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08-01-2008, 11:49 PM
Link (http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,396362,00.html)

Cameron Crazy
08-01-2008, 11:51 PM
A little overboard i might say.

08-01-2008, 11:53 PM
"Oh lighten up Francis."

08-01-2008, 11:54 PM
"We're a conservative community, and we're just trying to make our students more reflective of that," said Larry Wehde, Gonzales Independent School District deputy superintendent.

wow....what age is Gonzales stuck in 1952?

08-01-2008, 11:59 PM
Go ahead and give em masks to wear too.......


08-02-2008, 12:04 AM
No one will be forced to wear anything. There were 3 choices.

1. get clothes from home that are within the dress code
2. go to ISS for the remainder of the day
3. wear the jump suit

The problem I see with it is that the school is creating a bigger disturbance and causing more of a distraction than what the offender was originally creating. I understand their point that school is not a fashion show and that these kids need to be clothed appropriately for learning instead of clothed for drawing attention to "ME", but this is over the line a bit. Hopefully these folks will realize this before the kids start violating the dress code just to be able to wear a jumpsuit that REALLY draws some attention to them, which is what they really want in the first place.

08-02-2008, 12:17 AM
making student be conservative really prepares them for the real world......

08-02-2008, 01:28 AM
This is NOT over the line. As GreenMonster said, they have choices. Break the rules, pay the consequences. Choose A, B or C as your penalty. What is more fair than this? Unless, of course, you think there should be no rules and no consequences.

You really want to see what is "over the line"? Pull into the parking lot of your average 3A-5A school in most cities at 3:30 and see what is being worn by many of the students. Unbelievable.

Of course, the young ones on this board will not have a problem with what is worn at the schools... I know for sure I wouldnt have when I was 17 or so. But this is why we dont let the students make the rules.

08-02-2008, 08:53 AM
First of all, I do think that it is important to have standards including dress codes. However, sometimes, I do believe that schools focus too much on 'stuff' that they shouldn't (i.e, male students wearing earing, length of males' hair). Case in point, in Navasota ISD, males can't wear earings. Just up the road in College Station ISD, a much bigger school district, males are allowed to wear earings. And, it doesn't end there. My mother works as a teacher for CSISD and she says that the more lax dress code doesn't interfere with the students' learning. I have personally witnessed how some districts focus so much of their effort on dress code rather than issues that, to me, have higher importance such as test scores, attendance, school safety, budgeting, improving school/community relations. With the issue in Gonzales, why give students the option of going to ISS for the entire day or the remainder of the day? Some students in this day and age love going to ISS or being suspended rather than being in the class room. I just don't understand how suspending a student, sending them to ISS, etc will benifit the students' learning.

08-02-2008, 09:55 AM
Originally posted by c-town_balla
making student be conservative really prepares them for the real world...... it certainly wouldn't hurt

"the older you get, the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow" ;)

if you don't think you'll have some sort of dress code in your professional life you are in for a rude awakening

08-02-2008, 10:05 AM
Our dress code is STUPID!

Jeans only--- No shorts of any kind
Girls can wear capris
Tucked in shirts
No sandals
No hoodies
Solid or striped shirts--- No logos bigger than 2 inches
No wacked out hair
No facial hair
No hats
Males cant have any kind of face jewelry...

It gets old really quick.

I wish I could wear flip flops, A hat, some khacki shorts, and a T shirt to school every day but nope. My a$$ would not be at school for very long If I wore what I thought was appropriate and comfortable.

08-02-2008, 02:00 PM
Those are pretty reasonable codes, to be honest. None of these rules would clash with my gold teeth and facial tatoo's.

08-02-2008, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Those are pretty reasonable codes, to be honest. None of these rules would clash with my gold teeth and facial tatoo's. What?

The only thing worse than what we have is the christian school dress code. Blue, black, khacki pants and a solid collared shirt tucked in and a belt. That's as bad as it gets and we are close.

