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View Full Version : Prayers for Hebron Head Coach Brian Brazil...

09-01-2008, 12:43 AM
And his family as well. I had seen his wife and daughter (I assume it was his daughter since she had on his old TCU jersey) standing near the gate towards the end of the Wylie game and they looked pretty somber. I guess it makes sense now why.


<<After last night season opener against Wylie, Coach Brazil was informed that his mother passed away. You might have noticed coach huddled with his family after dismissing the team last night. Please keep him and his family in your thoughts and prayers.>>

I've never heard a bad word uttered about the man and I've been told he's a deacon over at Prestonwood Baptist Church. I'm sure that he and his family would welcome any messages left for them. (If you click on the above link they have a place you can leave a message for the Brazil family and only they'll be able to read it.) Losing a game is never fun, but finding out you just lost your mother as well right after it ends had to be so painful.

09-01-2008, 08:10 AM
Prayer sent