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04-02-2008, 11:03 AM
I know it's early, but I was impressed with Millwood and Padilla's outing. If these two guys can just consistantly give the Rangers six good innings the offensive should be good this year.

Having said that, the next two games to me will be an indication as to whether the Rangers are 10+ games out of first at the all star break or whether they have a chance to stay in the wild card race into Aug. Jennings and Gabber are going to have to give the Rangers 18+ quality starts each, for them to have any chance of winning 85+ games. Like I said, "it's early", but this team is fairly young with some good lefties at the plate. Bullpen should be steady. No margin for error as far as injuries are concerned. I know they made some errors last night but the guys who made them (Young and Kinsler), are not prone to making errors so I don't see that being a huge problem all year.

As an Optimistic Die Hard Ranger Fan, I just hope they can stay in it long enough to play some meaningful games in late Aug. Early Sept. who just be a bonus if there still in it. But:thinking: stranger things have happened. '07 Diamondbacks and Rockies.:D

04-02-2008, 11:35 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
I know it's early, but I was impressed with Millwood and Padilla's outing. If these two guys can just consistantly give the Rangers six good innings the offensive should be good this year.

How weird? My brother and I were talking about the same thing this morning. It's not very often that a RANGERS starter even pitches 6 innings. Wouldn't it be nice if Jennings has a year like the ones he had in Colorado? Baseball's a long season but who knows, the RANGERS may make the best of it after all. Oh yeah, it's nice to know that I'm not the only RANGERS fan around.

04-02-2008, 11:41 AM
Originally posted by Bearkat
How weird? My brother and I were talking about the same thing this morning. It's not very often that a RANGERS starter even pitches 6 innings. Wouldn't it be nice if Jennings has a year like the ones he had in Colorado? Baseball's a long season but who knows, the RANGERS may make the best of it after all. Oh yeah, it's nice to know that I'm not the only RANGERS fan around. +3

04-02-2008, 11:42 AM
If they are not going to play Saltalama..........????? I'm really going to start wondering why we traded Texeria. Does anyone remember who the other player was in that deal. Some middle infielder if I remember correctly. Right now it appears the Braves got the best of that deal.

04-02-2008, 11:50 AM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
If they are not going to play Saltalama..........????? I'm really going to start wondering why we traded Texeria. Does anyone remember who the other player was in that deal. Some middle infielder if I remember correctly. Right now it appears the Braves got the best of that deal.

lol...First of all, Saltalamacchia hadn't played above AA until last June...he needs more refinement, is a top prospect, and could probably be traded right now for a serious pitching prospect if the Rangers didn't want him. Catching is the most difficult position to find talent outside of pitching, and the Rangers currently have 4 legitimate catching prospects. Saltalamacchia will end up playing regularly here next year, or he'll get traded for another big-time prospect at another position if Laird proves to be offensively capable.

Elvis Andrus, who projects to be a stud, at 19 is starting the season at AA as the starting shortstop.

Matt Harrison, a promising lefthander who will have a real shot at cracking the rotation next year, and would be the team's top pitching prospect right now if it weren't for Eric Hurley.

Neftali Feliz, a flamethrowing righty who all the scouts say has the potential to be absolutely dominating.

The Rangers made out quite well dealing a player who rejected an 8 year, 160+ million dollar contract extension because he didn't want to be here anymore.

04-02-2008, 11:56 AM
This team does have a shot I think they may be a bat short of being a really consistent offense but they are going to be able to score some runs. If Millwood and Padilla can combine to win 30 games that is going to be great for the Rangers. These top two guys have to set the tone for the rest of the rotation. I think Gabbard is going to be a solid number 4 starter. He showed me some talent last year when he came over and he is still improving.

As a huge Ranger fan its hard for me to say this team is a contender this year but I like where the organization is going. Building through the farm system can be very fruitful in the long run if you are patient and stick to your plans. It might not be this year but it could eventually pay off very well. Its worth a try going out and getting big name free agents never worked out too well.

04-02-2008, 11:56 AM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
lol...First of all, Saltalamacchia hadn't played above AA until last June...he needs more refinement, is a top prospect, and could probably be traded right now for a serious pitching prospect if the Rangers didn't want him. Catching is the most difficult position to find talent outside of pitching, and the Rangers currently have 4 legitimate catching prospects. Saltalamacchia will end up playing regularly here next year, or he'll get traded for another big-time prospect at another position if Laird proves to be offensively capable.

Elvis Andrus, who projects to be a stud, at 19 is starting the season at AA as the starting shortstop.

Matt Harrison, a promising lefthander who will have a real shot at cracking the rotation next year, and would be the team's top pitching prospect right now if it weren't for Eric Hurley.

Neftali Feliz, a flamethrowing righty who all the scouts say has the potential to be absolutely dominating.

The Rangers made out quite well dealing a player who rejected an 8 year, 160+ million dollar contract extension because he didn't want to be here anymore.

Good stuff man!:thumbsup: I wish I had the time to keep up with this kind of info. It's also good news to know that there is some pitching in the minors.

While were on the subject. Was your early opinion of this years version of the Rangers:thinking:

Sweetwater Red
04-02-2008, 12:04 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03

Neftali Feliz, a flamethrowing righty who all the scouts say has the potential to be absolutely dominating.

The bad thing about these guys is one minute they're throwing
flames the next minute they're rehabing for a year and half.:(

Example: Joel Zumaya

Zumaya is recovering from shoulder surgery and is expected to be sidelined until midseason.


04-02-2008, 12:05 PM
Originally posted by Texasfootball2
Good stuff man!:thumbsup: I wish I had the time to keep up with this kind of info. It's also good news to know that there is some pitching in the minors.

While were on the subject. Was your early opinion of this years version of the Rangers:thinking:

Well, I didn't see the first game, but I read that they were very patient with Bedard, which is the best way to approach a stud pitcher. If you start chasing pitches against a pitcher who can usually beat you on a bad day, you're in for trouble.

I think they looked about how I expected last night. The offense is above average, but isn't going to have all the pop that it had in the 90s. The pitching is going to be much better than most people expect. This is a team who was in the top ten in the league in ERA after the All-Star game, and the staff has returned virtually unchanged.

As a young team, they're going to have their bumps, but they're going to be a lot more exciting to watch than they were last year. I still think they're going to finish right around .500, maybe a couple of games over at best, because it's way too early to be getting excited when the team is 1-1 and has been playing in 40 degree weather.

Do they have the potential to be a surprise contender this year? Absolutely; but that's going to require a ton of things falling into place that haven't in the last two. Getting a full season out of Kevin Millwood, Ian Kinsler and Hank Blalock would be a great start. If everything goes right, they'll be looking at playing meaningful games far later in the year than most thought possible. If everything goes wrong, they're still a better team than last year. Last year was historically bad for the first two months, and I just don't see this team falling off in that way again. That was a once in 50 years in the entire league bad. Nobody's going to have that bad of a staff for two months this year.

04-02-2008, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
Well, I didn't see the first game, but I read that they were very patient with Bedard, which is the best way to approach a stud pitcher. If you start chasing pitches against a pitcher who can usually beat you on a bad day, you're in for trouble.

I think they looked about how I expected last night. The offense is above average, but isn't going to have all the pop that it had in the 90s. The pitching is going to be much better than most people expect. This is a team who was in the top ten in the league in ERA after the All-Star game, and the staff has returned virtually unchanged.

As a young team, they're going to have their bumps, but they're going to be a lot more exciting to watch than they were last year. I still think they're going to finish right around .500, maybe a couple of games over at best, because it's way too early to be getting excited when the team is 1-1 and has been playing in 40 degree weather.

Do they have the potential to be a surprise contender this year? Absolutely; but that's going to require a ton of things falling into place that haven't in the last two. Getting a full season out of Kevin Millwood, Ian Kinsler and Hank Blalock would be a great start. If everything goes right, they'll be looking at playing meaningful games far later in the year than most thought possible. If everything goes wrong, they're still a better team than last year. Last year was historically bad for the first two months, and I just don't see this team falling off in that way again. That was a once in 50 years in the entire league bad. Nobody's going to have that bad of a staff for two months this year.

:thumbsup: :clap: :cheerl: well said

"DITTO", it's not excatly what I said but it's good to know were on the same page.

04-02-2008, 12:31 PM
Rangers are my team and im sticking with my 85 win prediction

04-02-2008, 12:40 PM
The team's approach at the plate is the biggest imrpovement they've made. Millwood's start was great. Padilla's was a little better than last year...but he got some very timely outs that turned an otherwise forgetful outing (8 or 9 hits in 6 innings) into a decent start to the season. Hamilton and Blalock have both looked very good so far. It was great to see Blalock with the clutch double in the 8th last night off a tought side-arm throwing lefty in O'Flaherty.

I'm not worried about MY's errors since has the flu and took 2 IV bags (along with Blalock) last night during the game. I am worried about Kinsler though. He's not exactly the best fielder and while it's been brutally cold in Seattle the last few days...some of his errors were as much mental as anything else.

In the long run, I wouldn't be surprised to see Elvis as a September call up. Also, as MY gets older it's very probable that he gets moved back to 2B as his range diminishes and Kinsler is moved to the outfield and/or traded.

78 wins is a very reasonable number this year and I think most would consider it "progress" over last year's meltdown. Anything over 80 wins and you're playing with house money.

04-02-2008, 12:42 PM
I am an annually disappointed Rangers fan so I will hold my optimism.

Things to like:

1. There appears to be tons of quality youth in this organization.

2. Offensively, I really like the way they have been patient at the place so far, a la the Yankees.

3. If Millwood and Padilla can give you something like that consistently, they can hang around .500. And if one of the other pitchers has some sort of breakout, they could possibly be over .500.

3. The roster does appear to have a lot of quality clubhouse guys.

4. The Hamilton deal could end up being a huge get. This guy is a freak.

Things I don't like:

1. Michael Young needs to move to 3rd. His range was limited to being with, and he appears to have lost a bit. If Hank gets off to a good start, I would start shopping Hank around. We've seen his deal, and it's average. You need to find out if Arias is a legit top SS prospect. He was once thought of being a stud, but lately things are cooling on him, plus is like 24, I think. It's time to find out. If he faulters, Andrus is next in line, but word is he's not ready yet. I guess you could ride with Young at SS for the remainder of the year, but I don't think you can go into 09 with Young at SS.

2. Defense is awful. Not sure what to do about Kinsler. He's a part of this thing due to his contract so Wash needs to earn his money as an infield coaching guru. Already mentioned Young; he's not a bad defender. I actually think Young would be a very solid 3rd.

3. Back of the rotation is scary on paper.

4. Laird has to go. I hope he gets off to a good strart so we can deal him. I am tired of his routine. He is too inconsistent. He's looked great at times and at times, like the last two games, he looks like he literally can't catch. Some of the balls that have gotten past him are inexcusable. We have Salty and Teagarten waiting in the wings so we are very solid at catcher in the future.

5. We need another big bat in the OF. Byrd has looked lost, and Bradley is a timebomb. Murphy is decent as is Cat, but we could really use another big bat out there.

I'm going to withold judgement on the bullpen right now. That could go either way.

04-02-2008, 01:17 PM
is it just me or do yall think kinsler has gained around 20 pounds of nonmuscle this offseason?

04-02-2008, 02:05 PM
Originally posted by c-town_balla
is it just me or do yall think kinsler has gained around 20 pounds of nonmuscle this offseason?

He is thicker!

04-02-2008, 02:09 PM
he looks to big to play 2nd....kinda like Ronnie Beleard

04-02-2008, 02:21 PM
Sounds like the Rangers should have another last place year! But at least we've already got plenty of excuses!

04-02-2008, 02:32 PM
Originally posted by Sweetwater Red
The bad thing about these guys is one minute they're throwing
flames the next minute they're rehabing for a year and half.:(

Example: Joel Zumaya

Zumaya is recovering from shoulder surgery and is expected to be sidelined until midseason.


Zumaya also went on the DL for playing too much Guitar Hero and hurting his wrist. Either kind of injury prone, or bad decisionmaking. One way or another, hopefully our guy will steer clear of both those problems.

04-02-2008, 02:39 PM
Originally posted by c-town_balla
is it just me or do yall think kinsler has gained around 20 pounds of nonmuscle this offseason?

he reportedly showed up to camp a little heavier, but it was all muscle according to the team.

04-02-2008, 02:42 PM
My friend and I got in a discussion about Josh Hamilton. Mainly, what his nickname should be.

He believes Hambone works best. Myself-- I like the Great Hambino.

Thoughts on this, anyone? Should I put it to a vote?

PHS Wildcats
04-02-2008, 07:47 PM
have they been eliminated from the postseason yet?

04-02-2008, 09:29 PM
Originally posted by PHS Wildcats
have they been eliminated from the postseason yet? not yet, because the Rangers are in F I R S T

04-02-2008, 11:49 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
I am an annually disappointed Rangers fan so I will hold my optimism.

Things to like:

1. There appears to be tons of quality youth in this organization.

2. Offensively, I really like the way they have been patient at the place so far, a la the Yankees.

3. If Millwood and Padilla can give you something like that consistently, they can hang around .500. And if one of the other pitchers has some sort of breakout, they could possibly be over .500.

