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04-18-2008, 12:26 PM
If you call it "geek speak" you're so 2007 - the kids are calling it "Nerdic" and it is the fastest growing language in Europe.

The majority of the population might find the new technical terminology rather baffling but soon the growing language will become hard to ignore.

Anyone who does not know what a "mash-up" is or is not familiar with verb to "rick-roll" will be left drifting in cyber space.

New research from one of Europe's largest internet retailers, Pixmania, claims that Nerdic is Europe's fastest growing dialect.

According to the website more than 100 new words were added to the evolving vocabulary in the last 12 months - more than three times the number added to the English language by the Oxford English Dictionary.

Ulric Jerome, managing director of Pixmania.com said: "Technology has infiltrated our lives in many ways and at such a pace it's natural that it has developed a language of its own.

"It's exciting to see Nerdic bringing Europe togetherand by recognising Nerdic as an official language the UK will continue to help unite technology fans across Europe."

But as new words are added to the Nerdic language, old ones are disappearing just as fast.

Michael Brook, editor of T3 magazine, said: "The technology industry creates new words just as quickly as it comes up with new gadgets."


1. Wimax - Supersized Wi-Fi will give whole cities internet coverage. Milton Keynes already has it.

2. Rick-Roll - To intentionally misdirect internet users to a video of 'Never Gonna Give You Up by 80's one-hit-wonder Rick Astley

3. UGC (user generated content) - The buzz word in the internet right now. Flickr, facebook, reader reviews, YouTube all rely on the reader generating content on the sites.

4. Mash-up - Take two or more really interesting elements from different websites or applications and make them into one - think Google Maps with an overlay of where you can buy clown outfits from.

5. RFID - Radio-frequency identification (RFID) will allow you to track your packages around the world or let you know how your bananas have travelled to you.

6. Android - Think iPhone but with a slightly different interface on phones from Samsung to HTC and with the ability for anyone to make applications for it.

7. HDMI - The new Scart lead allows you to connect High-Def devices together, like your TV to your new Blu-ray player.

8. Fuel-cell - Green water powered battery for everything from cars to laptops that will boost your gadget's life considerably over standard batteries.

9. HSDPA - The next step up from 3G on mobile phones. Makes accessing the internet on your mobile just as fast if not faster than your broadband connection at home.

10. DVB-H - Newly announced Mobile TV standard for Europe that allows you to watch TV on your mobile on the go.


1. HD DVD - Just like Betamax, HD DVD is now the dead format against Sony's Blu-ray in the HD disc battle when it comes to High-Def movies.

2. Dial-up - Broadband is the way to go if you are looking to surf the internet so throw that 56k modem out with the rubbish.

3. VHS - DVD players are so cheap and PVRs are so easy to use that the movie format that would take you 10 minutes to rewind after watching a film is dead.

4. Tri-band - Replaced by Quad-band, 3G, or HSDPA to allow much better phone coverage abroad, much better for the traveller in you.

5. Hits - How website popularity used to be measured before people realise that unique visitors is what's important.

6. CRT - Fat TV to you and me. Flat is the new thin so get with the times and relegate your Fat TV to the tip. You'll save extra space in the living room too.

7. KB - Standing for Kilobytes and important when computer memory was a measly 64k. Look out for the new super-size Terabyte.

8. Floppy disk - Replaced by USB thumb drives and CDs the idea of only being able to get 1.4MB on a disk would now seem mad to the average 10 year old.

9. MiniDisc - Sony's now defunct music format that was like the CD only smaller. Overtaken by MP3 before it even got going. It didn't stand a chance.

10. Super Audio CD - A higher quality CD format that never really took off. Why? Because you needed state of the art expensive kit to run it on and there aren't enough audiophiles out there that care.