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View Full Version : Is it okay to say "we" when talking about your favorite team?

Sweetwater Red
05-06-2008, 11:04 AM
I catch myself doing it all the time. I've obviously never played
any pro sport but to me saying "we" makes it sound like I am
a part of one because I'm a fan. I do this with regard to HS
sports also. I did play HS sports in Sweetwater. That was
twenty years ago. Is it okay to say "we" when I talk about
the HS teams now?:confused:

05-06-2008, 11:05 AM
I think if you actually were once a member of the team at some point in time it is permissible, at least in my eyes. Basically, that's the final word on the subject and we (as in you, anyone else who was wondering, and myself) can move on. ;)

05-06-2008, 11:06 AM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
I catch myself doing it all the time. I've obviously never played
any pro sport but to me saying "we" makes it sound like I am
a part of one because I'm a fan. I do this with regard to HS
sports also. I did play HS sports in Sweetwater. That was
twenty years ago. Is it okay to say "we" when I talk about
the HS teams now?:confused:
NO! Now , sit down and be quiet.

05-06-2008, 11:06 AM
Who cares what other people think?! Do/say what you want in regards to your favorite team(s)!

05-06-2008, 11:10 AM
I'm confused, I thought that I had spoken? I must be seeing things, because this cannot and should not be happening.

05-06-2008, 11:18 AM
It was my understanding that the only thing A&M had the final say so on was the breeding habits of Chickens and the strength of pooh.

05-06-2008, 11:19 AM
for most fans its "we" when they are good/winning, and "they" when they are not good/losing ...

05-06-2008, 11:20 AM
HS sports - If you went to that school or your kids now go to that school...we is ok. If you're from another town and go to watch that team play...we is NOT ok.

College - If you attended that school, your kids attend(ed) that school, you live in the town of the school, or you have some other sort of financial/emotional investment in that school...we is ok. If you started following that team/school because they appeal to you for whatever reason (see I'm playing nice! ;) )...we is NOT ok.

Pro - If the team is your "local" team (local can be statewide or regional...you know where you fall)...then we is ok. If you latch onto a team that's not your local team because they're a good team right now...we is NOT ok.

NOTE: If you're rooting for a team that's not your local team (RE: pro sports), make sure you can easily differentiate yourself from the bandwagon fan that shows up when your team is making a run at the championship. This is easily done by demonstrating your years of loyalty through reciting marquee success/failure from 10+ years ago or talking about the games you've actually attended in that team's home stadium/arena/ballpark.

Long and short...you're looking to fulfill these requirements (assuming you didn't play for the team in the past...if you did then these don't matter):

1. You live within what is considered the "home area" of said team. (If you dont, see above for exceptions applicable to the level of the team).
2. You have a long standing financial/emotional connection to that team. Buying a t-shirt doesn't cut it.

05-06-2008, 11:21 AM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
It was my understanding that the only thing A&M had the final say so on was the breeding habits of Chickens and the strength of pooh.

Some would argue that some Aggies actively try to participate in the breeding habbits of sheep. Does that mean that I like sheep? Well, not necessarily, but definitely not for sexual pleasure or escapades, because that is just gross and illegal in all 50 states.

We study many things. I heard recently we were testing and exploring the artificial intelligence of a thermos. I for one am anxious to figure out how it knows to keep its contents hot or cold!

Ranger Mom
05-06-2008, 11:23 AM
I sometimes say "we" talking about Greenwood...and I didn't even go to school there.

If that bugs anyone.......oh well!http://www.merqurycity.com/ssx_forum/images/smiles/shrug.gif

05-06-2008, 11:25 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I sometimes say "we" talking about Greenwood...and I didn't even go to school there.

If that bugs anyone.......oh well!http://www.merqurycity.com/ssx_forum/images/smiles/shrug.gif

iin my eyes as Queen of this here land you can do whatever the hades you want RM.

05-06-2008, 11:57 AM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I sometimes say "we" talking about Greenwood...and I didn't even go to school there.

If that bugs anyone.......oh well!http://www.merqurycity.com/ssx_forum/images/smiles/shrug.gif

Exactly. Who gives a crap? WE WE WE WE!!

05-06-2008, 12:00 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I sometimes say "we" talking about Greenwood...and I didn't even go to school there.

If that bugs anyone.......oh well!http://www.merqurycity.com/ssx_forum/images/smiles/shrug.gif

you live in that community....and i've seen you mention children you have....they prob. attended that school...........I think you fit into we ok.

Sweetwater Red
05-06-2008, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s

College - If you attended that school, your kids attend(ed) that school, you live in the town of the school, or you have some other sort of financial/emotional investment in that school...we is ok. If you started following that team/school because they appeal to you for whatever reason (see I'm playing nice! ;) )...we is NOT ok.

I was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the university hospital. Does
that count?:thinking:

05-06-2008, 12:16 PM
Originally posted by 3afan
for most fans its "we" when they are good/winning, and "they" when they are not good/losing ...

That is so true, if you team won the game then everyone is like we won, then they lose and everyone says they lost why is that? no one wants to put themself as apart of that team when they lose? Not so much of a fan... I think its ok if your a hardcore fan of that team winning or losing either "we" won or lost... I always say we when it comes to my rockets and cowboys and we lost out in the playoffs this yr! :(

05-06-2008, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
I was born in Ann Arbor, Michigan at the university hospital. Does
that count?:thinking: You were not born... You were most likely hatched.:taunt:

05-06-2008, 01:30 PM
Itr is ok to say we..no rules..period

It is ok to be a "t-shirt" fan....PERIOD

I will take a so called T-Shirt fan who has been a fan of a school since lets say they were 10...and are now 30...So a fan for 20 years over someone who was not a fan until they were in school at say 18 and now 30

Of those two..who has invested morew time in the games, lived and died with their team?

Who you can support as a fan "rules" are stupid

Ranger Mom
05-06-2008, 01:32 PM
Originally posted by jlg043
That is so true, if you team won the game then everyone is like we won, then they lose and everyone says they lost why is that? no one wants to put themself as apart of that team when they lose? Not so much of a fan... I think its ok if your a hardcore fan of that team winning or losing either "we" won or lost... I always say we when it comes to my rockets and cowboys and we lost out in the playoffs this yr! :(

I always say "we won" or "we lost!!":nerd:

05-06-2008, 01:49 PM
Of course it's okay to say we when you talk about your team. If there weren't fans, these leagues wouldn't exists.

05-06-2008, 01:50 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
Itr is ok to say we..no rules..period

It is ok to be a "t-shirt" fan....PERIOD

I will take a so called T-Shirt fan who has been a fan of a school since lets say they were 10...and are now 30...So a fan for 20 years over someone who was not a fan until they were in school at say 18 and now 30

Of those two..who has invested morew time in the games, lived and died with their team?

Who you can support as a fan "rules" are stupid

:weeping: :weeping: :weeping:

05-06-2008, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
:weeping: :weeping: :weeping:

:confused: :confused:

Why are you crying? BTW: I really enjoyed your color coded response! :thumbsup:

05-06-2008, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
:confused: :confused:

Why are you crying? BTW: I really enjoyed your color coded response! :thumbsup:

That's as close as we have to a "whining" smilie.

05-06-2008, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
That's as close as we have to a "whining" smilie. Maybe we should just assemble some of you guys for a picture & make that the new smilie! :thinking:

05-06-2008, 02:02 PM
Here's a list of 57 Rules for College Football Fans to Live By (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=rules/070905)

Haven't read all the way through it...but it's a pretty interesting read. Some rules of note:

1a. Under extenuating circumstances, however, you may have up to three Division I-A rooting allegiances, so long as the schools meet the following criteria:

(a) Your birthplace/family school – especially if an inheritance is at stake, or if a campus library bears your last name.
(b) Al(most)ma mater – the school you transferred from.
(c) The school that actually handed you a diploma. Or would have, if you hadn't finished three credits short.
(d) Your spouse's school, especially if the program is vastly superior to your own, or your spouse cares waaaay more than you do, in which case: good call on getting married!
(e) You're a bandwagon-jumping, low-self-esteem weenie and scurry from Notre Dame to Miami to Ohio State to USC to Boise State depending on the year, the polls and the amount of water flooding into the ship.

If you can't be true to a school, at least be true to your own weaselly nature.

8. If a team from your conference makes the BCS title game and is a sworn rival, you cannot root for that team. Not now. Not ever. Not even if under duress, gunpoint or waterboarding in an Eastern European black site CIA detention center.

15. If you weigh less than 150 pounds, you can spell out only the following letters when shirtless and wearing body paint: I, L, T.

15a. If you weigh more than 275 pounds, you can spell out only the following letters when shirtless and wearing body paint: O, W, M.

15b. If you're a hot coed, paint yourself with Chinese characters for all we care

16. Southern frat boys not wearing khakis and a tie to the game must forfeit one bourbon and Coke.

16a. Southern fans wearing team-colored seersucker suits with matching bow ties drink free for the season.

21. You must know the rules of beer pong. Even if you're "retired."

21a. Dude, no one ever retires from beer pong.

24. It is OK to deny the existence of your school's male cheerleaders.

24a. Even if they someday become president.

and of course...the rule that is applicable to Phil:

26. Please observe the following age guidelines on appropriate thoughts to have while ogling the USC song girls:

• 11-15: What is this strange tingling feeling?
• 16-18: College is going to be awesome.
• 18-24: Damn, I wish she'd wear that skirt to sociology class.
• 25-35: College was awesome.
• 36-50: Damn, I wish she'd wear a burka or something. That could be my baby daughter!
• 51-75: Gee, what a lovely young lady. I hope she meets a nice boy.
• 75-over: What is this strange tingling feeling? Do I have to go to the bathroom again?

05-06-2008, 02:02 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
That's as close as we have to a "whining" smilie.

anyone griping about t-shirt fans are the ones whinning

05-06-2008, 02:04 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
Here's a list of 57 Rules for College Football Fans to Live By (http://sports.espn.go.com/espn/page2/story?page=rules/070905)

Haven't read all the way through it...but it's a pretty interesting read. Some rules of note:

and of course...the rule that is applicable to Phil:

All I have to say to this is W-O-W

05-06-2008, 02:07 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
All I have to say to this is W-O-W
I can't imagine who had the time to think all of this up...even I'm not that bored! ;)

05-06-2008, 02:08 PM
It is OK to say "we" when ever you want to

Definition- and the rest of a group that includes me : you and I : you and I and another or others : I and another or others not including you —used as pronoun of the first person plural — compare

LH Panther Mom
05-06-2008, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
Maybe we should just assemble some of you guys for a picture & make that the new smilie! :thinking:
I'd like to take a moment to nominate this for post of the day! All in favor? AYE!

You seriously hit the nail on the head. Notice, I did not say "WE" because I wasn't part of YOUR brilliance. :D

eppy 12
05-06-2008, 03:33 PM
Originally posted by CenTexSports
It was my understanding that the only thing A&M had the final say so on was the breeding habits of Chickens and the strength of pooh. http://i97.photobucket.com/albums/l239/eppy12/dirty_jobs_mike.jpg

05-06-2008, 04:05 PM
I don't mind when someone says "we" as long as the team that "we" lost to doesn't become "we"

... did that make sense to anyone?

Ranger Mom
05-06-2008, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by jimmyceatworld
I don't mind when someone says "we" as long as the team that "we" lost to doesn't become "we"

... did that make sense to anyone?


05-06-2008, 04:09 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
I'd like to take a moment to nominate this for post of the day! All in favor? AYE!

You seriously hit the nail on the head. Notice, I did not say "WE" because I wasn't part of YOUR brilliance. :D


05-06-2008, 05:45 PM
Originally posted by Adidas410s
HS sports - If you went to that school or your kids now go to that school...we is ok. If you're from another town and go to watch that team play...we is NOT ok.

College - If you attended that school, your kids attend(ed) that school, you live in the town of the school, or you have some other sort of financial/emotional investment in that school...we is ok. If you started following that team/school because they appeal to you for whatever reason (see I'm playing nice! ;) )...we is NOT ok.

Pro - If the team is your "local" team (local can be statewide or regional...you know where you fall)...then we is ok. If you latch onto a team that's not your local team because they're a good team right now...we is NOT ok.

NOTE: If you're rooting for a team that's not your local team (RE: pro sports), make sure you can easily differentiate yourself from the bandwagon fan that shows up when your team is making a run at the championship. This is easily done by demonstrating your years of loyalty through reciting marquee success/failure from 10+ years ago or talking about the games you've actually attended in that team's home stadium/arena/ballpark.

Long and short...you're looking to fulfill these requirements (assuming you didn't play for the team in the past...if you did then these don't matter):

1. You live within what is considered the "home area" of said team. (If you dont, see above for exceptions applicable to the level of the team).
2. You have a long standing financial/emotional connection to that team. Buying a t-shirt doesn't cut it.

Dead-on 100% agreed. Well done Adidas.

05-06-2008, 05:46 PM
Originally posted by g$$
Dead-on 100% agreed. Well done Adidas.

yep fan elitism is an awesome thing :D :rolleyes:

05-06-2008, 05:46 PM
Doesn't we mean "yes" in French?

05-06-2008, 06:12 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
yep fan elitism is an awesome thing :D :rolleyes:

Not elitisim, just eliminates t-shirt fans & bandwagoners from the equation. Also accounts for those w/ long-time ties to a school or team. I find it to be a very fair description & analysis.

05-06-2008, 07:24 PM
I definitely need to add two other things:

- A marriage clause (if you and your s/o root for different teams...especially rivals)
- A rivalry clause (ie - you went to undergrad at A&M and Tech for law school. There's a big group of them in Lbk. Most are still diehard aggies but some root for both schools)

LH Panther Mom
05-06-2008, 07:42 PM
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:

05-06-2008, 07:53 PM
Does this count as a college thread?

05-06-2008, 09:09 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I always say "we won" or "we lost!!":nerd:

Me too!:D :D :D

LH Panther Mom
05-06-2008, 09:26 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I always say "we won" or "we lost!!":nerd:
I decided a year and a half ago to remove "we lost" from my vocabulary. ;)

Ranger Mom
05-06-2008, 09:28 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
I decided a year and a half ago to remove "we lost" from my vocabulary. ;)

hehehehe:evillol: :evillol:

05-06-2008, 09:40 PM
Originally posted by LH Panther Mom
I decided a year and a half ago to remove "we lost" from my vocabulary. ;)

So that's why your team keeps winning! Hey! I'm going to try that and we'll see if it works! On Sept 5, 2008.;) ;) ;)

LH Panther Mom
05-06-2008, 09:43 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
So that's why your team keeps winning! Hey! I'm going to try that and we'll see if it works! On Sept 5, 2008.;) ;) ;)
I've already got dibs. :devil:

05-06-2008, 09:48 PM
Meet & Greet?:) :) :)

LH Panther Mom
05-06-2008, 09:52 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
Meet & Greet?:) :) :)

05-06-2008, 10:04 PM
You'll get to meet Nobogey72's better-half!:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

05-07-2008, 06:53 AM
Originally posted by garciap77
You'll get to meet Nobogey72's better-half!:thinking: :thinking: :thinking:

Yeah, maybe, unless there is a tractor pull somewhere in the area that same night. She doesn't miss those.:inlove:

PHS Wildcats
05-07-2008, 08:13 PM
Is it ok for me to say "we" as in the Texas Longhorns?

I went to UT for one and a half semesters, my family put up a 2nd mortgage on the home to pay for it. I was going to walk on, but mom got very sick (bad heart) left UT and was out of school for a yr. Went JUCO (TVCC in Athens) won a National Title, went on to Tarleton State University and graduated with a degree in Business Management.

05-07-2008, 08:55 PM
I have read this thread and come to one conclusion. It is this:

Ranger Mom
05-07-2008, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by nobogey72
I have read this thread and come to one conclusion. It is this:

Awesome.....me too!!:p

Ranger Mom
05-07-2008, 09:08 PM
Originally posted by PHS Wildcats
Is it ok for me to say "we" as in the Texas Longhorns?

I went to UT for one and a half semesters, my family put up a 2nd mortgage on the home to pay for it. I was going to walk on, but mom got very sick (bad heart) left UT and was out of school for a yr. Went JUCO (TVCC in Athens) won a National Title, went on to Tarleton State University and graduated with a degree in Business Management.

I give you permission to use "we" whenever you darn well feel like it......I do!!

PHS Wildcats
05-07-2008, 09:20 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
I give you permission to use "we" whenever you darn well feel like it......I do!!

awwwwwww Thanks!!

05-08-2008, 12:39 AM
I will always refer to fal sports as "WE", since I have put and spent so much time in trying to make this program better. Not a lot of players from my class can say the same, I take pride in my school no matter how bad we suck....:D

College- I don't have a fav, just enjoy the game.

PRO- Baltimore Ravens and Cowboys.

Ravens loved their style of D because of my cousin, that was before they won the championship, and I really would enjoy watching them at their stadium.

Cowboys well we already know.

05-08-2008, 08:25 AM
of course you can say 'we'

you say it about your favorite pro sports teams, so why not for your college or high school teams too?

they're still MY cowboys, longhorns and bobcats, even if i never played football and i went to UTD, not UT