3. The roster does appear to have a lot of quality clubhouse guys.

4. The Hamilton deal could end up being a huge get. This guy is a freak.

Things I don't like:

1. Michael Young needs to move to 3rd. His range was limited to being with, and he appears to have lost a bit. If Hank gets off to a good start, I would start shopping Hank around. We've seen his deal, and it's average. You need to find out if Arias is a legit top SS prospect. He was once thought of being a stud, but lately things are cooling on him, plus is like 24, I think. It's time to find out. If he faulters, Andrus is next in line, but word is he's not ready yet. I guess you could ride with Young at SS for the remainder of the year, but I don't think you can go into 09 with Young at SS.

2. Defense is awful. Not sure what to do about Kinsler. He's a part of this thing due to his contract so Wash needs to earn his money as an infield coaching guru. Already mentioned Young; he's not a bad defender. I actually think Young would be a very solid 3rd.

3. Back of the rotation is scary on paper.

4. Laird has to go. I hope he gets off to a good strart so we can deal him. I am tired of his routine. He is too inconsistent. He's looked great at times and at times, like the last two games, he looks like he literally can't catch. Some of the balls that have gotten past him are inexcusable. We have Salty and Teagarten waiting in the wings so we are very solid at catcher in the future.

5. We need another big bat in the OF. Byrd has looked lost, and Bradley is a timebomb. Murphy is decent as is Cat, but we could really use another big bat out there.

I'm going to withold judgement on the bullpen right now. That could go either way.

i agree with everything to a tee except young..he was one of the best second basemen in the league before arod left..then he moved to short and became a solid ss...last year i saw a stat that he was a better ss defensivley than derek jeter....so to say he has lost a step???and young doesnt have the arm for third and blaylock is the best defensive 3rd basemen in the league he just cant hit worth poop...but overall good post

04-03-2008, 11:14 AM
Originally posted by coach
i agree with everything to a tee except young..he was one of the best second basemen in the league before arod left..then he moved to short and became a solid ss...last year i saw a stat that he was a better ss defensivley than derek jeter....so to say he has lost a step???and young doesnt have the arm for third and blaylock is the best defensive 3rd basemen in the league he just cant hit worth poop...but overall good post

Keep in mind that if you just look at fielding stats, Young is pretty solid in the league. However, it's fairly common knowledge around the league that he does not have good range. So if he gets to it, he generally makes the play, but there are plays that many SSs make that he doesn't even get to.

It's true that he was a very good 2nd baseman, but what do you do with Kinsler? The two young SS prospects are coming so you have to do something with Young.

Hank's last 3 years (04-06), he is in the bottom half of the league in fielding.


Hank is average at best at 3rd, and he just has never reached the potential at the plate that we all thought he would.

Look, any left handed hitter in the league worth his salt, should hit really well in this ballpark. Here are Hank's stats:

03 - .300 w/ 29 HRs
04 - .271 w/ 32 HRs
05 - .263 w/ 25 HRs
06 - .266 w/ 16 HRs
07 - Hurt

Do you notice a trend?

04-03-2008, 11:22 AM
Originally posted by Macarthur
Keep in mind that if you just look at fielding stats, Young is pretty solid in the league. However, it's fairly common knowledge around the league that he does not have good range. So if he gets to it, he generally makes the play, but there are plays that many SSs make that he doesn't even get to.

It's true that he was a very good 2nd baseman, but what do you do with Kinsler? The two young SS prospects are coming so you have to do something with Young.

Hank's last 3 years (04-06), he is in the bottom half of the league in fielding.


Hank is average at best at 3rd, and he just has never reached the potential at the plate that we all thought he would.

Look, any left handed hitter in the league worth his salt, should hit really well in this ballpark. Here are Hank's stats:

03 - .300 w/ 29 HRs
04 - .271 w/ 32 HRs
05 - .263 w/ 25 HRs
06 - .266 w/ 16 HRs
07 - Hurt

Do you notice a trend?

That "fairly common knowledge" was never mentioned until the infamous "Fielding Bible" book...looking at actual number last year though, Young was 9th in the majors in Range Factor, and had a higher zone rating than Jeter and Hanley Ramierez, neither of whom there's ever been a complaint about getting to the ball.

People complain about Young's defensive abilities because people like to poke holes in every player. Young is a more than adequate shortstop, and he's shown no signs of "losing" range as someone mentioned earlier.

If having Michael Young as your shortstop is somebody's big concern, then you've got yourself one heck of a team.

04-03-2008, 12:25 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
That "fairly common knowledge" was never mentioned until the infamous "Fielding Bible" book...looking at actual number last year though, Young was 9th in the majors in Range Factor, and had a higher zone rating than Jeter and Hanley Ramierez, neither of whom there's ever been a complaint about getting to the ball.

People complain about Young's defensive abilities because people like to poke holes in every player. Young is a more than adequate shortstop, and he's shown no signs of "losing" range as someone mentioned earlier.

If having Michael Young as your shortstop is somebody's big concern, then you've got yourself one heck of a team.

I think a team can win with Young at SS. Don't get me wrong.

However, I just don't agree that he's one of the leagues top defensive SSs. That doesn't mean he's bad. But for the totality of my discussion, my main point was to get rid of Blalock. So sliding Young to 3rd and taking a look at the two kids at SS is where I am going. It's not necessarily a big indictment on Young.

And BTW, Jeter is really not considered a top defensive SS either, so saying he's better than Jeter doesn't really mean much.

Here's some sources on Young:



From Galloway:

Side note: While in Arizona in early March for spring training, one hugely respected baseball voice said this: "Michael can play on my team anytime, but it's time to move him back to second. His lack of range is starting to show more at shortstop.

"Then move Kinsler to third, because he's got the power [20 homers last season] for a corner position. And this frees up that kid for shortstop, and he looks like a real player."

"That kid" is 19-year-old Elvis Andrus, who came over from Atlanta in the Tex trade.

Well, first of all, Blalock is only 27, so there's no immediate need to rush him off third base. Let's see if Hank can regain what he once had. And Elvis is probably at least a year away from getting a major league shot, and at his age, that timetable may be optimistic.



At the risk of sounding negative, let me say I love Michael Young and I will take him on my team any time. I just think that, at least, starting in 09, we need to move in that direction.

04-03-2008, 12:30 PM
Trade Michael Young Now!!!

04-03-2008, 12:37 PM
M Y is so underrated and u can say he doesnt have the range....blah blah blah well he is as solid of a ss and a great player as u can get...he is one of the best hitters in the game and for kinsler im still not sold he had a surprising year last year but other than that he hasnt proven anything..he isnt a good fielder and for blaylock????to say he is in the bottom half of fielding is wrong...he had the longest errorless streak in ranger history...now hiw hitting is so overrated..if u throw 10 fastballs on the outside part of the plate he hits one and its probably foul....keep kinsler for another year or two...keep young as the captain of the team and get rid of hank and his homies

04-03-2008, 12:43 PM
Originally posted by coach
M Y is so underrated and u can say he doesnt have the range....blah blah blah well he is as solid of a ss and a great player as u can get

It's not just me saying that. He's underrated due to the fact that he's a very good hitter on a bad team. Don't mix up the two, offense and defense that is.

...he is one of the best hitters in the game

Agreed. That was not the discussion.

and for kinsler im still not sold he had a surprising year last year but other than that he hasnt proven anything..he isnt a good fielder

There are some questions about Kinsler, but he's still considered a young player and we gave him a decent contract so I think he's the 2nd baseman for some time.

and for blaylock????to say he is in the bottom half of fielding is wrong...he had the longest errorless streak in ranger history..

It's not me. Look at the link I posted. Hank is not in the top half of defensive 3rd basemen. The numbers don't lie.

now hiw hitting is so overrated..if u throw 10 fastballs on the outside part of the plate he hits one and its probably foul....keep kinsler for another year or two...keep young as the captain of the team and get rid of hank and his homies

You and I are trying to get to the same place.

04-03-2008, 12:46 PM
u can look at numbers all day but i promise you hank is a solid defensive 3rd basemen and mike is even better...hell their infield is pretty damn solid there real problem is pitching in that horrible designed ballpark

04-03-2008, 12:53 PM
Lets keep in mind, that over the last 4 years, the Rangers are 27th out of 33 teams in fielding % as a team. So sombody is making those errors.

I'm a fan too, but lets not overrate our guys. There's a reason why we've been in last basically forever.