08-02-2008, 02:15 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
it certainly wouldn't hurt

"the older you get, the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow" ;)

if you don't think you'll have some sort of dress code in your professional life you are in for a rude awakening

Oh I know that I have a dress code for things in my major at college...but that dosen't make me conservative

LH Panther Mom
08-02-2008, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Our dress code is STUPID!

Jeans only--- No shorts of any kind
Girls can wear capris
Tucked in shirts
No sandals
No hoodies
Solid or striped shirts--- No logos bigger than 2 inches
No wacked out hair
No facial hair
No hats
Males cant have any kind of face jewelry...

It gets old really quick.

I wish I could wear flip flops, A hat, some khacki shorts, and a T shirt to school every day but nope. My a$$ would not be at school for very long If I wore what I thought was appropriate and comfortable.
:bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: At the school I attended 7th-9th grades, there were no pants OF ANY KIND for girls unless a) it was a football game day or b) it snowed. No one was allowed to wear jeans, with the exception of the pep squad's denim (homemade) suits, again reserved for football game days. Skirts/dresses - no more than 2" above the knees. And your butt was sent home and counted absent if you were in violation. Cry me a river @ you not being able to not being able to wear your eyebrow-ring. No one questioned, we knew that's the way it was.

08-02-2008, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
:bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: :bigcry: At the school I attended 7th-9th grades, there were no pants OF ANY KIND for girls unless a) it was a football game day or b) it snowed. No one was allowed to wear jeans, with the exception of the pep squad's denim (homemade) suits, again reserved for football game days. Skirts/dresses - no more than 2" above the knees. And your butt was sent home and counted absent if you were in violation. Cry me a river @ you not being able to not being able to wear your eyebrow-ring. No one questioned, we knew that's the way it was. I never said i wanted an eyebrow ring....

I just want to be comfortable....

I just want to be able to wear shorts and sandals and to not have to tuck my shirt in.....

08-02-2008, 03:01 PM
Originally posted by Ernest T Bass
But dont insult me by dying your hair orange and piercing your nose and then tell me you're expressing anything. those things insult you?

08-02-2008, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Those are pretty reasonable codes, to be honest. None of these rules would clash with my gold teeth and facial tatoo's.
Hope those are removeable! If, not You'll have a hard time getting a decent job.:)

08-02-2008, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
I never said i wanted an eyebrow ring....

I just want to be comfortable....

I just want to be able to wear shorts and sandals and to not have to tuck my shirt in.....

Wait until you start working! There will be dress codes and rules, unless you're working minimum wage! And even then there might be a dress code.

08-02-2008, 03:09 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Wait until you start working! There will be dress codes and rules, unless you're working minimum wage! And even then there might be a dree code. Making money and following rules is different than going to a damn prison all day every day and not getting paid.

I have a job and I follow the rules just fine and I don't complain at all. When they pay me to go to school, that's when I will stop complaing.

08-02-2008, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Hope those are removeable! If, not You'll have a hard time getting a decent job.:)

Job?? Jobs are for losers, silly wabbit...I can wear what I want, when I want, where I want. I have done it since high school, as a way to express myself. Now, as an adult, I express myself in the unemployment line, and as I hold signs at freeway exits asking others to express themselves in the form of cash. Sign says "Dress codes are for losers". Oh yeah...almost forgot...also "God Bless".

08-02-2008, 03:11 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Making money and following rules is different than going to a damn prison all day every day and not getting paid.

I have a job and I follow the rules just fine and I don't complain at all. When they pay me to go to school, that's when I will stop complaing.

We are all paying for you to go to school! I tell my son his job is school.

08-02-2008, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Job?? Jobs are for losers, silly wabbit...I can wear what I want, when I want, where I want. I have done it since high school, as a way to express myself. Now, as an adult, I express myself in the unemployment line, and as I hold signs at freeway exits asking others to express themselves in the form of cash. Sign says "Dress codes are for losers". Oh yeah...almost forgot...also "God Bless".

Everyone has a dress code; including you! You just don't know that yet!:D ;)

08-02-2008, 03:37 PM
Originally posted by Ernest T Bass
You're getting paid about $523,000 a year. That's the average cost to educate a student in Texas for a school year. All they're asking in return is that you follow their rules for 7 hours a day, 180 days a year. I am not getting paid anything..... And If my school district is getting paid 523,000 per student per year............... Why don't they have blondes in short skirts mopping the floor? Why is our pressbox a giant piece of crap?

Why is our school a huge piece of crap?

If my school is getting 407000000$ every year how come I am not walking on gold plated hallways?

LH Panther Mom
08-02-2008, 03:40 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
If my school is getting 407000000$ every year how come I am not walking on gold plated hallways?
Because the ISD has to pay babysitters to run ISS for all those that don't want to follow the dress code.

08-02-2008, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Because the ISD has to pay babysitters to run ISS for all those that don't want to follow the dress code. :eek: :eek: :eek: ;)

08-02-2008, 03:56 PM
Originally posted by Ernest T Bass
You're getting a free education, without which you'd never amount to anything. In most countries, kids have to pay to attend school. In America, we have to arrest kids and parents for NOT going to school, and kids complain b/c they dont get paid to go. How messed up is that?

He is more worried about changing his sign!:D ;)

Originally posted by Necks_Fan
To change your user name?

Because, when i made my name, I didn't know we could have spaces in them, so I used the underscore. Well, I'm wondering if I can get it changed.

08-02-2008, 04:15 PM
This is all pretty funny. My only problem with the dress code at NHS is that they didn't enforce it enough, LOL!!

08-02-2008, 04:29 PM
Originally posted by Ernest T Bass
You're getting a free education, without which you'd never amount to anything. In most countries, kids have to pay to attend school. In America, we have to arrest kids and parents for NOT going to school, and kids complain b/c they dont get paid to go. How messed up is that? Not complaingin about getting paid, it was a point and u totally missed it...

Also, you didn not answer aNY of thosew questions.... congrats on failing......

And don't try to act like I'm the only person who goes to public school..... I get a free education, so does every other american kid.....

08-02-2008, 04:38 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Because the ISD has to pay babysitters to run ISS for all those that don't want to follow the dress code. yea, our entire staff at the school doesnt get 523,000 a year much less 407000000.

08-02-2008, 06:04 PM
We had a dress code in Cameron that I thought was dumb....we had to have our shirts tucked in and all that....

But I know for a fact it didn't improve the classroom setting because teachers had to waste their time on enforcing it

08-02-2008, 07:22 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Because the ISD has to pay babysitters to run ISS for all those that don't want to follow the dress code.

Wow...this is unexpected from LHPM. LOLOLOOL

08-02-2008, 07:36 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
.. I get a free education, so does every other american kid.....

Neck, I know this thread started out as a tongue-in-cheek thread (at least in my view), but it apparently has turned a tad more serious. So allow me to be a bit more serious...but please know its not at all meant as a slam towards you. Here it is...

Just as you think a dress code is stupid and a waste of time, you also think that your education is FREE. You might THINK its free, and you might say "well, it's free to ME"...but it is definitely NOT free, nor is it even free to you. You probably dont know it, but you're expected to pay for this "education" for years to come...well into your adulthood...through taxes. I am presently paying for decisions made 10 and 15 years ago by our school board...not to mention our so-called political leaders (dont EVEN get me started on THEM)..

The dress code issue was stupid to me as a young man...but as a parent nowadays..? Not so stupid.

This isnt the forum to explain it thoroughly, but in time I predict you will see my point. When I was at your age, there was NO WAY I could understand this. I suspect it will be the same with you...you seem pretty bright.

08-02-2008, 07:54 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
I never said i wanted an eyebrow ring....

I just want to be comfortable....

I just want to be able to wear shorts and sandals and to not have to tuck my shirt in.....

OK, new dress code!


08-02-2008, 08:34 PM
17 years in the classroom here..... in all kinds of different environments with all kinds of different dress codes.

I have found that strict dress codes really do help in schools where there is a problem already. If that makes sense....I think that in schools where kids are a problem, then the more structured the better.

With that said, it can also be a distraction in a school where kids are overwhelmingly good kids. The best school I ever worked in had a very lax dress code and the discipline issues where very rare. 1 fight in 4 years.

Here where I work now our dress code is going backward and so are the number of kids in ISS.

But then again.... good kids.

08-02-2008, 08:36 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
Neck, I know this thread started out as a tongue-in-cheek thread (at least in my view), but it apparently has turned a tad more serious. So allow me to be a bit more serious...but please know its not at all meant as a slam towards you. Here it is...

Just as you think a dress code is stupid and a waste of time, you also think that your education is FREE. You might THINK its free, and you might say "well, it's free to ME"...but it is definitely NOT free, nor is it even free to you. You probably dont know it, but you're expected to pay for this "education" for years to come...well into your adulthood...through taxes. I am presently paying for decisions made 10 and 15 years ago by our school board...not to mention our so-called political leaders (dont EVEN get me started on THEM)..

The dress code issue was stupid to me as a young man...but as a parent nowadays..? Not so stupid.

This isnt the forum to explain it thoroughly, but in time I predict you will see my point. When I was at your age, there was NO WAY I could understand this. I suspect it will be the same with you...you seem pretty bright.
You got that right!
:clap: :clap: :clap:

08-03-2008, 02:19 AM
Dress codes... bleh... here's my take


it's more of an image thing for the school/community/area than it is as just another means of discipline. According to we older generations (Supposedly), that's what attracts visitors and makes them leave with that almighty 'good impression.' Hypothetically, it's also a self-image booster in that... you're supposed to feel better about yourself because you ...dress good? PFUEY to me, but the argument is there.

So, in an attempt to disguise the ugliness that exists in public schools (Which comes in forms of rebellion against self/government/others, poverty, personal taste, etc.), they cover up "what might exist" beneath the clothes and have outsiders believe the lie that is the uniform. :)

I went to a private high school for a year and kept the uniform. When I was in college (Graduated a few moons ago), I'd pimp OUT that uniform... and it worked GREAT (When you're out of high school, you start to appreciate what society deems as 'FINE' clothing, if you hang out with the 'right' kind of people).

Now that i've been out of college and have been teaching for a while, I'll be honest with you -- to this day, I've yet to see any personal academic benefit/performance boost from enforcing uniforms. As a whole, however, it does provide for a more suitable environment in preparing young minds for the corporate American environment (If that's even a positive).

Our work uniform code - collar-shirt, khakis, boots, clean-shave, etc. I'll tell you what -- I'm one of few who doesn't need to wear hot clothes to know that I am hot, but what would my students/co-workers think if I showed up in a lewd t-shirt and jeans with holes in them, smelling of alcohol/drugs/fowl odor, lecturing over the integral? I wouldn't be filling my obligation to society (Not to mention the boss would fire me on spot... and I like my job... it pays well :)..

With regards to succeeding in corporate/conservative america, we have a social obligation to fulfill in and out of school -- that, being, if you ALWAYS look your best (As your school deems it), maybe, SOME DAY, someone/some organization will make you their indentured servant. :)

Good luck with the uniform fight kid. I have faith that, someday, uniforms will be a thing of the past - that one day, we as a people will look beyond the clothing that covers a man's skin - that one day, we'll close our eyes and see the truth - that one day, man will not be judged by words of his mouth nor the golden chain he chooses to wear nor the color of his skin nor the brand his shoe advertises, but by action, determination, and mind/character. One day..

08-03-2008, 03:13 AM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
OK, new dress code!


That's actually the new uniforms for Jokelahoma City's NBA team!

08-03-2008, 10:29 AM
Originally posted by Footballhudini
Dress codes... bleh... here's my take


it's more of an image thing for the school/community/area than it is as just another means of discipline.

