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06-16-2008, 08:59 PM
When I came home at lunch, my LAN (internet connection) wasn't working - I rebooted - unplugged - checked phone lines - all the normal things.. went back to work and hoped it would be working when I got home - well - it wasn't - anyway - long story short, I remembered I hadn't checked my settings and sure enough, it was "disabled" not sure how it got that way and don't care, just glad it's working now that I "enabled" it......(the fact that my 7 year old granddaughter has been playing with the PAINT program and "somehow" she "lost" the task bar on it might have something to do with it) :)
Then that reminded of me something that happened Saturday night. Mr 44 was in the living room watching golf and I was in the kitchen doing something and my granddaughter (Alex) was in our bedroom watching TV and coloring. All the sudden I hear the house/burglar alarm go off. Since the re-set button is in the kitchen, I got it cut off and re-set in a matter of seconds so it wasn't a big deal. But before I could ask what happened, Alex came running out of the bedroom saying "Grandma, I didn't touch any buttons, I promise, but why is the siren going off?" LOL :) I feel sure she was jumping on the bed and must of lost balance and fell towards the iron head-board and touched the "panic button" which is on the same switch as the celing fan/light switch. Absolutely not a big deal but it was just funny the way she said "I didn't touch any buttons" ...............

LH Panther Mom
06-16-2008, 09:13 PM
Woohoo! And ROFL @ Alex! :D