04-03-2008, 12:53 PM
Baseball America's Projected 2011 Lineup:

Catcher Taylor Teagarden

First Base Jarrod Saltalamacchia
Second Base Michael Young
Third Base Chris Davis
Shortstop Elvis Andrus

Left Field Engel Beltre
Center Field Julio Borbon
Right Field Josh Hamilton

Designated Hitter Ian Kinsler

No. 1 Starter Eric Hurley
No. 2 Starter Neftali Feliz
No. 3 Starter Michael Main
No. 4 Starter Blake Beavan
No. 5 Starter Brandon McCarthy

Closer Kasey Kiker

LINK (http://www.baseballamerica.com/today/prospects/rankings/organization-top-10-prospects/2007/265568.html)

04-03-2008, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by coach
u can look at numbers all day but i promise you hank is a solid defensive 3rd basemen and mike is even better...hell their infield is pretty damn solid there real problem is pitching in that horrible designed ballpark

So you don't care what the numbers say?

Does that apply to other positions? So just because the pitchers ERAs were north of 5, they're still good pitchers regardless of the "numbers"?

Baseball, moreso than any other sport, I think the numbers really do matter because there are so many games played, so many at bats, so many pitches, etc.

As I said in my last post, over the last 4 years, they are 27th out of 33 teams in fielding %. That's with a gold glove 1st baseman in Tex. Somebody is making those errors!?

04-03-2008, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by Macarthur
So you don't care what the numbers say?

Does that apply to other positions? So just because the pitchers ERAs were north of 5, they're still good pitchers regardless of the "numbers"?

Baseball, moreso than any other sport, I think the numbers really do matter because there are so many games played, so many at bats, so many pitches, etc.

As I said in my last post, over the last 4 years, they are 27th out of 33 teams in fielding %. That's with a gold glove 1st baseman in Tex. Somebody is making those errors!?

Have you looked at their outfield over the last four years? Absolutely dreadful. Also, we had the human error machine known as Alfonso Soriano at second for half that time. Now, I'm not disputing that Michael had more errors than some of the "great" defensive shortstops, but I wouldn't go pinning the team's defensive troubles on the right side of the infield.

Blalock's numbers the last two seasons are deceiving, because he played hurt through 2006 and eventually got things fixed late in 2007. I'm still holding out hope on him before just throwing him to the curb. He's looked excellent in the first three games of this year, even defensively now that he had his lower rib removed.

04-03-2008, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03
[B]Have you looked at their outfield over the last four years? Absolutely dreadful. Also, we had the human error machine known as Alfonso Soriano at second for half that time. Now, I'm not disputing that Michael had more errors than some of the "great" defensive shortstops, but I wouldn't go pinning the team's defensive troubles on the right side of the infield.

The outfield simply can't account for that many errors. They get a fraction of the opportunities the infield gets. Soriano was bad, but lets not forget Kinsler had one of the worst fielding years a ranger 2nd baseman has ever had with 35 errors.

Again, much of the "critique" of Young is not necessarily errors. He doesn't make that many. The main critique is that he doesn't get to as many balls as most SSs.

Blalock's numbers the last two seasons are deceiving, because he played hurt through 2006 and eventually got things fixed late in 2007. I'm still holding out hope on him before just throwing him to the curb. He's looked excellent in the first three games of this year, even defensively now that he had his lower rib removed.

I'm not saying throw to the curb. I think if he starts the season well, he would have some trade value.

Look, I think you can win with all these guys, especially Young.

All I'm saying is that there is some really highly regarded youth coming. Right now may be too early, but 09 might not be. And I'm also trying to get some folks to look at the Rangers realistically. There is a reason why this team has been bad, and it's not all pitching.

Silverback 04
04-03-2008, 01:30 PM
Everyone knows the Rangers problems begin with starting pitching and ends with defense. Anybody that has seen the first 3 games and the 4 errors knows that MLB players aren't supposed to make those kinds of plays. I think and hope they will have a good year, however, I don't think it will amount to a hill of turds cause the Angels are gonna win at least 90 games and that means at the very best a 2nd place finish in the west. Add that to Detroit, Boston, New York, Toronto, Cleveland.....anyway you get the picture. Once again I think I will be resigned to watching the Rangers play only 162 games.

PHS Wildcats
04-03-2008, 07:47 PM
Originally posted by SintonFan_inAustin
not yet, because the Rangers are in F I R S T

I'll give them until the end of April, then, they'll be done:clap:

04-03-2008, 10:36 PM
Good news! Nelson Cruz cleared waivers!

04-04-2008, 10:06 AM
Originally posted by kepdawg
Good news! Nelson Cruz cleared waivers!

That's fantastic news to Redhawks fans...I hope we don't see him in Arlington ever again, personally