You come across as absolutely anything goes...just let kids be kids...let their "character" shine through, they'll all be good and they'll learn if you just back off of discipline. Am I reading this right?

By the way, uniforms actually HELP to allow a students character to shine through...it levels the playing field for all students, so what you wear (as compared to the other kids) has no bearing on who you are inside.

08-03-2008, 07:01 PM
Screw all this hypothetical in depth crap. I understand where all of you are coming from and they are good points. My point is, I, like every other kid in america just want to wear whats comfortable to us. I think it's stupid to have to wear jeans only and no shorts. what exactly does that accomplish except for making kids in south Teas suffer in the heat? To me, nothing.

And, I HATE tucking my shirt in. It would be different if I'm at work or church but this is school.

Brazoswood and Angleton both have lax dress codes and actually have less problems as a whole than we do....

The thugs are going to be thugs no matter what kind of clothes you tell them to wear. That's my take.

LH Panther Mom
08-03-2008, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Screw all this hypothetical in depth crap. I understand where all of you are coming from and they are good points. My point is, I, like every other kid in america just want to wear whats comfortable to us. I think it's stupid to have to wear jeans only and no shorts. what exactly does that accomplish except for making kids in south Teas suffer in the heat? To me, nothing.

And, I HATE tucking my shirt in. It would be different if I'm at work or church but this is school.

Brazoswood and Angleton both have lax dress codes and actually have less problems as a whole than we do....

The thugs are going to be thugs no matter what kind of clothes you tell them to wear. That's my take.
Heaven forbid if you have a daughter that goes to school with her butt cheeks or something higher practically falling out, then gets sent home or written up. To her, what she's wearing will probably be comfortable.

08-03-2008, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
Heaven forbid if you have a daughter that goes to school with her butt cheeks or something higher practically falling out, then gets sent home or written up. To her, what she's wearing will probably be comfortable. There are limitations. I didn't say NO dress code, I just want one a little more leniant.

I told you already that kids who abuse things will abuse things and thugs are going to wear jeans just as low as shorts. Tell me what no hoodies accomplishes. We can wear jackets, but no hoods. what exactly does no hoods accomplish rather than making your head cold in winter?

08-03-2008, 07:23 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Tell me what no hoodies accomplishes. We can wear jackets, but no hoods. what exactly does no hoods accomplish rather than making your head cold in winter?

The hoods are representative of the violent streets...the gangster persona...thats why. Years ago, they didnt represent this image. They do now. Watch a music video or a news broadcast of the latest gang shooting in the inner cities. It's a sad statement that this is true...but its how things are.

08-03-2008, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
The hoods are representative of the violent streets...the gangster persona...thats why. Years ago, they didnt represent this image. They do now. Watch a music video or a news broadcast of the latest gang shooting in the inner cities. It's a sad statement that this is true...but its how things are. Yea well, it's pretty hard to find a jacket that looks decent w/o a hood.

08-03-2008, 07:31 PM
I wouldnt know...but you can still wear them MOST of the time...just not at school, right?

08-03-2008, 07:42 PM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
I wouldnt know...but you can still wear them MOST of the time...just not at school, right? Yea.

08-08-2008, 05:55 AM
Originally posted by wimbo_pro
You come across as absolutely anything goes...just let kids be kids...let their "character" shine through, they'll all be good and they'll learn if you just back off of discipline. Am I reading this right?

By the way, uniforms actually HELP to allow a students character to shine through...it levels the playing field for all students, so what you wear (as compared to the other kids) has no bearing on who you are inside.

you're reading it wrong. I meant that the dresscode isn't just there to make kids suffer. Hence, the School's status quo/image.

You're statement about leveling playing fields... it's not entirely true. The same clothes may cover their bodies, but their faces are still showing, hence, their identity is being revealed... automatically leaving leeway open for unfairness/playing favorites... regardless of what kids choose to wear... and I'm sorry, but there's just no such thing as a level playing field in any part of American Society. Ideally, sure. but we live not in an ideal world

In order to have uniforms work the way you suggest they currently do (hence, providing a totally level playing field), they need come with masks and other features which make them identical in size, sex, posture, etc - hence, no sense of uniqueness/traits/habits. Might as well take the human out of the student.

