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05-06-2008, 08:59 AM
Former Judge Who Lost $54M Pants Suit Sues To Get Job Back
Last Edited: Tuesday, 06 May 2008, 9:25 AM EDT
Created: Tuesday, 06 May 2008, 7:32 AM EDT
Judge Roy Pearson

Judge Who Filed $54 Million Lawsuit Over Pants Now Suing for Job

WASHINGTON (AP) -- A former judge who lost a $54 million law suit against a dry cleaners over a missing pair of pants is suing to get his job back and at least $1 million in damages.

In the suit filed in federal court, Roy Pearson he was wrongfully dismissed for exposing corruption within the Office of Administrative Hearings, the department where he worked. In court documents, Pearson said he was protected as a whistle-blower and that the city used the fact that he was being "vilified in the media" to cut him out of his job.

In a response to a Freedom of Information Act request from The Associated Press, the city's general counsel wrote that Pearson's term as an administrative law judge expired in May 2007, and the D.C. Commission on Selection and Tenure of Administrative Law Judges voted not to reappoint him.

Pearson's lawsuit in D.C. Superior Court claimed Custom Cleaners did not live up to Pearson's expectations of "Satisfaction Guaranteed," as advertised in store windows. Initially, Pearson calculated his losses at $67 million but lowered his request to $54 million.

LINK (http://www.myfoxdc.com/myfox/pages/Home/Detail;jsessionid=070A9E99E2CD18317FEA8731867D9941 ?contentId=6472552&version=3&locale=EN-US&layoutCode=TSTY&pageId=1.1.1&sflg=1)


this guy is an idiot - he should be disbarred and thrown in jail - he is wasting hundreds of thousands of dollars in tax payer dollars with these lawsuits and is nothing more than a leech trying to suck out tax payer dollars because he doesnt want to work for a living.....:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

he lost his job because he did not get re-elected in the election that followed his original ridiculous lawsuit.....this kind of person is what is wrong with our country and causes the corruption in our government....

05-06-2008, 09:33 AM
Originally posted by jason
Initially, Pearson calculated his losses at $67 million but lowered his request to $54 million. The guy was at least trying to be reasonable...:ack!: