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06-04-2008, 09:43 AM
Unruly Tribe fans cause forfeit

June 4, 1974
By RANDY GALLOWAY / The Dallas Morning News

Editors' note: The following appeared in the final June 5, 1974 edition of The Dallas Morning News.

CLEVELAND – It was the hardest way to win one.

Umpire Nestor Chylak awarded a forfeit victory to the Rangers here Tuesday night after an unprecedented near riot took place in the ninthe inning as bat swinging Texas players took on a horde of Cleveland fans numbering in the hundreds who had stormed on to the playing field as dime beer night turned to mob violence.

With Indian players helping the Rangers, a pitched battle took place in right field where the whole thing started when a fan raced up in the bottom of the ninth with two outs and the score tied, 5-5, and tried to shove Jeff Burroughs.

The Ranger outfielder shoved back, then gave chase and caught one of his attackers near the foul line. The Ranger dugout emptied as players, coaches and the manager and the trainer came to the rescue of Burroughs.

With the Rangers obviously wiping out about a dozen or so fans who were on the field at that time, a new wave of fans scaled the fences and the wall, coming from all directions. Almost instantly the players from both teams and the umpires were surrounded by a fist swinging crowd.

Cleveland players were fighting their own fans, first in trying to protect the Rangers players, then later in trying to protect themselves after things got completely out of hand. Indian pitcher Tom Hilgendorf had to be helped from the field after being cracked across the head with a chair.

"I can't say enough for the Cleveland players," said Billy Martin in the safety of the dressing room. "If it hadn't been for them we were in real trouble because our butt was against the wall out there in right."

Every Texas player echoed his sentiments. "They gave us some help when we needed it," noted Mike Hargrove. "As it was," added Martin, "we got hit with everything you can think of. They were throwing chairs out of the upper deck, then picking them up and swinging them. We also got hit with rocks, bottles, golf balls, everything else you can name."

Chylak was beside him with anger in the umpire's dressing quarters. "Animals, (censored) animals, that's all these (censored) people are," he screamed. "I even saw a couple of knives out there in that mob. They wanted to kill somebody. I personally got hit with a chair and a rock and look at this (he held up his hand where there was an ugly cut that was bleeding.

"I went as far as I could with this crowd and I can't say enough about the Texas team and Mr. Martin for restraining themselves so long. But when they charged out of that dugout they did it because they had to. Those animals were in control then."

06-04-2008, 03:23 PM

06-04-2008, 04:13 PM
I wonder why I haven't heard of this before? I bet if it had happened to the yankees it would be a national holiday.

06-04-2008, 06:50 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
I wonder why I haven't heard of this before? I bet if it had happened to the yankees it would be a national holiday. The Rangers announcers have talked about it before and how Tom didnt want to lose his two homeruns off of his stats because of the forfeit lol