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05-29-2008, 03:39 PM
You study really hard for an exam and you make an A.

Your buddy decides that he would rather go out with some friends and party and makes an F.

Socialism dictates that it is not fair that your buddy receive an F. After all he didn't have the same opportunities and advantages as you.

Therefore you will be lowered two letter grades to a C so that your buddy can be raised two letter grades to a C.

Sound fair to me.:2thumbsup :2thumbsup :2thumbsup

eppy 12
05-29-2008, 03:41 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
You study really hard for an exam and you make an A.

Your buddy decides that he would rather go out with some friends and party and makes an F.

Socialism dictates that it is not fair that your buddy receive an F. After all he didn't have the same opportunities and advantages as you.

Therefore you will be lowered two letter grades to a C so that your buddy can be raised two letter grades to a C.

Sound fair to me.:2thumbsup :2thumbsup :2thumbsup ONE HECK of a definition right there!:clap:

05-29-2008, 04:51 PM
you my friend could work for the texas public school adm. in austin, texas!!

05-29-2008, 04:52 PM
now, when is a diploma not a diploma??????

and what is the real def. of graduated high school???

Chief Woodman
05-29-2008, 04:55 PM
Seems Sleepybear posted something a few years back talking about folks who eat a meal together as an anology of taxes. This post reminded me of that great post by him. I think I'll try to find it.

10-20-2008, 10:06 AM
ttt (please move to other forum)

Ranger Mom
10-20-2008, 10:21 AM
Originally posted by Chief Woodman
Seems Sleepybear posted something a few years back talking about folks who eat a meal together as an anology of taxes. This post reminded me of that great post by him. I think I'll try to find it.

I looked for it, but had to give up!!

I did run across some posts by "mean machine"...I remember why I didn't care for him much now!!:p :p

10-20-2008, 12:17 PM
Sounds to me like you've been buying into some more political propaganda. Hmm...

10-20-2008, 12:25 PM
Dead on definition. You work and earn and plan to enjoy the fruits of your labor. The socialist says that you have made a lot and that you HAVE to share the wealth with somebody else. This is not propaganda at all.

10-20-2008, 12:31 PM

rich people make money. poor people who lacking basic developmental skills try their best to make money but can't. they end up poor while the rich people get tax breaks.

economic recession sets in and poor people get poorer while rich people find loopholes and keep their money.

10-20-2008, 12:35 PM
Originally posted by carter08

rich people make money. poor people who lacking basic developmental skills try their best to make money but can't. they end up poor while the rich people get tax breaks.

economic recession sets in and poor people get poorer while rich people find loopholes and keep their money.

This sounds very familiar...

10-20-2008, 12:40 PM
So achievers are to be punished for their work. Karl would love this thread. Nobody ever gets a job from a poor man.

10-20-2008, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by shankbear
So achievers are to be punished for their work. Karl would love this thread. Nobody ever gets a job from a poor man.

You must be really inept to believe that large corporations and the rich are being punished for being successful. Do you think that the children born to poor families should be hungry because their parents are disabled or handicapped and can't work, or are physically or mentally incapable of doing so?

10-20-2008, 12:47 PM
90% of all jobs are created by SMALL businesses. Large corporations do not pay taxes in a real sense. They pass those on to consumers. Small businesses have to stay alive and less robin hood in their pockets means they create more jobs.

10-20-2008, 01:28 PM
Originally posted by shankbear
So achievers are to be punished for their work. Karl would love this thread. Nobody ever gets a job from a poor man.

of course not. complete equality is not possible and should not be. the people who try the hardest and provide jobs deserve to have the money. But the people working hard while they do nothing deserve better pay and more tax breaks.

10-20-2008, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
You must be really inept to believe that large corporations and the rich are being punished for being successful. Do you think that the children born to poor families should be hungry because their parents are disabled or handicapped and can't work, or are physically or mentally incapable of doing so? Please don't tell me that you think that the only people who will receive money taken from successful people are only the disabled, handicapped, or mentally or physically unable to work.

Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day. Teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime.

10-20-2008, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by carter08
the people who try the hardest and provide jobs deserve to have the money. So what you're saying is that I have to "earn" my money?

SHOW SOME COMPASSION!!:mad: :mad: :mad:

10-20-2008, 02:13 PM
Not everybody started out rich. Did you ever ask how those "rich" people got to be rich? A lot of them started out without a silver spoon in their mouth. Most of them did it thru incredibly hard work, initiative, drive, and just pure guts mixed with a little luck. I believe that any person in America has the opportunity to become whatever they want if they are willing to work hard enough for it. Yes, some have an easier road than others, but there are plenty of stories about poor kids from the most horrible set of environmental circumstances you can imagine who wrote "Dr." in front of their names after a lot of hard work and determination.

10-20-2008, 02:18 PM
Love thy neighbor

10-20-2008, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Love thy neighbor

Bingo. I always like the quote "A country should be judged on how it treats it's least fortunate".

10-20-2008, 02:39 PM
Yep! We are failing miserably! :speech:

10-20-2008, 02:48 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Love thy neighbor

Well, if it were JasperDog preaching, I think it would be more like, "Love thy neighbor, as long as they have a job and their kids have plenty to eat and they have money to donate when the basket is passed around at sermon."

10-20-2008, 02:52 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Sounds to me like you've been buying into some more political propaganda. Hmm...

Sounds to me like you think believing in something different than your viewpoint is unacceptable. Hmmmm...:thinking:

10-20-2008, 02:58 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Well, if it were JasperDog preaching, I think it would be more like, "Love thy neighbor, as long as they have a job and their kids have plenty to eat and they have money to donate when the basket is passed around at sermon." I'm so glad that you seem to know so much about me.:rolleyes: :hand: :hand:

Since you brought it up, nowhere in the Bible does it say that it is the governments job to help those in need. In reality the Bible says that it is up to each INDIVIDUAL to do what they can to help.

That's the difference between you and me Gary. If people need help, I believe it should be up to individuals to help. (myself included) That way there is some accountability. You believe it is the government's job to take care of everyone, and in numerous cases there is no accountability and the system is abused all in the name of helping the less fortunate.

10-20-2008, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by JasperDog94
I'm so glad that you seem to know so much about me.:rolleyes: :hand: :hand:

Since you brought it up, nowhere in the Bible does it say that it is the governments job to help those in need. In reality the Bible says that it is up to each INDIVIDUAL to do what they can to help.

That's the difference between you and me Gary. If people need help, I believe it should be up to individuals to help. (myself included) That way there is some accountability. You believe it is the government's job to take care of everyone, and in numerous cases there is no accountability and the system is abused all in the name of helping the less fortunate.

Nowhere in our government does it say that the Bible is guideline to run our country and live our lives as AMERICANS, not as Christians. You just don't see the big picture as far as economic principles are concerned. You stand on one side and say that taxes are bad that help out the people who cannot work and the impoverished children of struggling families but say hooray for tax cuts that benefit large-scale corporations and companies so they have the opportunity to make more money in the long-run. I understand that there is abuse in the system, but you have to take the good in with the bad. We can agree on one thing, and that is there needs to be reform to the system, but you also seem to be under the impression that anybody, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, or Conservative supports giving to people who sit around and could be working but choose not to. Nobody should be given a free ride at the expense and the hard work of anybody, no matter how rich or poor the person being taxed is, but the bottom line is there are people who need it. Your problem is, you think every problem that arises is simply a problem that is black and white, but it isn't. You assume that everyone has an equal opportunity to gain a foothold in life. You expect that everyone with minimal to moderate effort can get into college. Not everyone is as blessed as some of us are, sometimes life throws them curve balls. Does that mean that they should go hungry, even though they're working and sacrificing and trying to make something of themselves and for their families? Tell the children who are hungry and wearing rags in homes with leaky roofs and rodent infestations that they don't deserve a better standard of living. Tell them that the welfare checks that they receive are morally wrong and it isn't our duty to put out a helping hand to them. Jesus gave his life to pay for our sins, but you can't open up your wallet and pay something that is material in nature to put food in the stomach of fellow child of God?

10-20-2008, 05:17 PM
Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Nowhere in our government does it say that the Bible is guideline to run our country and live our lives as AMERICANS, not as Christians. You just don't see the big picture as far as economic principles are concerned. You stand on one side and say that taxes are bad that help out the people who cannot work and the impoverished children of struggling families but say hooray for tax cuts that benefit large-scale corporations and companies so they have the opportunity to make more money in the long-run. I understand that there is abuse in the system, but you have to take the good in with the bad. We can agree on one thing, and that is there needs to be reform to the system, but you also seem to be under the impression that anybody, Democrat, Republican, Liberal, or Conservative supports giving to people who sit around and could be working but choose not to. Nobody should be given a free ride at the expense and the hard work of anybody, no matter how rich or poor the person being taxed is, but the bottom line is there are people who need it. Your problem is, you think every problem that arises is simply a problem that is black and white, but it isn't. You assume that everyone has an equal opportunity to gain a foothold in life. You expect that everyone with minimal to moderate effort can get into college. Not everyone is as blessed as some of us are, sometimes life throws them curve balls. Does that mean that they should go hungry, even though they're working and sacrificing and trying to make something of themselves and for their families? Tell the children who are hungry and wearing rags in homes with leaky roofs and rodent infestations that they don't deserve a better standard of living. Tell them that the welfare checks that they receive are morally wrong and it isn't our duty to put out a helping hand to them. Jesus gave his life to pay for our sins, but you can't open up your wallet and pay something that is material in nature to put food in the stomach of fellow child of God? I see you missed my entire point.

1. I believe that it is each individual's responsibility to look out for their fellow man, not the governments. THAT is a principle that our government was founded on. Liberty.

Here's the very first definition of liberty according to dictionary.com:

lib·er·ty /ˈlɪbərti/ Pronunciation Key - Show Spelled Pronunciation[lib-er-tee] Pronunciation Key - Show IPA Pronunciation
–noun, plural -ties.
1. freedom from arbitrary or despotic government or control.

When the government gives away money to people instead of helping them learn self-sufficiency, then they are in essence controlling them. Said people are then dependent on the government instead of themselves. This is in direct contrast to the founding principles of our government.

2. You are the one that brought religion in the discussion, not me.

3. Never once have I said or implied that everyone has an equal opportunity in life. If I did I would be going against the very faith I believe in. But where some people find excuses for not succeeding, others find opportunity.

Originally posted by BIG BLUE DEFENSIVE END
Jesus gave his life to pay for our sins, but you can't open up your wallet and pay something that is material in nature to put food in the stomach of fellow child of God?

First of all you have no idea what I give or what I do for those who are less fortunate than me. Secondly, you are making this personal when this is a philosophical discussion.

I will say this: I know that one day I will have to give an account to my Maker on what I was given and what I did with it. I know that I am far from perfect, but I try to do the best I can with what I have for the betterment of those around me.

10-20-2008, 05:31 PM
this is why politics & religion are no longer discussed on this board, yet you just keep on. :rolleyes: