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View Full Version : Smoking Gun Presents - Dumbests Folks/Arrest

04-17-2008, 08:41 PM
I am watching "Dumbest Arrests" on the TRU channel.. They just showed this pretty decent looking lady, about 25 years old or so, getting arrested for DUI - the officer is explaining why she's being hand-cuffed - explaining that she has failed a field sobriety test and he feels she's had too much to drink to drive, that kind of stuff.. She turns to him (while she's got her hands cuffed behind her back) and says to him (she has no clue she's on camera obviously) "I've never even had a speeding ticket, much less been arrested - Is there anyway we can settle this with SEX?" Mercy...... so not only was she charged with DUI - she got charged with attempted bribery..... she was from the state's capital...... yep - an Austin driver.....:tisk: :tisk: