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06-25-2008, 01:33 PM
Intel won't touch Vista

Comment Too broken to deploy

By Charlie Demerjian: Monday, 23 June 2008, 4:08 PM

ACCORDING TO A memo circulating a few weeks ago, it looks like Intel is taking a wise decision and avoiding the Broken OS entirely. Yes, Intel is not going to use Vista on its corporate machines... ever.

When a company as tech savvy as Intel, with full source code access and having written several large chunks of the OS, says get stuffed, you know you have a problem. Well, everyone knows MS has a problem, but it is nice to see it codified in such a black and white way though. Reassuring, like a warm cup of tea, or a public kick to the corporate crown jewels.

The real question is what are they going to use? The official answer is 'nothing yet', the one where they try not to offend is 'likely Windows 7', delivered with a pained smile. Since that is shaping up to be Me II SP1a, I am not sure Intel will bite there either unless they suddenly develop a GPU that can run it in that time frame.

So that leaves two other choices, Linux and Mac. Linux is a distinct possibility, they already have an in-house distro that causes employees look nervously around the room when you talk about it. Although it is not a desktop variant, there is no reason that they could not roll one given two years.

The other one is the big white horse in the corner, Mac OS. If there was ever a company that is loyal to Intel, it is Apple. If there was ever a company that could make MacOS work internally, it is Intel. While any marriage with the turtlenecked sociopath is a match made in hell, don't count this one out either.

In the end, you have Intel flipping MS the bird, and telling them what they already know, Vista in undeployable by anyone with a grain of common sense. The impressive thing is that it just might lead to a waving off of MS entirely, they are the underdog for the next round of upgrades.

LINK (http://www.theinquirer.net/gb/inquirer/news/2008/06/23/intel-dumps-vista)

I have had it (Vista) on my office PC for about a month now and have not had any problems - I think on a large scale though, it would be terrible....

eppy 12
06-25-2008, 01:35 PM
:clap: :clap: well isn't that "takin' it to the man?"

Bull Butter
06-25-2008, 01:36 PM
I have Vista on my laptop that i've had for about 16 months.
I've heard all the stories about how bad it is, but no problems as of yet (knocking on wood)

06-25-2008, 03:52 PM
I got an HP Pavilion with Vista the other day and aside from it being a bit different to work with I've had no complaints.

Old Green
06-25-2008, 05:03 PM
I've had a HP with Windows Vista for about 6 months now. Aside from being different to operate, what's the problems we should be looking for.:confused: :nerd:

Old Tiger
06-25-2008, 05:07 PM
Originally posted by Old Green
I've had a HP with Windows Vista for about 6 months now. Aside from being different to operate, what's the problems should we be looking for.:confused: :nerd: Good question I would like to know as well

06-25-2008, 06:09 PM
Originally posted by eppy 12
:clap: :clap: well isn't that "takin' it to the man?"

but sir - you are the man :D

06-25-2008, 08:40 PM
I just ordered me a new laptop and it has vista on it.. when speaking with the guy at dell he said that if it is a brand new product they dont have a lot of problems with it at all but if its an old product that didnt come with vista, then they usually run into problems because of some drivers or something like that.

I hope I dont have problems with it.. I do get a 30 day trial though so if I dont like it I can return it for a full refund.

06-25-2008, 08:46 PM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
I just ordered me a new laptop and it has vista on it.. when speaking with the guy at dell he said that if it is a brand new product they dont have a lot of problems with it at all but if its an old product that didnt come with vista, then they usually run into problems because of some drivers or something like that.

I hope I dont have problems with it.. I do get a 30 day trial though so if I dont like it I can return it for a full refund. THATS FIERCE

06-25-2008, 08:48 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state

I like the way she discussed her new purchase all non-Deja Vu and stuff...

06-25-2008, 08:51 PM
Originally posted by Gobbla2001
I like the way she discussed her new purchase all non-Deja Vu and stuff... LOL :D

06-25-2008, 10:05 PM
That's funny....also why I'm in the process of "testing" several OS's besides Vista such as SUSE Linux 10.1, Red Hat (and Red Hat Enterprise Server), Linspire, Xandros, etc. etc. on a few of my "test" PCs. :)

I'm gettin to where I like Linux.

06-25-2008, 10:10 PM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
I just ordered me a new laptop and it has vista on it.. when speaking with the guy at dell he said that if it is a brand new product they dont have a lot of problems with it at all but if its an old product that didnt come with vista, then they usually run into problems because of some drivers or something like that.

I hope I dont have problems with it.. I do get a 30 day trial though so if I dont like it I can return it for a full refund.

how much ram does the laptop has - my pc at work, and the one i gave my student workers have 4gb of ram and 2.0Ghz dual core processors.....

hope you weren't cheap and only got 1gb of ram or you are not going to be happy...

i would recommend ordering it with the minimum amount of ram it can come with and then buying additional ram from an outside source (newegg, etc) - would probably save you a hundred dollars per gig...

06-25-2008, 10:45 PM
I bought my desktop back in April 2007 when Vista was still new and I have not had any problems with it.

Old Green
06-25-2008, 10:54 PM
Only problem I had so far was the Drivers of the HP scanner would not operate with it.

06-26-2008, 02:00 AM
It's not bad if you don't ever do anything special with your PC...

But if you plan on using your hard earned dollars you spent for the PC, then I reccomend you don't use Vista. I've experienced way too many problems and just finaly got tired of finding fixes....I downgraded back to Windows XP on all 3 of my machines, sadly the money I spent on Vista may as well been a waste.