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View Full Version : Gnome caught on video

08-01-2008, 05:10 PM
While hanging out in a dark alley, the last thing you want to see is a creepy little gnome-like creature dancing your way. But for a group of teenagers in the Argentinean province of Salta, that's just what they claimed to see one night.

On March 11, 2008, U.K.'s The Sun released the footage that teenager Alvarez had recorded on his cell phone. Although it's blurry, you can distinctly make out the shape of a tiny creature, with either a cone shaped head or hat, dancing around in a dark alley.

Alvarez claimed they thought initially the shape was a dog, but realized later it was something much different. "This is no joke," Alvarez told the sun. "We are still afraid to go out, just like everyone else in the neighborhood now. One of my friends was so scared after seeing that thing that we had to take him to the hospital."

Either these teenagers seriously have a flair for the dramatic, or this little gnome-like creature is real. Still, no sightings have been reported other than this account. Take a look at the video and see for yourself, the gnome is pretty creepy


08-01-2008, 05:17 PM
Now I see why your name is what it is...you are "yanking" us with this one.