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View Full Version : Columbus 2- Rice 2

08-21-2008, 10:35 PM
I wasnt there the whole time but when i left rice was winning 2-0...from what i saw columbus's running game was getting stuffed.. passing game wasnt great.Rice's RB was killin them.. Columbus didnt look too good when i was there but i heard they ended up tieing it at 2...Columbus will need to get better if they want to make the playoffs.

08-21-2008, 10:59 PM
I was there for the whole scrimmage and I didn't think Columbus looked that bad. I was thinking Rice was not looking very good. The defense started out playing tough but then they started letting Columbus run on them. Rice's O-line is the smallest it has been in years and will have to start doing some big time blocking to give the RB some room to run. Columbus has some pretty big boys. But it is what it is...... a scrimmage and they have to learn from it and improve. I look forward to hearing good things about the Cardinals this season. Good luck!!

deer spotter
08-22-2008, 08:12 AM
Obviously scrimmages are not about who wins or looses. Coaches look at different set ups,blocking assignments and coverages. It was apparent that rice was out for blood. Too bad they cannot control the players and have a scrimmage and figure out where they need work. When they had the obvious face mask and then the fight on the field,the Columbus coaches took their team to the side and gave them a talking too about retalliation. The rice coach put his arm around the culprit and told him it would be OK. They do have an awsome running back in Ziggy. That kid is a real athlete. Their D line is good as well as the LB's are very aggressive. It was obvious that Columbus did not show their hand. Both teams look good this early but I would give the advantage to Columbus.

Kickin It
08-22-2008, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by duke55
I wasnt there the whole time but when i left rice was winning 2-0...from what i saw columbus's running game was getting stuffed.. passing game wasnt great.Rice's RB was killin them.. Columbus didnt look too good when i was there but i heard they ended up tieing it at 2...Columbus will need to get better if they want to make the playoffs.

Should have stuck around for the quarters. Running game opened up and Ziggy was held in check. Rice had the ball 2 or 3 times inside the 30 and once inside the 10 and failed to score. Passing game looked descent and will come along as the season progresses. Rice has a very aggressive defense that really caused some problems in the controlled part of the scrimmage, but not so much in the quarters as Columbus broke some pretty descent runs. Foster is a heck of a running back with good vision and speed. He will give teams fits this year. I look for Rice to make some noise in their district this year. It was a very entertaining scrimmage. Good luck to Rice and Columbus this year!

08-22-2008, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by duke55
I wasnt there the whole time but when i left rice was winning 2-0...from what i saw columbus's running game was getting stuffed.. passing game wasnt great.Rice's RB was killin them.. Columbus didnt look too good when i was there but i heard they ended up tieing it at 2...Columbus will need to get better if they want to make the playoffs. A little different than what Deerspotter said. Thanks for the honest opinion.:)

08-22-2008, 02:36 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
A little different than what Deerspotter said. Thanks for the honest opinion.:)

Well i hope i didnt make them sound terrible... but i guess i expected a little more... but im glad to here they did good after i left..:clap:

08-22-2008, 03:06 PM
My thoughts on the Scrimmage.
Controled scrimmage was dominated by Raiders. First set of 10 plays. Rice TD with Ziggy gaining 55 of 70 yds. Columbus set, first play holding penality, 2 play running back hit in backfield,fumble, Next set Fumble, Next set 2 firstdowns no score. Rice 1-0

Next set for Rice, 50 yd run by QB, finished with td. Cards two first downs, no score. Cards got to midfield only once in controlled scrimmage.
To address fighting it seemed to start in second part of controlled part by a Card DB after being drilled by a Raider lineman, got up swinging three or 4 times with Raider player doing nothing and Cards coaches said very little and left him in. That my freind was the cause of the bad blood.
Back to live quaters, First drive Columbus's first play fumble Rice recovery. Rice missed wide open receiver for td and turned over on downs. Columbus next try two first downs, turned over on downs. Raider's second try 5 first downs with run and pass, got it down to 5 yard line and could not score. 0-0, With IMO outplaying the Cards.
Second quarter, Cards drive down field with a 45 yd run and score a td. Rice 3 and punt. Cards ball at midfield. Second or third play on reverse face mask and fighting penalty(Raiders only called even though both sides fought) 30 yd penalty. Time out, Raiders remove starters and after 5 yd offsides against Rice, Columbus scores two plays later. End of scrimmage.

Overall very hard hitting practice. Raiders improved from last week and still have to improve. Columbus has the size, but I didn't see any speed burners or game breakers. O-line will need to improve blocking, Run defense and pass defense was average.
Imho with Rice being small and undersized they gave the Cards all they wanted. Columbus will need to improve greatly to compete for playoff spot.

deer spotter
08-22-2008, 04:18 PM
Originally posted by rhs78
My thoughts on the Scrimmage.
Controled scrimmage was dominated by Raiders. First set of 10 plays. Rice TD with Ziggy gaining 55 of 70 yds. Columbus set, first play holding penality, 2 play running back hit in backfield,fumble, Next set Fumble, Next set 2 firstdowns no score. Rice 1-0

Next set for Rice, 50 yd run by QB, finished with td. Cards two first downs, no score. Cards got to midfield only once in controlled scrimmage.
To address fighting it seemed to start in second part of controlled part by a Card DB after being drilled by a Raider lineman, got up swinging three or 4 times with Raider player doing nothing and Cards coaches said very little and left him in. That my freind was the cause of the bad blood.
Back to live quaters, First drive Columbus's first play fumble Rice recovery. Rice missed wide open receiver for td and turned over on downs. Columbus next try two first downs, turned over on downs. Raider's second try 5 first downs with run and pass, got it down to 5 yard line and could not score. 0-0, With IMO outplaying the Cards.
Second quarter, Cards drive down field with a 45 yd run and score a td. Rice 3 and punt. Cards ball at midfield. Second or third play on reverse face mask and fighting penalty(Raiders only called even though both sides fought) 30 yd penalty. Time out, Raiders remove starters and after 5 yd offsides against Rice, Columbus scores two plays later. End of scrimmage.

