't like Sugar. She's probably the most likable female, at the moment.

10-03-2008, 06:24 PM
:doh: Was just deep in thought in the shower a second ago.......he's actually a "video game" geek, I believe is what they said. Don't know why the heck this came to mind all of the sudden. :nerd:

Sweetwater Red
10-06-2008, 06:55 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
these people are b-o-r-i-n-g :(

Yeah, so far they are. It's sad when Probst is providing most of
the entertainment. This might be the first time that I don't care
who wins.

10-06-2008, 09:03 AM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
Yeah, so far they are. It's sad when Probst is providing most of
the entertainment. This might be the first time that I don't care
who wins.

It's still early and it looks like maybe this week will provide SOME entertainment.

10-10-2008, 11:30 AM
Okay guys, what did you think of last night's episode?

10-10-2008, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Okay guys, what did you think of last night's episode?

Wrong "blonde" went home. My mind is so fried right now with thoughts of the game tonight, I can't think of names. Total domination during the challenge. That's flat out embarrassing.....they didn't look like they were even trying.
I wasn't happy that "Randy" did so good during the challenge (scored all 3).....I really can't stand the guy.
Still haven't got a favorite yet. Ummmm....figuring it will still be a blonde though :D

10-10-2008, 02:06 PM
Originally posted by Lion_Addict
Wrong "blonde" went home. My mind is so fried right now with thoughts of the game tonight, I can't think of names. Total domination during the challenge. That's flat out embarrassing.....they didn't look like they were even trying.
I wasn't happy that "Randy" did so good during the challenge (scored all 3).....I really can't stand the guy.
Still haven't got a favorite yet. Ummmm....figuring it will still be a blonde though :D

Yes & no. Strategically it could work for them IF they play it right once Sugar returns to camp. Ace & Sugar will now be the only Kota originals with the Fang rejects ( :evillol: ). If the 4 Fang members stick together and lose yet ANOTHER challenge ( :doh: ) they will force Sugar to either play the idol or give it to Ace, but either way...one of them is going home.

They are pretty pathetic and even Matty the strongest of the original Fang members was pretty pathetic last night in that challenge...isn't he a personal trainer?!?!

I am also upset that Randy did so well. He needs to go, but with Kota's domination of Fang I don't see that happening anytime soon. :(

Man, Jeff is really let 'em have it! They don't even stand up for themselves. I think if he were talking to ME that way I'd have to tell him where he could go! :eek: Or give him a universal hand gesture! :devil:

I guess if I had to pick a favorite right now it'd be Marcus. :inlove: The one that makes me laugh the most is Charlie with his gay self! haha