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View Full Version : Completely Remodeling the house....

06-07-2008, 08:25 AM
Me and my step-dad are in the middle of remodeling our 1944 house. We are re-doing the entire floor in the house and more support beams, doing all new window frames, re-siding the house, pouring a new driveway, getting new appliances, new cabinets/countertops, and doing some other minor things.

---basically everything.

should be fun.

To this point, we have ripped out an entire wall, re-done t6he floor in the living room, a few minr things, and put in one new window frame. We still got ALOT more to do.

06-07-2008, 10:46 AM
Are you living in the house while doing all this? If so, I feel for you man. I have done that twice now. Swore up and down I wouldnt do it again after doing it the first time (but I was wrong). I actually love remodeling old houses, but its tough to do while living in it at the same time. Both houses I did were built in the early 50s. I also helped my dad remodel their house about 25 years ago, and it was built in the early teens. All walls were 1 x 6 shiplap pine. Not a bit of sheetrock in the whole place. And that old shiplap was hard as diamonds. I must have burned up over 100 jigsaw blades just cutting holes for new outlets and switches. Each room only had one outlet down in the baseboard, and one pullchain light fixture, so we had to cut a lot of holes. It also had 9' ceiling throughout the house, so we put in false ceilings at 8' in every room also.

LH Panther Mom
06-07-2008, 10:52 AM
Originally posted by STANG RED
All walls were 1 x 6 shiplap pine. Not a bit of sheetrock in the whole place.
We did a remodel job on a house like that in the mid-70's. Some parts of the shiplap had serious scorch marks. When the living room flooring was pulled up, newspapers were underneath that I guess served as a cushion/buffer. All the newspapers were really old....had news from WWII. I keep forgetting to ask my mom if she still has them.

06-07-2008, 10:56 AM
my dad's house is being remodeled aswell...but it wasnt a spur of the moment kind of thing...well i guess it was after the house fire in december...:D but its coming along nicely and i think it will be the nicest house in the neighborhood (again) when the work is complete here in the next week or so. still have the carpet to put in, cabinets to hang, fixtured to put on and appliances to put in. but over all i am impressed with the work that has been done so far. when its done ill take pics for all too see. maybe even scrounge up some before pics too so you can really see the contrast.

06-07-2008, 02:26 PM
We added a formal dining room adjacent to our lviing room a few years ago

It use to be a small patio but we never used it and added on 3 more feet

my wife now wants an outside deck and maybe a whirpool bath

06-07-2008, 07:06 PM
We built a new home in 2002...lived in it less than 2 years...moved to Kansas and bought a 1964 home from the original owner who built it...great house and one of the best built in the town...spent 3 years UPDATING the house. Paint, new light fixtures, plugs, switches, counter tops in the kitchen etc. We never did have to move walls or replace flooring. The original carpet was still in the house and looked like new!!! Sold that house and moved to Louisiana and low and behold found another 1965 house and bought it from the original owner who built it... we even have the original blueprints...we are doing the same with this one. (it even has new carpet) UPDATING...we should be able to make some money on this one when we sell...great house, just the decor is stuck in 1965! We don't REMODEL we just UPDATE...divorces happen when you remodel!!!! LOL