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05-30-2008, 09:08 AM
More DISD grade-changing, intimidation allegations

12:37 AM CDT on Friday, May 30, 2008


DALLAS - Another Dallas Independent School District teacher is going public with allegations of forced grade changing for a star athlete.

While reluctant to speak out, Stephen Wilson said he feel he needed to come forward after witnessing grade-changing over the last year at Roosevelt High School. He also said that retaliation by his bosses has become so severe that he felt like speaking out might protect himself and ensure grade changing for athletes is stopped.

Vincent McNeil wasn't just quarterback for his Roosevelt football team this year; he was practically the whole offense. He was a scoring machine who both rushed and passed his team into the state playoffs.

But according to one of his teachers, McNeil probably shouldn't have been on the team because he wasn't coming to class.

"This student was not coming to class, at all," he said. "And out of the six weeks of school, the first six weeks which consists of approximately 30 days, he may have shown up three to five days total."

Wilson said McNeil was in his Engineering Graphics class last fall and was failing the first six weeks with a grade of 60.

Wilson said McNeil was about to be declared ineligible for football when he was approached by Assistant Principal Anthony Jefferson with a grade change form.

"Mr. Jefferson brought the form to my classroom and stated that Ms. Dixon was waiting on the form and that we need to change the grade," Wilson said.

The "Ms. Dixon" Jefferson was referring to, Wilson said, was Myrtle Jean Dixon, the school's principal.

Buckling to pressure, Wilson said he agreed to change the failing grade of 60 to a 70, providing McNeil started showing up to class. Principal Dixon signed off on the change.

But Wilson said McNeil continued to be a no-show, so he changed the grade back to a 60. At that point, Wilson said McNeil was mysteriously removed from his class.

"He attempted to transfer, but I refused to sign the form," Wilson said.

Wilson's assertion of special treatment of athletes was supported by former Roosevelt English teacher Melinda Johnson earlier this year. Johnson said four coaches and the school's vice principal approached her asking for grade changes. Johnson said she refused to make the changes.

Both Johnson and Wilson say this kind of intimidation is rampant at Roosevelt High School.

More than 20 teachers at the school have met several times with DISD administrators regarding the alleged mistreatment of teachers by the principal and her assistants.

"Two teachers who were outspoken were recommended for termination," Johnson said. "One teacher received notice that the principal did not recommend her certification. Another teacher was pushed by the principal."

Union president Amiee Bolender said the harassment is well documented and called the district's response to date not acceptable.

"Swift action should have been taken from the very beginning and that didn't happen," she said.

A lack of action is especially bad for whistleblowers like Wilson, whose job for next year is being eliminated by the principal he complained about.

"It seems to me as if the administrative staff at Roosevelt High School seems to care more about student athletes than the teachers," Wilson said.

News 8 calls to Dixon and other school officials were not returned, and there is no indication that the student athlete, McNeil, played any role in the alleged improper grade changing.

Wilson said he blew the whistle to DISD investigators about the forced grade change five months ago, but is frustrated by the lack of response.

The investigation also includes allegations that office workers at Roosevelt were pressured to fabricate absentee and transfer records.

While DISD declined comment, officials insisted their investigation is progressing.

05-30-2008, 09:23 AM
Did he ever end up signing to play football anywhere? Rivals doesn't show that he did.

05-30-2008, 09:47 AM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
Did he ever end up signing to play football anywhere? Rivals doesn't show that he did.

i want to say Grambling but I may be wrong....

05-30-2008, 02:21 PM
I thought he had another year left but I may be wrong

05-30-2008, 03:01 PM
What's sad is that they probably feel like they were doing McNeil a favor and doing what was best for him. IMO their actions did more harm to him as an individual than anything they could have done. Seen it way too often. I'm making a lot of assumptions but I doubt that he made the grades his Jr year either, and he was basically taught that he was special and not held accountable. They did not do him any favors. We've all seen it time and time again. I really sincerely hope that I am wrong, but my guess would be that we never see him playing on Saturdays.:( :( :mad:

05-30-2008, 03:18 PM
I saw one of the Dallas TV stations teasing with this at 6pm last night but forgot to watch to see what school it was on the 10 o'clock news.

05-30-2008, 03:22 PM
SEE VIDEO HERE (http://www.wfaa.com/sharedcontent/dws/wfaa/latestnews/stories/wfaa080529_mo_gradechange.41188f53.html)