Overall very hard hitting practice. Raiders improved from last week and still have to improve. Columbus has the size, but I didn't see any speed burners or game breakers. O-line will need to improve blocking, Run defense and pass defense was average.
Imho with Rice being small and undersized they gave the Cards all they wanted. Columbus will need to improve greatly to compete for playoff spot.

You need to stay awake during the game. Did you honestly miss the intentional face mask and the swinging by rice. That my friend resulted in a 30 yd penalty. There again the columbus coaches will not show their hand especially to the likes of Dumont(what a piece of work). This guy,in case you don't know is not very well liked and respected by his own players. Don't think so,ask them. You may be really surprised. I really hope Ziggy has a great year,he is talented. The rest of yall need to grow up and play football not trash talking.(typical rice)

08-22-2008, 05:34 PM
Originally posted by deer spotter
You need to stay awake during the game. Did you honestly miss the intentional face mask and the swinging by rice. That my friend resulted in a 30 yd penalty. There again the columbus coaches will not show their hand especially to the likes of Dumont(what a piece of work). This guy,in case you don't know is not very well liked and respected by his own players. Don't think so,ask them. You may be really surprised. I really hope Ziggy has a great year,he is talented. The rest of yall need to grow up and play football not trash talking.(typical rice)
Read the post, FACE MASK penalty fighting and 30 yd penalty!!!! You didn't comment on the Cards fighting during the controlled scrimmage!!!!
You really don't care for Dumont, Surprise surprise, His players seem to play very well for him, Region V champions, Playoffs 8 years straight. Like Brad or not the program seems to to be successful.:D :D Sounds like a little jealousy!! Over and out, Good luck to the Cards this season.:) :)

08-22-2008, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by rhs78
My thoughts on the Scrimmage.
Controled scrimmage was dominated by Raiders. First set of 10 plays. Rice TD with Ziggy gaining 55 of 70 yds. Columbus set, first play holding penality, 2 play running back hit in backfield,fumble, Next set Fumble, Next set 2 firstdowns no score. Rice 1-0

Next set for Rice, 50 yd run by QB, finished with td. Cards two first downs, no score. Cards got to midfield only once in controlled scrimmage.
To address fighting it seemed to start in second part of controlled part by a Card DB after being drilled by a Raider lineman, got up swinging three or 4 times with Raider player doing nothing and Cards coaches said very little and left him in. That my freind was the cause of the bad blood.
Back to live quaters, First drive Columbus's first play fumble Rice recovery. Rice missed wide open receiver for td and turned over on downs. Columbus next try two first downs, turned over on downs. Raider's second try 5 first downs with run and pass, got it down to 5 yard line and could not score. 0-0, With IMO outplaying the Cards.
Second quarter, Cards drive down field with a 45 yd run and score a td. Rice 3 and punt. Cards ball at midfield. Second or third play on reverse face mask and fighting penalty(Raiders only called even though both sides fought) 30 yd penalty. Time out, Raiders remove starters and after 5 yd offsides against Rice, Columbus scores two plays later. End of scrimmage.

Overall very hard hitting practice. Raiders improved from last week and still have to improve. Columbus has the size, but I didn't see any speed burners or game breakers. O-line will need to improve blocking, Run defense and pass defense was average.
Imho with Rice being small and undersized they gave the Cards all they wanted. Columbus will need to improve greatly to compete for playoff spot.

Kickin It
08-22-2008, 09:22 PM
Originally posted by rhs78
Read the post, FACE MASK penalty fighting and 30 yd penalty!!!! You didn't comment on the Cards fighting during the controlled scrimmage!!!!
You really don't care for Dumont, Surprise surprise, His players seem to play very well for him, Region V champions, Playoffs 8 years straight. Like Brad or not the program seems to to be successful.:D :D Sounds like a little jealousy!! Over and out, Good luck to the Cards this season.:) :)

Player hit in the back after the play was over, who wouldn't be a little ticked at that? Yes that happened in the controlled scrimmage in case you missed it and it was not a DB, maybe get your facts straight before you flap your gums. Face mask which almost rips the kids head off, plus an extra shove on top of it, topped off by a running shove by the linebacker, they deserved the thirty yards in penalties. Plus your thoughts on the line needing to block a little better, seems to me the blocking was just fine in the quarters seeing how the FULLBACK was busting off runs of 25 and 35 yard runs plus hitting for about 5 yards a pop on the other plays. Yes the offense was stagnant at times, but the Rice defense isn't slow or ugly. To me it looked like the Columbus offense made adjustments and the Rice defense didn't. You don't have to be explosive all the time, sometimes slow and steady wins the race. ;)

08-22-2008, 09:31 PM
RHS78 if you saw any domination you definitely need to take your blinders off. As far as no speed, Ziggy made one run that even stood out. The Columbus fullback had several. And there is a big difference between a little pushing and an obvious face mask. Rice has a very good aggresive defense and Ziggy is a great running back, but during real play, they were dominated. Good luck to Rice this year, they will definitely be a threat.

08-22-2008, 09:35 PM
Lol. A few differences of opinion on this thread, as well as a little homerism.

08-22-2008, 09:45 PM
Sounding like that old Rice and Columbus rivalry from years past.....

08-23-2008, 09:31 AM
Good luck to the Cards this season.:)