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View Full Version : Bottled vs. Tap Water

06-18-2008, 07:47 AM
I know we've discussed this before, but here is a little more fuel for the fire. What does it have to do with sports, much less 3A football? Not a darn thing, unless we discuss the merits of carrying bottles to a game to avoid drinking out of the faucets. Then again, I don't think you could get into a game with a cooler even if it contained only water, bottled or tap.

I know, this comes from a conservative rag, but it's what I got! Let's hear it for water!!!!!!!!!!

:wave: :wave: :wave:


06-18-2008, 08:35 AM
Our water is included in the rent, but we're not drinking it. Highly contaminated from the mineral mining in this area. "No immediate threat, but you may get cancer after long-term exposure." Thanks. :doh:

06-18-2008, 08:40 AM
Originally posted by Blastoderm55
Our water is included in the rent, but we're not drinking it. Highly contaminated from the mineral mining in this area. "No immediate threat, but you may get cancer after long-term exposure." Thanks. :doh:

Wow! And the health dept. lets people live there? Please don't drink the water.

06-18-2008, 01:05 PM
I prefer tap water. sinton has always had good well water. some people don't like it but it's as good as you can get these parts. if i'm in corpus i won't touch their tap water. never know whats in that water.

Ranger Mom
06-18-2008, 01:44 PM
Midland's tap water is GROSS!!! I can even tell if the RO water is from Midland water...it still has that "taste!"

I buy RO water, but it is made from a local water well and doesn't have that chlorine/brine water taste that the Midland water has!

We have a water well and it passed all the tests it needed to be drinkable.....but there is something about cloudy water that just doesn't appeal to me.

eppy 12
06-18-2008, 01:46 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Midland's tap water is GROSS!!! I can even tell if the RO water is from Midland water...it still has that "taste!"

I buy RO water, but it is made from a local water well and doesn't have that chlorine/brine water taste that the Midland water has!

We have a water well and it passed all the tests it needed to be drinkable.....but there is something about cloudy water that just doesn't appeal to me. :thinking:

06-18-2008, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Midland's tap water is GROSS!!! I can even tell if the RO water is from Midland water...it still has that "taste!"

I buy RO water, but it is made from a local water well and doesn't have that chlorine/brine water taste that the Midland water has!

We have a water well and it passed all the tests it needed to be drinkable.....but there is something about cloudy water that just doesn't appeal to me.

Can't the cloudiness be filtered out?

I like the tapwater here in The Woodlands, but it sometimes has a strong odor of chlorine.

A lot of that good ol' West Texas water has that appealing sulpher taste and smell, i.e. Big Lake. Lubbock water is also bad to me. San Angelo water tastes like a river. My wife is from Kaufman and theirs is also not to my liking. Guess I'm just hard to please!


Ranger Mom
06-18-2008, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
Can't the cloudiness be filtered out?

I like the tapwater here in The Woodlands, but it sometimes has a strong odor of chlorine.

A lot of that good ol' West Texas water has that appealing sulpher taste and smell, i.e. Big Lake. Lubbock water is also bad to me. San Angelo water tastes like a river. My wife is from Kaufman and theirs is also not to my liking. Guess I'm just hard to please!


I have a filter and it helps SOME...but if I make tea, I still see things floating around....ewwww!!

I'll just continue to fill my own bottles with the RO water down the street!!

06-18-2008, 02:08 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I have a filter and it helps SOME...but if I make tea, I still see things floating around....ewwww!!

I'll just continue to fill my own bottles with the RO water down the street!!

So it's only your well and not other folks'? Better drill a new well!

06-18-2008, 02:21 PM
Waco water was really, really bad...it tasted like grass cause of all the cow poo in it apparantly...it would mess up everything, even fountain drinks at resturants....anyway, you know the water is bad when the resturants would advertise when they got new filters in instead of the specials outside....the water where i am now/where i grew up is decent, baytown's water was rated some of the state's cleanest when i was in highschool, pretty amazing considering all the chemical plants here, then agian maybe that is y....

06-18-2008, 04:39 PM
wow I remember when I was youngster we'd stay the at my grandparents farm north of taft and they had their own well(windmill and all) and the water had that sulfur smell but everybody drank it. Wasn't a strong odor but it was there. what was weird it made great tasting tea. that was back in the early 60's but I've always remembered how good that iced tea was.

06-18-2008, 04:52 PM
i drink a 24 pack of water a day and dont reuse my bottles or care :mad:

06-18-2008, 04:55 PM
I buy a couple of 1 galon jugs of spring water every week or so, but if I run out and don't feel like going to the store, then I'll just refill them with tap water. :D

06-18-2008, 05:09 PM
Originally posted by piratebg
I buy a couple of 1 galon jugs of spring water every week or so, but if I run out and don't feel like going to the store, then I'll just refill them with tap water. :D

While I like the tap water just fine here, my wife says it is "awful" and doesn't want to drink it. We're going to buy a Brita water purifier this weekend and keep it in the refrigerator. Our daughter has one and it makes very good water.

At work we have an upright RO machine that also makes ice. I don't know if it does RO on the ice, just know it tastes fine to me. Since the machine does not cool the water we need the ice.

06-18-2008, 08:15 PM
I heard tap water is better for ya. Don't know why just heard some health nuts say it.

06-18-2008, 08:18 PM
We got a new fridge so we have plastic flavored water and ice.