The uniform policy is flaud imho, and there's absolutely nothing anyone can say to change this 35 y.o.'s mind.

Might as well bring out the jumpsuits. haha :P

08-08-2008, 07:13 AM
You could always quit if you are that unhappy.:devil: :devil:

08-08-2008, 07:28 AM
Originally posted by Footballhudini
you're reading it wrong. I meant that the dresscode isn't just there to make kids suffer. Hence, the School's status quo/image.

You're statement about leveling playing fields... it's not entirely true. The same clothes may cover their bodies, but their faces are still showing, hence, their identity is being revealed... automatically leaving leeway open for unfairness/playing favorites... regardless of what kids choose to wear... and I'm sorry, but there's just no such thing as a level playing field in any part of American Society. Ideally, sure. but we live not in an ideal world

In order to have uniforms work the way you suggest they currently do (hence, providing a totally level playing field), they need come with masks and other features which make them identical in size, sex, posture, etc - hence, no sense of uniqueness/traits/habits. Might as well take the human out of the student.

The uniform policy is flaud imho, and there's absolutely nothing anyone can say to change this 35 y.o.'s mind.

Might as well bring out the jumpsuits. haha :P

OK! This is for you, Footballhudini!

And this is for Necks_Fan. This one has a hoodie just for you!:D ;)



08-08-2008, 07:30 AM
Originally posted by DaHop72
You could always quit if you are that unhappy.:devil: :devil:


Thanks DaHop72 for the smilie.:D

08-08-2008, 07:37 AM
Originally posted by garciap77

Thanks DaHop72 for the smilie.:D :thumbsup: One of my favorites as well. :D

Phil C
08-08-2008, 08:15 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
it certainly wouldn't hurt

"the older you get, the more rules they're gonna try to get you to follow" ;)

if you don't think you'll have some sort of dress code in your professional life you are in for a rude awakening

Right you are P4S! I follow my dress code so well that I go to the local football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, etc. games dressed up in a suit and tie. Professionalism is most important indeed!

Phil C
08-08-2008, 08:16 AM
Come and Take it!


All out CAT
08-08-2008, 08:55 AM
I love it! More places could learn from this guy. There not telling you what to wear, they are telling what is acceptable. Nice to see some of you hear have the same opinion.

All out CAT
08-08-2008, 09:01 AM
Originally posted by Ernest T Bass
I promise you it does. The fact that teachers have to enforce it has no bearing on the problems it prevents. You're always going to have problems b/c teenagers are stupid people(parents too) have their priorities outta wack, but a strict dress code definately goes a long way to prevent some. Besides, it doesn't matter how relaxed the dress code is, kids will always bitch about it just b/c there is one.

You are 100% correct, and the parents attitude towards the issue is more important than the student's because they only mimic what is enforced and/or believed at home.

Ranger Mom
08-08-2008, 10:11 AM
Originally posted by Phil C
Right you are P4S! I follow my dress code so well that I go to the local football, basketball, volleyball, baseball, softball, etc. games dressed up in a suit and tie. Professionalism is most important indeed!

I bet that clashes with the Old Spurs cap!:)

08-08-2008, 10:20 AM
What`s so wrong with following some rules in life? Is it so bad to actually show some respect and follow guidelines set out? Everyone wants to belittle the ideas and say the rules are crazy and stupid, well, even if they are, there the school`s rules o ALL students should follo them. Besides, I bet some of the kids are gonna be in them jumpsuits later in life anyways. This country is so liberal soft that it is really out of hand. Most folks are livng by the creed "rules are made to be broken". Well, NO their not. Their made to curtail certain types of unwanted behaviour. I guess Little Johnny`s mommy and daddy will have to get a lawyer and sue the school for the mental anguish it caused them? Face it mom and pop, there heading toward that jumpsuit someday due to how they were raised. As Big Julius said "Attitude reflect Leadership"!!!

Global Swarming
08-08-2008, 10:51 AM
Kids do get paid for going to school. Believe it or not, you get paid by the grades that you earn and the diploma that you receive after years of hard work. The proudest moment I've had in my life next to my kids being born is when I received that diploma. I worked for it and that's how I was rewarded. I'll have to tell you, that was one heck of a paycheck.

Phil C
08-08-2008, 10:58 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I bet that clashes with the Old Spurs cap!:)

Actually not too bad since I wear a dark suit and the cap is black. People have to recognize me somehow. :)

08-08-2008, 11:58 AM
"Brazoswood and Angleton both have lax dress codes and actually have less problems as a whole than we do...."

What a bunch of noise. I like the dress code at Columbia HS. It is not to restrictive and the vast majority of the students follow it with little to no problem. The most I have to monitor is shirt tales being tucked in.

And as far as having to suffer through the Texas heat, the AC units at CHS work great in most of the classrooms and they work overtime in others. In the math department rooms of F bldg, you need a parka in May to keep from shivering.

Get over it

Maybe the jumpsuit idea is worth looking into!!!

08-08-2008, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by NHSBulldog75
"Brazoswood and Angleton both have lax dress codes and actually have less problems as a whole than we do...."

What a bunch of noise. I like the dress code at Columbia HS. It is not to restrictive and the vast majority of the students follow it with little to no problem. The most I have to monitor is shirt tales being tucked in.

And as far as having to suffer through the Texas heat, the AC units at CHS work great in most of the classrooms and they work overtime in others. In the math department rooms of F bldg, you need a parka in May to keep from shivering.

Get over it

Maybe the jumpsuit idea is worth looking into!!! Our dresscode is stupid.

08-08-2008, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Our dresscode is stupid.



08-08-2008, 12:36 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Our dresscode is stupid.

Tell us why wearing shorts and flip flops with your shirt tale out is so important and emotional to you?

08-11-2008, 05:54 PM
Originally posted by Necks_Fan
Our dresscode is stupid.

Has the hoodie rule been changed? I know last year we could wear them as long as there was a zipper.

The dress code didn't bother me much. Probably because I just wore a t-shirt everyday and hid it with a jacket.

Old Tiger
08-11-2008, 06:02 PM
some dress codes are to anal

08-13-2008, 09:03 AM
Tensions flare over Texas school district's dress code, jumpsuit option

02:24 PM CDT on Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Associated Press

GONZALES, Texas — Police were called to a school board meeting because of the loud protests of parents upset about a revamped dress code that includes prison-like jumpsuits for kids who don't comply.

Gonzales Independent School District superintendent Vic Salazar said that following the public comment period Monday night, a few members of the audience started yelling at school board members about the dress code. They were asked repeatedly to quiet down but would not, he said. Salazar didn't know who called the police.

"When it gets to be disruptive, we asked them to leave," Salazar said Tuesday. "They wouldn't be quiet. They were given an opportunity" to speak.

Capt. Gayle Autry of the Gonzales Police Department said two police officers arrived to keep order, stayed less than an hour and didn't arrest anyone.

The school district is implementing a revamped dress code that includes a ban on cargo pants and requires students to wear collared shirts. Those from fifth through 12th grade who don't obey may also be put in prison-style navy blue coveralls the district ordered from Texas Correctional Industries, the industrial arm of prison system.

District officials have emphasized that the coveralls are only an option aimed at allowing students to comply with the dress code and remain in the classroom. Parents can still bring students a change of clothes or students may still go to in-school suspension.

Salazar said the retooled dress code, approved in July, was not on Monday night's agenda, but that seven people spoke against it during the public comment period.

Gonzales is about 70 miles east of San Antonio.

LINK (http://www.dallasnews.com/sharedcontent/dws/dn/latestnews/stories/081208dntexjumpsuit.3d886ee5.html)